Chapter 5

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So this is the second update for the day because in honor of my first book, Love and Basketball I wanted to do something special. So enjoy and tell me what you think of this chapter. 

Daniella's POV 

"Psst Daniella" Someone whispered while shaking me lightly and I groaned before turning over. "Daniella"

"Five more minutes dad"

"Ella" my eyes opened slowly and I saw JJ 

"Am I still dreaming?"

"No your not dreaming but you do need to wake up" he took both of my hands and pulled me upright.

"JJ what are you doing at my house? At"- I looked at my alarm clock-"8am on a Saturday morning"

"We need to talk about you being my girlfri---" my hand flew to his mouth to stop him from speaking as I peaked my out to see if my dad was walking past my room door. As I checked to see if he was coming I felt a slimy tongue on my hand and screeched before pulling my hand back. I wiped his saliva on his shirt.

"That's nasty"

"Nope. That's how you get someone's hand off your mouth. Now back to the matter at hand, you being my girl--" I pushed him back on the bed and used a pillow to cover his mouth. 

"Now I'm going to remove this pillow and your not going to say anything else about me being your girlfriend, okay?" He nodded and I slowly removed the pillow. He kept his word and didn't say anything as I went and closed my bedroom door making sure to lock it. 

"Now how the hell did you get in?"

"Skylar showed me your window trick" I smacked my hand against my forehead and he chuckled. "Anyways I'm here for a reason. If your going to be my 'girlfriend' we are going to need to fix you up"

"Woah woah woah, I never agreed to being your fake girlfriend"

"Oh come on, It'll be fun"



"JJ there is no way I am acting as your girlfriend" he sighed before pulling out his phone.

"I didn't want to have to do this"

"Do what?" He clicked on a video before handing me the phone and I watched in horror as the so called shy, innocent me danced on a table like I had seen in the video's.

"Where did you get this?"

"From the club. Everyone was reccording that night"


"Don't worry I made them delete it but I kept this one just in case you wanted to look back or really wanted to know what happened that night but now..."

"But now what?"

"But now it's what I like to call blackmail" my mouth dropped open and he took the phone from my hand. "Look it won't even be that bad, I just need you to ask as my girl for a couple months"


"Look Marriah is jealous of you for some weird reason that I don't understand which makes you perfect"

I knew exactly why she was jealous though.

"JJ I can't do this"

"Yes you can and you will. I called in for some reinforcements"


Tia, Taylor and JJ all stood in front of me with all types of torturous objects. Tia held a curling iron and heels, Taylor held bags upon bags filled with clothing and finally JJ held the worst of them all, makeup. 

"You guys"-I took a step back- "This seriously isn't necessary"

"Oh yes, it really is" 

"What if I promise to go to church every Saturday?" 

"Nope" they said simultaneously 

"What if I do your homework for a week?"


"A month"


"How abo--"

"Your not getting out of this" Tia said finally and I pouted. "And don't even try the puppy dog look".

"Fine but make this quick"

Skylar's POV

I pounded on his door, angrier than I believed humanly possible. It swung open on my millionth knock and he stood there with a towel wrapped around his waist and water dripping from his body.

"What are you doing here Skylar?" I pushed my way inside his apartment still fuming with anger

"You slept with Marriah!"

"If that's what you came here for you can leave"

"Really Will?" He shrugged and I took a deep sign before mumbling 'Fine' and starting to head out. Before I could make it to the door, he pulled my arm bringing my body to his wet one. 

"You are probably the most confusing women I know, you know that"


"You come into my house angry about me sleeping with Marriah after telling me I can sleep with whoever I want, you don't care"

"I didn't come over here about me and I don't care. But you hurt JJ and JJ is a family friend"

"Please you couldn't stand him a month ago"

"Well things have changed"

"Just admit you want me again" he whispered with a voice as smooth as melted chocolate and I felt my legs giving out. 

"I can't"


"You know why" I hissed and he shook his head.

"I can't keep doing this Skylar, you know I'm in love with you" I jerked my arm back at the sound of the word love

"Will you stop saying that?"

"No. Because I am madly and deeply in love with you Skylar" he pulled me in for a kiss and all of my anger washed away. My hands played with his braids as our mouths moved in perfect harmony. I couldn't love him, I wouldn't love him. 

"Let's get back together" he mumbled against my lips and I nodded. "No hiding?"

"Will" he pulled away and I took a sigh. "Will you know how much you mean to me.."

"Do I? Skylar I just want to show you off to the world but I can't because of our stupid school's feud" 

"Will" I took his hands in mine and rubbed the back of his. "Give me three months then we can go public"

"Three months? Skylar we've been hiding our relationship for the last two years, the guys are starting to think I'm pitching for the other team"

 "Fine. One month?" I gave him my puppy dog face and he caved.

"Deal" he gave me a slight peck before helping me off the couch. "You better get going, I know you have cheerleading practise" 

"You and me tomorrow night. Usual spot?"

"Wouldn't miss it for the world" I smiled and waved before heading out. If what I was feeling was truly love then I was in deep trouble. 

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