Chapter 2

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Daniella's POV

My head was pounding, my throat was soar and I felt like my stomach was on a never ending rollercoaster ride. I brought my body up off my bed and instantly regretted it when my head started to ache. What happened last night? I looked around not recognizing my surroundings and when I looked down horror hit me. I wasn't wearing my own clothes. I was in a man's basketball jersey and had on some male boxers. Maybe I didn't lose my virginity, maybe it was Taylor's after all he was on the basketball team. But this wasn't his room. My freaking out was interrupted by a guy groaning and wrapping his arms around my waist. If I wasn't freaking out before I was sure as hell freaking out now. But the guy looked strangely familiar. I tilted my head to get a better view and suddenly remembered where I recognized him from. He was Marriah's boyfriend. I couldn't help but admire his face and not being able to help myself I let my ran run over the smooth features of his face. When I realized what I was doing it was too late because he had grabbed my hand and opened his eyes.

"Do you always touch random people's faces as they sleep?" Embarrassed I shook my head no and he chuckled before letting my hand go.

"We didn't um...we didn't..." the word just wouldn't come out and I could tell he was enjoying watching me squirm.

"What? Have sex?" He teased and I could feel my cheeks getting warm. "We didn't have sex. I don't take advantage of girls" he reassured me and I sighed with relief but there was still one more thing.

"Did you change my clothes?"

"Yes, you threw up on your other ones" Although it was nice of him the blush on my face was more than visable at the thought of him seeing me half naked. "Do you need me to drop you home?"

"Yes please" he got out of the bed and my mouth dropped open at the sight of his naked chest. He chuckled at how shocked my face was before heading into the bathroom. I needed to chill. I ran my fingers through my hair hopping to calm myself down and although it slightly relaxed me it also made me remember I didn't call my dad. He's going to kill me! I searched the bed for my phone but it was no where to be seen. I thought about calling for him but then remembered I hadn't gotten his name. Come on Daniella think. Jalen, Jezery, Jayden, JJ! That's it.

"Um JJ?"

"Yeah" he yelled from inside the washroom as I heard the water from the sink run

"Where's my phone?"

"Top drawer, right side!" I nodded although he couldn't see and opened the drawer. It was filled with boxers and a blush reappeared on my face. I searched through it before I felt the cold metal of my IPhone 6 against my finger tips. I picked it up and turned on the screen, wincing at how bright it was. I had 98 missed calls and 104 text messages between Tia, Skylar, and my dad. I read most of them and they all consisted of the same thing. Where are you, ark you okay?, you better not be dead. I responded to each person message before I heard him come out. He still had on no shirt and when he caught me staring he sent a wink my way. When I looked down he let out a laugh before pulling a white skin tight tee over his body.

"You ready?"

"Yeah" he took my hand and lead me out the house and to his car. He had a White Honda Accord with tinted windows and although it didn't sound like much I was in love.

"Anyday now"

"Right" I slid into the passenger seat loving the feel of the smooth leather seats against my body and looked around. He had a top of the line stereo system and drop down mini tvs in the back of our headrests. He slid in yo the front seat before asking my address and speeding off in that direction. As he drove I kept my eyes on my phone trying not to stare at his gorgeous face longer than needed. He attempted to play some music but then shut it off when he noticed me wincing. Drinking is definitely not my thing. We pulled up to my humble abode and I said a quick thanks before using my key and entering the house.


I opened the door to my french class with a major headache, two Tylenol, a water bottle, and my bag slung across my back. Everyone's attention turned to me and My french Teacher sent me a look full of dissapointment but at the moment I didn't care what he had to say, my head was killing me.

"Miss Myers, your late" Mr. Beaumont, the french teacher,pointed out

"Thank you captain obvious" I mumbled under my breath but when the class erupted in laughter I realised I said that loud enough for everyone to hear.

"Miss Myers take your seat and be quiet" Unlike myself I rolled my eyes and took my seat cursing him under my breath. I popped the to Tylenol into my mouth and chugged them down with some water before waiting paitently for the pounding in my head to finally stop.

"Here drink this" I turned and saw JJ handing me Sunny D. "It helps"

"Thanks" I replied lowly before taking a gulp, handing it back to him and using the back of my sweater to wipe of the remains of the drink from my mouth.

"Have it" he sent me his commercial worthy smile and I rolled my eyes before taking the drink back and placing my head on the table slowly slipping into the land of dreams.

"Daddy why won't mommy come home? Did I do something? I promise I won't take Tia's dolls anymore" a young eight year old me told my dad

"Baby its not you" was all he could say but younger me wanted more information

"Then why won't she come home daddy? Why won't she come home?"

"Baby girl I really don't know. But just know daddy will never ever leave you"

"Miss Myers!" My head flew up and Mr. Beaumont sent me a glare while the rest of the class laughed. "I don't appreciate you falling asleep in my class."

"I don't appreciate you being so boring or loud but I don't interrupt you" JJ busted into laughter with tears starting to fall out of his eyes and I swear smoke was starting to come out the his ears.

"Detention!" He yelled and I winced. Why did he have to yell. He handed me the pink slip and that's when reality started to kick in, I had never in my life ever gotten detention.

"Mr. Beaumont I can't have detention"


"Because i'm really sorry?"

"Sit down Miss. Myers" he replied and I debated sticking my tongue at him but I knew it wouldn't change the situation so I sat.

"Man calm down she had a rough night" JJ said defending me and the whole room gasped including me.

"Don't defend her!" An annoying high pitched voice named Marriah yelled and once again I winced. What was with everyone and yelling.

"Well since you want to interfere Mr. Jackson you have a detention as well, anyone else?" I wanted to say something else but then felt my light breakfast coming up and ran out my seat, out the class and thankfully to the bathroom. As I let out my lunch I heard the washroom door open and someone was holding up my hair.

"You alright?"

"Yeah" I managed to get out before flushing the toilet and washing out my mouth with the sink water. The bell rang signaling lunch and he stuffed his hands into his pockets. "Alright let's get outta here"

He followed me out the bathroom and to my locker as I opened it to grab a water bottle. I was finally starting to feel better when that annoyingly high voice spoke.

"JJ what are you doing here with that?" Considering I had a 4.0GPA if anyone of us was a that it should've been her but I kept that information to myself.

"Aye Marriah chill with that shit."

"Oh, so your defending her now over your girlfriend" he waved her off before paying his attention to me

"I'll see you at lunch, okay?" Suddenly I became a lot more nervous

"Uh sure" he gave me a quick hug before throwing up the deuces and heading off. I couldn't help but smile.

"I hope you know he's only talking to you to make me jealous"

"If you say so" with that I left her standing there by herself wondering what the hell was going on just like I was.

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