Chapter 1

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Daniella's POV

I was already beginning to regret my decision. As soon as we walked in, Music was barring off the walls. I recognized the song as 'Hotline Bling' by Drake and couldn't help but shake my head as I noticed women grinding themselves on top of men like their dresses were glued to the guys jeans.

"Isn't this amazing!" Yelled Tia and I agreed to disagree. She pulled Skylar and I towards the bar before letting us look around. The room looked even more packed from this angle. I looked down at my dress and immediately frowned. I said no dresses but of course Tia wasn't having it. Although I couldn't lie, the dress I had on was really pretty. It was a red strapless dress that stopped a few inches under my ass. I had on some black wedges and after much protest, Tia let me wear her black leather jacket.

"Daniella, you want something!" Skylar yelled over the music

"No" she gave me a look and I sighed before looking at the menu.

Frozen Margarita
Bahama Mama
Electric Lemonade
Apple Martini

"I'll take a Bahama Mama, I guess" I told her seeing as it looked like the most innocent.

"Yes! Finally. Live a little" Skylar cheered and I wanted to ask her what it was about but instead kept my mouth shut and smiled. The drink came just as the weekend's song 'Often' blared through the speakers. I took a sip and immediately felt a burn at the back of my throat. It tasted sour but sweet. I blinked a few times before taking another sip and that one wasn't so bad. 

"We should go dance" Skylar says


"Oh come on, it would be so fun. Don't ruin the buzz now" I didn't have time to protest before Tia grabbed my hand and brought me to the dance floor. The DJ mixed the song and 'Or Nah' was the next to play. Tia and Skylar started dancing like crazy and not to much longer there were guys behind them. I took another sip of my drink finally feeling free before mumbling 'Fuck it' and chugging it. Might as well have some fun. 


"Happy birthday JJ" One out of the many girls told me as I entered the club and I shot her my signature smile before saying thanks. Marriah cleared her throat and I fought the urge not to roll my eyes.

"What do you want now Marriah?" 

"Did you see that girl? She was totally trying to get with you"

"Or just being nice"

"JJ can we go sit down" She whined

"We just got here, i'm tryna dance" she straightened her back and put both hands on her hips.

"Yeah well I don't want to"

"Then go sit, i'll be on the dance floor" I removed my arm from hers and headed to the dance floor. Marriah called my name over and over but I ignored her seeing something that interested me. A girl was on the dance floor swaying her hips like Shakira with a drink in her hand. She had no care in the world and I noticed other guys staring at her as well. I moved quick, pushing through the crowd and slid right behind her as a guy tried to do the same. I sent him a smirk before placing my hands on her waist and following her moves. She giggled at my touch before getting bold and turning to face me. I recognized her as Skylar's friend and she grinned before continuing to dance. She had to be drunk. I followed her moves impressed that this was the same girl who looked ready to piss herself after she had bumped into me. Interesting. She dipped low and shook her ass like a professional dancer before grinding against my now hardening groin. This girl needed to teach Marriah some damn moves.  I felt a tap on my shoulder and when I looked I immediately regretted it. Speak of the devil. I let go of Skylar's friend and she turned to face me and smiled. Damn she had a nice smile. 

"JJ I don't want you dancing with her" she looked Skylar's friend up and down with disgust 

"Yo Marriah chill out, alright"

"Look JJ, dance with anyone else just not her" it took me a minute to realize it but then I finally got it

"Your jealous of her" she scoffed as if what I was saying was pure bullshit.

"Why would I be jealous of her?"

"Because she doesn't need to beg to get my attention" I turned my gaze to her I spun her around earning a giggle. "Because she turns me on". If glares brought death I wouldn't even have any remains left with the deathly glare she had just given me. 

"You obviously had to much to drink, so we can talk about this tomorrow" with that she turned on her heels and strutted herself to where her clones were standing. Funny thing is I hadn't drank any alcohol. I brought my attention back to the woman in front of me and she gave me a smirk before taking my hand and pulling me through the crowd. We stood in front of an empty table where they were cheering some girl to go on and she didn't want to do it. Skylar's friend, who I still couldn't remember the name of, climbed onto the table and did some signal to the DJ because he remixed the song 'Bang Bang' by Nicki MInaj with Table Dancer by Keisha Cole. She swayed her hips with the music before dropping low and slowly coming back up. People took out their phones recording but I stood there in pure shock. Where has this girl been hiding?  She started lifting up the bottom of her dress and although I was one of the many guys anxious to see what else she hid underneath that curve showing dress, my mother taught me better than that. I reached out my hand and giggiling she took it and came down. Boo's and curse words were heard throughout the club but after I sent them death glares it was done. I sent the DJ, a personal friend of mine, a signal telling him to cut the music. 

"To anyone who recorded this, make sure that shit is deleted or I swear to god i'll make your life a living hell!" I yelled loudly and most people took out their phones deleting it immediately.  I grabbed one of the guys deleting the video and he started to plead.

"I'm doing it, i'm doing it!"

"Before you delete it send it to me" he nodded and I let go of him before taking her hand and finally leading her out of the club. I pulled her to my baby, my Jaguar XF, and slid her in the passenger seat before jogging to the other side and speeding off into the direction of my house. She better not throw up in my car.


That's it! 

What do you think of JJ's Character?

Yall like Mariah?

Next update in a week and for those Trey Harter readers that update will be later on today. Probably around 7. Love always-Nikki. J

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