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I was calmly walking my way home and noticed it started to get dark. I quickly picked up the pace and sighed in relief when I saw the roof of the cabin I was staying in peek over the tree tops. I ran the last part and quickly trew my stuff in the house. I was upset with myself that I took to long but I was caught up in a peacefull facade and temporarily let my problems disappear. I swore at myself and started my lock in routine. I felt her getting antsy and telling me to hurry up. I started spraying the faul skunk smell around my perimeter after I ran a few miles up and down the road and zig zagged into the woods to hide my sent. I quickly locked myself in the house and checked if everything was locked. I let out a big sigh and I felt her settle in my body. She was still on edge I could feel it course trough my vaines. "I know, I feel antsy to just give me one more day to say goodbye and then we are out of here I promise." I spoke out loud to myself. I felt her disagreeing with my choice but she settled for now and I slowly started checking my emergency pack.

Everthing was there and I put some extras in there. Just in case I also wrote a letter to my dear D explaining my sudden departure and giving her a vague but believeble excuse. Of course D didn't know the truth. Truth would mean death for her, the fact that she was so close to me already brought her danger but after a while I become selfish and wanted to feel how a normal teenage life would be. I had tears in my eyes after writing my letter and quickly whiped them away. I put the letter in a box along with some other things and put it on top of my stuff in the backpack and closed it quickly.

I made some food for myself and quickly ate while hiding away in the basement of the cabin. Everyone thought the cabin was empty and you could see the lights from the road so I had to hide away in the basement so nobody would know I was staying here. I was huddled up on my makeshift bed in the corner close to the emergency exit and I lit up a candle. I sighed to myself and felt the cold and tiredness of my life settle in my bones. I started to slowly drift away and not long after I was fast asleep.

Honey, wake up you need to run! Just like we practiced....please baby wake up!" I felt someone shaking me awake and I slowly opened my eyes to see my mom look at me with wide fearful eyes. "Mom what wrong." I asked with panic in my voice. "Baby they found us you need to run like I told you, quickly now." She said with tears streaming down her face. She pulled the backpack out from next to my bed and started putting my arms trough while pulling me along. "Mommy why just me, why do I need to leave you." I said with tears rolling down my cheeks. "I'm sorry baby there is a lot you don't know, but I need you to trust me and run for your life. Your not safe here anymore. Make sure to stick to the plan I tought you and don't look back. If it's safe I'll find you again baby but for now I need you to run. I love you don't forget that." She whispered while crying and smoothing my hair down and kissing my forehead. "I love you mommy, please come with me." I asked despretly. I heard shouting and loud bangs and howls coming closer to the house. The panick on my moms face got worse and she dragged me out the backdoor. "Run baby before they catch you...RUN!" She said while she pushed me off. I nodded and started to run off and turned around one more time to see a giant tree light up in flames. I heard the desperate cries of my family and screams. I wanted to run back but I needed to stick to the plan. I heard a loud scream and a loud bang and fear clawed at my heart and then she took over and I ran like death was chasing me.....

I woke up in a cold sweat and felt her restless inside me. I took deep breaths and whiped away the tears that had spilled. "We need to go, we need to leave!" She yelled at me. "They are here I can feel them, they found us we need to go!" She growled at me. So I blew out the candle grabbed my backpack and ran for my life. I heard twigs snap and yelling behind me. I still had a change they were to far to catch up if I could run fast enough. She spurred me on and gave me extra strength and we were flying trough the woods. They started to get fainter and after a while all that was left was my own heartbeat thundering in my ear mixed with my ragged breathing. She pushed me even faster we weren't safe yet. To close for comfort. We stumbled out of the dark woods into the outskirts of downtown. A car came towards me and I ran I front of it. The tires screeching when the driver pushed down on the breaks. " are you insane!" The old driver yelled at me. "Please sir I'm being chased please help me!" I cried out. He saw the desperation and fear in my eyes and told me to get in and he took me far away. Safe for now.

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