Chapter 15

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I was sitting at home watching how I met your mother reruns when my phone started buzzing. JJ. I ignored the call and attempted to focus on the show. Keyword: Attempted. The phone started to ring again but this time it was from JT. What was wrong with these boys? Putting my phone on vibrate, I tried to get back into the show and I was almost there until the doorbell rang. I swear to god. Getting off the couch, I rushed to the door and swung it open. 


"Nice to see you tell Ella," JJ said with a grin and I rolled my eyes.

"Can I help you JJ?"

"Actually I'm here to help you. It's driving lesson day."

"JJ all I want to do is watch my reruns of how I met your mother and relax," I told him and he shrugged. 

"Well, I came all the way over here so sucks. Now go get changed unless you want to drive in shorts and a tank top," he said raising an eyebrow at my appearance and I shot him a glare to which he chuckled at. Asshole. Rolling my eyes, I headed up the stairs and once I was in my room I quickly changed. Throwing an Adidas jacket over my tank top and pulling the track pants over my hips, I was ready in a matter of minutes. Now it was just my hair. I grabbed a brush and struggled, trying to brush out the tangles but soon gave up and just threw it into a ponytail. I was ready. Rushing back down the stairs, JJ stood at the door waiting patiently and when he saw me, he smiled and I couldn't help the flutters in my stomach.


"Yup." I followed him outside and JJ threw me the keys to his car before hopping into the passenger seat while I got into the driver's seat.

"Alright, Daniella what's the first thing your going to do?" JJ asked and I buckled my seatbelt. "Perfect."

"Now fix my mirrors?" I asked and he nodded. I fixed my mirrors before starting up the car, making sure I was in drive and the emergency break was up before looking behind me to make sure the coast was clear.

"Alright let's go," he said and I pulled out of the driveway before beginning to drive. I had my hands on the wheel at ten to two and my eyes were focused on the road. "You're a natural."


"Alright make a right at this light," he said and I moved into the right lane before making a right turn.

"Your doing great." I smiled at his compliment and opened my mouth to thank him when my phone started vibrating.

"Can you answer that?"

"Sure." JJ grabbed my cell phone and answered the call.

"Daniella's phone... Oh what's up JT?.. She's busy right now, can I take a message?.. Not my problem... Later," JJ muttered before hanging up the phone.

"What happened?"

"Nothing, he's just jealous that your spending time with me but it's like he keeps forgetting we're dating." JJ said and I felt my heart start to speed up. "Well until Marriah can admit what she did wrong." And there it went.

"Yeah. You know what, I think I'm done for today."

"But we just started," JJ said frowning and I made a quick U-turn before replying.

"I don't feel well," I lied easily and he nodded.

"Alright then. Let's get you home." The drive back was filled with an uncomfortable silence and the only thing that was running through my mind was, did JJ really like me or was he just using me for blackmail? 

Soon enough we were back at my place and I took a deep breath before handing JJ back his keys.

"Thanks again for taking me driving."

"Anytime, so are we still on for our date on Friday?" He asked and I bit my lip.

"Yeah but let's make it a double date. You and me, Skylar and Will. It'll be fun," I said with a forced smile.

"Uh yeah, sure. Sounds like fun."

"Alright great. 7?" I asked as I slid out of his car.


"See you there then."

"See you there."


"Will, stop!" I said laughing as Will tickled my sides. We were at his house watching his favorite movie when he randomly started tickling me.

"Say you love me?" He bargained, stopping for a second and I rolled my eyes causing him to continue.


"Skylar!" He mocked before giving me a peck on my cheek. "Say it."

"Fine. I love you," I grumbled out and he grinned before letting me go. Rolling my eyes I grabbed one of the pillows on the couch, smacking him with it before I snuggled up against him. "This is nice."

"Yeah it is but you know what would be better, me taking you to an actual movie theatre and on an actual date."

"But I like this. Us being in our own space," I told him, taking his hand into mine.

"You know what I mean Skylar, when are you going to let me take you on a real date?" He asked before my phone went off signalling I had gotten a text. Grabbing my phone, I unlocked it and noticed it was from Daniella.

Double date.

You. Me.

JJ. Will.

Friday. 7pm

Be there!-Daniella.

"It means that much to you?" I asked and he nodded.

"How about a double date then? Daniella just invited us," I told him, handing him the phone so he could read it and he sighed before running his hands through his braids.

"I don't know Skylar, I wanted to spend our first real date alone. Just me and you."

"And we can. After we do whatever those two have planned you can whisk me off wherever and we can finish our date. Deal?" I offered and he contemplated the offer for a few seconds before kissing me to confirm it.

"You owe me."

"Add it to the tab," I told him before pulling him in so our mouths were only a few inches apart. 

"What am I going to do with you?"

"Kiss me hopefully," I said biting my lip and he grinned.

"Your wish is my command." 

And he did just that...

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