Calm before the storm

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"Hey, Gen! Genny wait up." I heard Devon call. I was in a hurry but I turned around with a smile on my face to face a panting girl gasping for air. She was very cute with her big green eyes and red curly hair, freckles and a petite body with curves in all the right places. She was a sight to see even tough she was oblivious to all the attention. "What's up Devon?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Ugh, I hate it when you do that, it's not fair I want to do it to." She said with a frown on her face. I chuckled at her response. "If that's all then I need to go Devon, places to be people to see." I said with a sigh. I loved the girl but darn she could talk and talk and talk.

"No, wait Gen! Always so impatient." She muttered under her breath. " I heard that!" I said with a smirk. Her eyes widened a bit but she quickly got to the point. "Sorry, but I need your help." She said while biting her lip and grabbing my arm. "Is everything ok? Is Lisa making your life hell again!" I growled out while trying to locate the evil troll. A soft giggle escaped her plump pink lips and I turned to look at my only friend. "I love your protectiveness but no that's not it." She said with a small grin. "Then what is it D! Get to the point please!" I said while rubbing my face. I felt really antsy like I was being watched, but then I saw the evil troll glaring our way so I shrugged the feeling off. "Troll lurking really is an art" I muttered under my breath knowing D wouldn't hear me.

"Ok, ok, so Weston asked me out and I really really need you to do the girly best friend help me get ready thingy.....please.....!" She asked while blinking those Forrest green eyes at me. "That's it? Who is Weston again?" I said with a teasing smile. She smacked me on my arm and squinted her eyes at me. "Not funny! You know what a big deal this is for me!" She said with desperation clinging to her voice.

"Yeah, I know." I said with a sigh. "So when is this date happening." I asked with a soft smile. "Ok so tonight and we are going to that Italian place in town and then to the movies and maybe for a little walk after at the lake." She said with a dreamy look in her eye. I was happy for her, she needed someone after I was no longer able to stay here and Weston was a great guy he would look after her. I felt a pang in my chest when I tought of leaving my dear D, but I needed to leave I already stayed here longer then I should. She was snapping her fingers in my face and I softly pushed her hand away. "So Italian, movies and a walk. That's sounds nice. What do you feel like wearing? Do you want to go to your house now? What time is he picking you up?" I asked her with a happy smile on my face.

D got so excited that she pulled me in a tight squeezey hug. I started laughing at my funny best friend and squeezed her right back. She pulled me to her car and we were on our way to her house while she kept on talking away about all her ideas and excitement. She made me happy just by being who she was. Always bubbly and positive and so naive. I needed that in my life. D made me forget about all my problems and my fears and I could just escape my reality for a bit. I was greatfull for her she made my heart lighter by being my friend. I was surprised she even came up to me the first time we met. I Wasn't the happiest or brightest person to be around and definitely not the safest. So I tried to stay clear of any social encounters and just finish my high school year and be done so it would be easier to find jobs and housing. But my dearest D had different plans, she didn't take no for an awnser and somehow worked her way into my life and into my guarded heart. I smiled at her horrible attempt of singing along to a Taylor Swift song that came on the radio and just silently thanked her for being the change that I needed in my life. She made me less fearful and happier and gave me a reason to trust and believe in the good in people. I still had a hard time with life but she made me better and I would be forever grateful for that.

We finally pulled up to her house that was surrounded by dense forrest. It smelled like home to me to be do close to nature. I inhaled deeply while being pulled into the confines of her lovely home. She bounced up the stairs with me trailing behind. "Mom, I'm home Gen is here and I have a date with Weston!" She squeeld while bouncing up and down inside her moms room. "O honey that's great, I'm so happy for you!" Her mom said while she pulled her in a loving hug. "Well hello there pretty girl! I swear you get more beautiful the more I see you Gen!" She said with a kind smile and sparkling eyes. "Ah, well thanks Mrs V." I said with a shy smile.

"Well you two have fun preparing and after your date we need to have a girls night so you can fill me in on all the details! Your welcome to join to Gen." She said smiling. "Awesome mommy and of course Gen is coming! I'm so excited I need to go figure out what to wear and stuff. I'll see you later tonight then." D said while giving her mom a kiss on the cheek. "Bye Mrs. V see you then." I said with a smile on my face. "Thanks for taking care of my sweet little Devon your a good friend." She said while giving me a quick hug. I was shocked at the sudden show of effection and felt my eyes tear up a little. "Thank you Mrs. V I wouldn't know what to do without having her as my friend." She smiled at me and said bye to us and left us to a grueling task.

After er endless outfit changes and improv dance breaks and laugh attacks it was time for me to leave my dear D to her own devices and make my way home. "Thanks Genny for all your help, I'll tell you everything when I get home!" She said with excitement clouding her eyes. "Ok D I'll talk to you then, be careful and have fun and don't do anything you don't want to and if you want me to get you just call ok." I said with a smile. "Of course my dear Genny, I promise and text me when you get home ok." She said while giving me a hug. "Sure." I said while patting her on the back.

I was slowly making my way home. I loved the smell of nature it smells like home, like before, before everything went bad. I took a short cut trough the woods and enjoyed the life around me. I stopped walking and listend to the leaves rustling in the wind and the squirls running trough the trees. Some birds that where having a conversation with each other that sounded like a beautiful song. I let out a sigh and started walking with a content feeling. I felt at peace, little did I know that danger was knocking on my door.

* the first few chapters are fillers to get some action and build up. So please keep reading it gets better every chapter! Thanks for reading 💖*

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This story is purely fictional and is owned by me Heleen Rasser (copyright 2014 © by Heleen Rasser)

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