I need a xanax

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He was totally serious, there was no signs of jokes anymore. I had no words at all, what do you say in this type of situation. O yeah sure I'll get my dress ready right now and meet you downstairs in five minutes?! I just got here a few day's ago and met Blake. I don't even know the guy! Yeah sure the mate bond was there and he was all I could ever hope for in a guy at first glance but what about getting to know someone!

"I..I..I..I don't know if I can do this! This is to much to soon, I just got here...I...I just don't know." I let out a shaky sigh and tears started to blur my vision. How do they expect me to deal with all these things they trow at me. I have been running for my life for 3 years, find out my mom is not my mom, my whole family might be dead, find my mate was suppose to marry some crazy pshyco and now I have to marry him after I just met him two days ago!!! Crazy absolutely crazy. I have a feeling I'm going to be in a straight jacket and a mental hospital in a few more day's.

"I know this is so much and to much but you have to understand I'm doing this for a good reason. You need to be mated to Blake as soon as possible not only because you belong together and your turning eighteen soon. Also Blake told me you overheard his conversation with Harper and you know about the situation. We need to get you married so they can't ruin it and we can make sure a war doesn't break out." His tone was deadly serious and "this is what is going to happen so suck it up" sounding.

He just got up and left me there with a strict nod of his head. Is it just me or is this guy completely bipolar. This whole situation makes me uneasy. Something bigger is going on here and I need to talk to someone who is going to be honest with me. The truth is out there somewhere and I need to know all of it before I even consider having a wedding. As much as I want Blake and believe in all the happily ever after sparkles, I can't stick my head in the sand and pretend that the reality of it all is just churning my stomach. My body was tense and I felt like I was developing a permanent frown on my face. I needed to find my...well my mom and hopefully she loved me enough to tell me what the hell was going on.

For as giant as this place was it started to feel more and more like a tiny prison. I felt suffocated and trapped and the need to run was pumping adrenaline trough my system. I was about to just let it all go and make a run for it when I remembered the fact that I would also be running away from my mom and Blake. My body started aching with longing and my heart was hurting just with the thought of having to leave him behind. I needed to get my act together I have never been a quitter and I have always survived so come hell or high water I'm getting to the bottom of this.

While walking and thinking about the giant vortex my life has fallen into I had not noticed a tan leggy blond storming up the hallway. There were multiple people in this area and I noticed I had walked towards the foyer of the house. She was not ugly but I was definitely prettier then her. Her face was frosted like a crazy birthday cake that had fallen into a glitter factory and then a paint bomb exploded all over it. Her tan was...well it was more like tan-gerine if you catch my drift and her hair looked like straw because it was bleached to the point of no return. I'm surprised it hasn't fallen out yet but the look on her face is the scariest thing I have ever seen. She is out for blood and I'm afraid by the way she is looking at all the girls and asking them if they are the one. She is looking for me and I don't think she wants to make friendship bracelets and sing campfire songs.

She is two girls away from me and after they scurry away after her death glare she is coming for me like a shark smelling seal blood in the water. The cloud of toxic fumes she calls perfume is clouding around me like a toxic waste factory. God did she take a bath in this crap. Her voice is like nails on a chalkboard, her loud squeaky voice is killing my eardrums while she is practically spitting in my face. "Are you her.. are you the "One"?!" She really made quotation marks with her fingers like Doctor Evil in Austin Powers talking about his laser beam. "Eh..I don't...the one for what? I don't think so." I stutter out. I guess she bought it because before I could finish my sentence she is already searching for her next victim.

I feel the need to flee grow in me before someone is stupid enough to blow my cover. I'm pretty much sprinting away at this point and make my way to some small little hallway and run into the first door I see. I quickly close it behind me and lean against it while letting out a sigh. When I open my eyes I can't believe what I see in front of me.

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