Chapter 13

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Omniscient POV

Daniella still couldn't believe it. JJ had kissed her. In front of everyone! Not to mention as soon as they started playing again, JJ was on fire! He was getting shots in left and right, better than he usually was. Everyone on the team was. Everyone except JT. But even with JT's lack of participation, they had still won with a score of 42-25 which left everyone in a good mood.

"Did you see that?" Skylar asked as the game came to an end. "JJ was a completely different person."

"I know," Daniella replied as they came off the bleachers and headed onto the court.

"That wouldn't happen to have anything to do with your little kiss would it?" Skylar asked teasing causing Daniella's face to heat up.

"No, of course not," Daniella replied shyly before changing the subject as a saw a familiar face walk through the gym. "Hey, isn't that Will?"

Skylar watched as Will entered the room and when they made eye contact, he shot her a grin making her stomach flip with excitement.

"Yeah, that's him alright. I'll be right back."

"Tell Will I said hi," Daniella said with a smile as her friend ran off to go be with Will and Skylar flipped her off earning a laugh from Daniella.

Skylar would never admit that she and Will were dating but Daniella knew they were and had been for a long time, she was just waiting for her to tell her. But she knew why her friend had kept it secret. Will's parents had a deep rivalry with their school and didn't even want him associating with people from the north side. But Will was fine with risking his parent's wrath while Skylar didn't want to cause problems.

"Hey, can we talk?" JT said interrupting Daniella from her thoughts. Speaking of problems.

"Yeah, sure. What's up?"

"I just wanted to apologize about what happened the other day at McDonald's. I shouldn't have kissed you but I couldn't help myself. You're just so beautiful." JT said and Daniella blushed.

"Thanks. Look JT I think you should know that--"

"Please say anything except you just want to be friends." Daniella pulled her lips in and he blew out a deep breath.

"Daniella, JJ isn't the guy for you. He's just using you. He's blackmailing you." Daniella sighed as she remembered the agreement she and JJ came up with. Was JJ's kindness still about blackmail?


"Daniella I really like you. A lot. Don't give up on me yet, give me one chance."

"Okay." JT grinned before pulling her in for a hug. "You won't regret this Daniella. I promise you." Before she could respond, he ran off to go talk to the coach leaving Daniella alone to her many thoughts. What had she just done? She didn't get much time to think it over before JJ was making his way over to her.

"Hey, Ella."

"Hey JJ, great game today."

"I couldn't have done it without you," he said wrapping an arm around her neck before Daniella began to feel her cheeks warm up in embarrassment. "You should come to the after party with me."

"I'm good, not really a party person," Daniella replied, her face heating up from the memory of her first party. I was never doing that again, she thought to herself.

"Can I at least give you a ride home?" JJ asked.

"I'd like that."

"Alright great let's go then," he said grabbing her hand and entwining it with hers and Daniella couldn't help the butterflies that had begun swarming in her stomach. They left the school still holding hands until they pulled up to JJ's car and he opened the door.

"Thanks," Daniella mumbled before sliding in while JJ jogged to the other side, hopped in and drove out of the parking lot towards Daniella's house.

"So I have a question, why don't you have your license?" JJ asked keeping his eyes on the road and Daniella shrugged.

"I have my G1 I just never went for the actual driver's test."

"How come?"

"My dad never had the chance to take me out since he was really busy with work so I never went."

"Really?" JJ asked sneaking a glance at her and she nodded before focusing her attention on the scenery they were passing.  "You should let me teach you."

"I couldn't ask you to do that JJ."

"Good because your not, I'm volunteering and I still need another 8 hours of volunteering," he said as the car came to a stop in her driveway and Daniella knew she was beaten.

"Thank you," Daniella said with a smile before opening her car door and heading to the front door. She was about halfway down when JJ yelled to her.



"Do you want to go on a date with me?" He yelled back and Daniella fought the excitement that wanted to cross her face. "To make Mariah jealous of course," he added with a grin and Daniella felt her smile slowly dropping.

"Yeah, of course. Sounds good," Daniella muttered before heading up the rest of the steps and into her house. Shaking her head, she leaned against the door while JT's words circled her mind.

Daniella, JJ isn't the guy for you. He's just using you. He's blackmailing you.

Now if I could just remember that, Daniella thought to herself with a sigh.  If I could just remember that...

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