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It was intense. I could only feel thats all my body was capable off at the moment. Blake pulled back at some point and I just sat there panting like I had just ran a marathon. I was sitting? I slowly opened my eyes to see Blake standing against the wall a few wide steps away from me panting like he also had finished a long run. His lips where swollen and red and he was staring at me like I was a cupcake he needed to stay away from because he was on a diet. My hand went toward my mouth and I brushed my fingers over my plump lips. It felt like they had a heartbeat of their own and I shivered when I touched them.

"Don't tempt me Princess, it's hard enough to stay here right now when you look so.....devine." my eyes snapped to his when I heard the husky tone of his voice. I could hear the danger and lust in them and visions of him and me with nothing in between us clouded my mind. His eyes turned even darker if it was possible and his stare set my body on fire. "Please be carefull with your thoughts or they become true right here right now." It sounded like a dark and dangerous promise I wanted him to fulfill right then and there.

He saw the glint in my eyes and was walking towards me until he was standing between my parted legs. "I'm on the counter, did you put me here?" I softly said. My eyes windend slightly at the tone of my voice. I sounded husky and breathy like I was seducing him. His hands started to slowly rub my upper tighs and I let out a soft sigh at the feeling.

"What are you doing to me Princess, you are to tempting for your own good. I don't know if I can control myself when your this.....seducing. Your playing with fire." He whispered the words in my ear while he teased and kissed my ear and neck. He was softly sucking at the flushed flesh and when I felt his teeth graze the skin where my neck and shoulder met I let out a strangled moan. His hands squeezed my hips in response and he was slowly kissing my jaw towards my mouth. He had pulled me closer to him so that are bodies where flush against each other with no space for air. His body was hot and warm and I could feel his heart race just as fast as mine. His lips almost reached mine when a booming voice interrupted our little moment.

He pulled away so fast that I almost fell off the counter onto my face. I saved myself from futher embarresment by landing very ungracefully I might add into a weird position with the door handle of one of the cubbies holding me up. I quickly straightend myself out and my face felt like I had taken a nap on the stove while it was on. The booming laughter made me glans up and see Blakes dad standing in the doorway like he was flipping santa claus himself. Holding his belly and clamping down on the door frame to keep himself from falling.

I could understand why he was laughing like a hyena, we were a sight to see. I was looking like a deranged tarzan trying to swing of a cabinet while Blake looked like spiderman without his powers trying to climb up a wall and dissapear. Both our faces red hot with shame and embarresment for the position he caught us in. Could life get any more humiliating I wondered.

I just could not stay here a minute longer and I slowly made my way over to the other door that led to the dinning area and made a mad dash towards it. I could care less if I looked like a crazy person the damage was done either way. I just needed to get the hell out and calm myself down. I was willing to have Blake just...just take...me! Right then and there. If his dad had not come in when he did I would never have been able to eat in that kitchen ever again. A shudder went trough me at the thought of that and my behavior. I was never that girl, I could not believe I was willing and ready to just give myself to him. I just met the guy! This was crazy and I had things I needed to find out. He was hiding things from me and I would not give myself to someone I barely knew and who I might not even be able to trust. This mate bond thing is dangerous and I needed to clear my head and regroup. Blake was lethal to my sanity!

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