Chapter 19

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I was having the greatest dream ever. I was watching myself get married, everything in front of me looking absolutely perfect. I was in a gorgeous strapless white dress with a slim fit at the top and a ballroom blowout past the hips. I walked down the isle, a smile on my face and my held high as I made my way closer to my husband whose face I had yet to see. In the crowd was my entire family, even my mom was sitting in the front row, her eyes filling with tears.

Finally, I stood in front of my soon to be husband and when he lifted up the veil, I was shocked to see it was JT. That's definitely not who I was expecting. The wedding continued, the pastor saying the usual ceremony speech until a commotion broke me out of my trance. JJ stormed through the front doors of the church, his face dripping with sweat and his basketball jersey clinging to his body. Members of JT's family tried to hold him back but it didn't stop JJ's yelling.

"Don't do it Daniella! Baby don't marry him. I love you!"

"What the hell man!"  JT yelled, his jaw clenching in anger.

"I'm sorry man but I love her and I need her."

"Too damn late she's mine."

"She hasn't said I do yet," he shot back before he faced me, his face softening. "Daniella, I love you. Your my everything, please don't marry him." I opened my mouth to reply when JT grabbed my hand, catching my attention.

"He doesn't care about you Daniella. Your just toy to him."

"Stop lying to her!" JJ yelled angrily, struggling to break free from JT's family members.

"So what's it going to be Daniella?" JT asked with a smile and as I opened my mouth to reply, it started to rain. Why was it raining in a church? 

"I choose... I choose..." I started.

"Daniella wake up."

"What?" I finally muttered confused.

"Wake up Daniella!" A familiar voice yelled before I was struck with a pillow. One by one my eyes opened, JJ's face being the first thing my eyes landed on.

"What the hell are you doing in my house, JJ?" I mumbled slightly annoyed.

"Driving 101," he said with a grin and I rolled my eyes.

"It is 8am in the morning on a Sunday."

"Which is the perfect time to drive," he replied with a grin and I shook my head before sliding out of bed and grabbing some clothes before turning to him.

"Could you wait outside please?"

"Yeah, of course," he said heading to the door before stopping and pulling me into his arms, giving me a small kiss. "Can't forget to give my girl her morning kiss. Don't take too long okay?"

"Okay," I muttered, still in shock. Were his lips always that soft. Shooting me a grin, he exited the room leaving me to my thoughts. That boy was going to be the death of me. Pulling off my long tee and shorts, I changed into a simple black romper with a blue jeans jacket before styling my hair into a simple bun. Heading into the bathroom, I did my usual morning routine, making sure once I was done I had applied lipstick before rushing down the stairs to meet JJ who was waiting patiently.

"You look good."

"Thanks. Let's go driving, shall we?" I told him and he nodded before following me out of the house and opening my car door. Sending him a smile, I slid into the car and watched as he made his way to the passenger side, hopping in.

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