Heart to heart

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To say I was feeling embarrassed was just the tip of the iceberg. I had to be carried away, crying, red faced In front of an audience and I hated every second of it. It made my skin crawl and I wanted to leave this place that started to feel more and more like a prison.

I had bolted from Blake's arms the moment he gave me time to freshen myself up and locked myself into our bedroom. I had taken a shower and changed my clothes. I had even packed a bag, ready to go without even giving him a chance to explain. I kicked a chair out of frustration and watched it explode in pieces when it connected to the wall. I took a step back in surprise and sat on the bed looking at the splintered wood. I'm loosing my sanity here, what the hell is going on!

The bedroom doors slammed open and there was Blake panting away. "What's wrong?! What happened?!" He patted me over and I just blankly stared at him until my eyes blurred and the tears started streaming down my face. I felt broken, I had never felt this pain before. Betrayed by the one you love, how that can shatter you completely. It's frightening and numbing at the same time. How will I carry on....I don't even care if I do as long as the pain goes away. It only goes away when I think of nothing it all. Just empty, void, not a single emotion just turn them all off....

I placed my hand on my cheek and looked up at Blake with shock. Why would you....what was that for. I could still feel the tingles he had left behind and rubbed my cheek softly to make the feeling go away. My eyes locked with his and I flinched away when his hand came towards me. I could feel his hurt flood me but I opened the connection back up and I could see the shock in his eyes and his jaw clench.

"I only kissed your cheek because I could see you shut it off. You can't do that sweetheart that is to dangerous, not just for yourself but everyone around you." He stood up slowly and moved to sit next to me on the bed. I wanted to scoot away but his hand on mine stopped me and made me look at him.

"I owe you an explanation for the things that I know and can share......there are other things happening that even confuse and shock me. So I understand why you are doing this even if I can't really understand it completely, unless you tell me." I shivered and pulled my knees to my chest, I needed to be hugged but I wasn't ready to be touched by him. That would send me over the edge. I guess he took my fetal position as the sign to talk and I could do nothing else but listen and hope that he was being truthful to me.

"I can tell you honestly that the fact that I know another Gennavive is because of my father introducing us. I have known her since I was ten years old. We are friends, yes we briefly dated but for me it never meant anything more then a teenage crush, at least from my side that is." He let out a sigh and turned his body to face mine.

"Gen I haven't seen her for at least five years so I was just excited to catch up with her. She is like a sister to me and I honestly was just excited to see her, I didn't mean for you to feel left out. I'm sorry I handled it the way I did but you have to see that you went a little overboard with your reaction." I send him a look and he send me one right back.

"How was I suppose to know Blake, you forgot I existed and never told me anything even after speaking to her. So please enlighten me on how I'm to blame for that?!" I squeezed my arm to keep myself from crying and blinked the tears away quickly. He was telling the truth or the truth how he saw it, for now.

"And yes I agree that it's weird that you have the same name, maybe that's coincidence or maybe I'm just naive about it. I just don't understand how you can block me and why you are so strong. I know you are just as surprised as I am about that. Maybe something bigger is going on her then we know but I can honestly tell you, I have just as much information on that part as you maybe even less. " he let himself fall backwards onto the bed and let out a sigh.

"I don't know what to do or say to make you feel better. I haven't lied to you, I truly do love you but if we don't work this out now then how are we suppose to move on from this. We are suppose to be a team and have each other's back and we can't do that if there is no trust." I had left the connection open so he could feel my anger grow at his words.

I snorted out loud and a soulless chuckle left my mouth. "Trust.....trust is earned Blake. You know my history and you try to tell me I should trust you because you haven't lied to me? Maybe you didn't lie but you hid things from me, forgot to mention things or whatever you want to call it. You ignored me and forgot I even excited for the first time since I met you, yet you claim that I'm the one, you love me and think of only me." I sounded cold and detached and it honestly frightened me a little even though I knew I had a fair point.

"So yeah maybe I didn't wait for the explanation like you say but for me that felt different. The connection between us even felt different, I can't really explain it but it scared me to my core. You want to know the sad part Blake?" I asked him while I looked at him with all the hurt in my eyes.

"You were the first person I actually trusted and know I don't even know if I can anymore."


That's it for now, I know some will say she is taking this overboard but like she said, she was alone and on the run and everything went to fast. Here are the consequences so let's see how they will deal with it.

It's breaking my heart a little to be honest, but we shall see where this goes. Until next time.....I'll read ya later :)

P.s. Sorry for any mistakes :) I'll edit it all later :)

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