Chapter 12

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Daniella's POV

I scrolled through the photos of my mother slightly smiling at how confident she looked while sitting beside Oprah. Yeah, the Oprah. She had also met Nelson Mandela, Ne-yo, Beyonce and Maya Angelou. She was that big of a star.

"Ella baby?" My dad yelled knocking me from my thoughts

"Yeah dad?"

"Someone is here to see you"

"Alright, coming" sliding off the bed, I grabbed my phone and headed downstairs to see JT and my dad laughing with each other. JT?

"Hey JT, what's up?"

"Well i didn't see you at school so I thought I should come check on you"

"Awe that's really sweet of you but I just wanted some time to myself"

"That's understandable" he mumbled sticking his hands into his pockets and shifting nervously. "So um, if you want I was thinking that maybe we could um, grab something to eat"

"Sure sounds good, is that cool dad?"

"Yeah go ahead, be back before curfew"

"Alright then we can head out now" slipping on my coat I followed JT out the house and into his car. The drive to get food wasn't long and we had pulled up to the bright yellow mcdonald's in no time.

"I thought maybe since you didn't want to see anyone we could just eat here. If you'd prefer somewhere el--"

"This is perfect. Come on let's grab some food"

"Alright" he slipped out the car and came around to open my door before leading me inside and ordering our food while I grabbed a booth. I looked around the resturaunt at kids with their fathers and mothers and smiled at how happy they looked. Gosh I wish I had that for a little longer. But I had my dad and he tried which was all I really needed.

"A big mac combo alright?"

"Just perfect" I said with a small smile before he sat beside me and handed me my food. I immediately dug in not bothering to act like a 'proper' lady as they called it. I was starving and my body was finally letting my stomach enjoy one of my favourite things from McDonald's.

"Damn girl, it ain't going anywhere"

"With my luck, it'll grow too legs and walk away" I mumbled louder than expected and froze when I noticed he heard me but as sensing it was bothering me, he switched the topic.

"So baby moms, when can I see my kid?"

"Whenever you come over"

"Alright" he turned to face me before chuckling. "You have something on your shirt" he mumbled pointing to it

"Oh my gosh, that's embarrassing" I looked down and he flicked my face up with his finger before grinning. "Real mature"

"I'm sorry I had to do it but come here"


"Because I've been dying to do this" he gripped both sides of my face in his hands before bringing our lips together to one. My eyes widened in surprise as he moved his mouth against mine softly caressing my face. What the hell? Before I could think more about it, his mouth was ripped off mine and JJ stood there, with his jaw clenched and his eyes narrowed will glares that could kill. And yet he still looked gorgeous. Focus Daniella!

"What the hell man?" JT yelled pushing JJ back

"The fuck you doing kiss her man!"

"Were feeling each other, why is it your business? Yall ain't even dating forreal!"

"Ella, you like him?" JJ asked me ignoring him and I bit the sleeve of my sweater showing how nervous i was. I wasn't completely sure how I felt about JT but I knew JJ made me feel amazing. God Daniella say something they're waiting.

"I um.. I.. Well I"

"Forget it!" He mumbled before pushing JT my direction and storming out. Shit.

"Sorry about th--"

"Take me home" he opened his mouth to argue but once he noticed how flustered and nervous I was he nodded and grabbed our stuff before taking me home. What a day.


"JJ, what the hell! Get you head in the game boy!" The coach yelled after JJ as he missed another easy lay-up as Skylar and I sat in the stands watching.

"I wonder what's up with JJ's game. He's never missed this many lay-ups and this game is so important." Skylar said out loud and I bit lightly on my nails as I watched him snatch the ball from JT and dribble up court and miss.

"What the hell Jackson!" The coach yelled but JT paid him no mind as he went and pushed JJ for snatching the ball until the two begun throwing fists and the refs began blowing there whistles and having coach come on court. That was never good.

"Jackson! Trainer! Come here, Now!" The coach yelled finally and JJ slumped his way to the bench before angrily slamming down his body onto it.

"This won't be good and we can't lose this game." I nodded agreeing before swallowing my pride and heading over to where the coach was screaming at the players.

"-I don't know what the hell is wrong with you boys but you better fix it right now because as soon as you step on that court we are a family. Like it or not. Now get your shit together!"

"Coach" I mumbled lightly and when the coach saw me his expression softened. Obviously he was one of the few who knew about my mother.

"Yes Daniella?"

"May I speak to JJ?"

"Will it improve his game skills?"

"Yes sir"

"Then by all means, talk his ears off" I nodded before grabbing his jersey and tugging him away from the team and the constant stares of the teammates.

"JJ, what's up?" Like I expected he didn't say a word to me and I sighed. "Come on you know I hate the silent treatment" Silence. "You know what, fine, be mad at me. Go ahead. I don't care. But don't let your feelings for me be the reason you let the whole school down."

"Whatever" he finally mumbled before standing up and surprising me by hugging me. "One question"


"Are you and JT seriously feeling each other?" I shook my head 'no' before finally speaking.

"I only see him as my friend"

"Good" he placed a kiss on my lips before sending me a wink and hurrying off to where the coach stood there watching nervously. I sent him a thumbs up and he looked relived before I brought my hand up to my tingling mouth. He kissed me.


Gosh I know. WHERE WAS MY ASS! I'm late and just tired but although this was supposed to be out tomorrow I wanted to give yall it today. I appreciate you guys so much and this will get better. When. I have no damn idea. But it will. But until then thank you for sticking with me.


Daniella finally sticks up to Marriah

Marriah realizes something which will ultimately change the game

JJ makes a dumb decision

All I'm revealing I know I'm mean but I'm tired and haven't even stared my homework. Let me know what you think though and love you guys. SEE YOU SOON MY NIKS.-Nikki. J

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