Chapter 18

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I was upstairs in my room practicing the new routine for tonight's cheerleading game when my dad called me downstairs.


Grabbing my water bottle, I headed down the stairs and into the living room where my dad was.

"What's up dad-- Aunty Diane?" I mumbled shocked to see her. She was my aunt on my mom's side and lived in New York city meaning she rarely got the time to come down and see us and yet here she was, sitting in my living room looking gorgeous as usual. She was wearing dark blue jeans, a plain black tee, and an army green jacket with Louis V sunglasses and black pumps. Her naturally straight brown hair fell just a bit past her shoulders with a small curl at the end.

"The one and only," she said with a grin before pulling me in for a hug. "It's been so long, Daniella."

"I know right. How long are you here for this time?" I asked curiously.

"Just a few days. I actually came down here to see you."


"Yes, but before business, let's do pleasure. I have your gift," she said handing me a medium sized jewelry box and I squealed in excitement before opening it. Inside was a yellow and black cheerleading uniform, identical to the one Skylar and the rest of the team wore, the colors just slightly faded. I lifted up the top and turned it around to see the last name 'Myers' sewn into the back. "It was your mom's. I know she would've loved to see you out there on that court but since she can't, at least this way you'll have something of hers."

"Thank you," I replied, pulling my aunt in for a hug before placing the uniform lightly back into the box and closing it. "Alright, so now onto business. What's up?"

"Well, you know how I have a friend who works in the new hospital in New York?"

"Yeah, Anthony."

"Well, Anthony just found out from his supervisor that they are looking for full-time interns and that if you do it, it'll qualify as your medical school. Daniella if you do this you could be a doctor by 22," my aunt said excitedly and my mouth dropped open.


"Yes! Daniella this is huge."

"Dad what do you think about this?" I asked looking over at him and he pulled his lips in, thinking of what to say.

"Your aunt is right Daniella, this is really big for you so I'm going to leave the choice up to you."

"Can I get some time to think about this?" I asked and she nodded.

"Yeah of course! But you have to let us know by next month because after that they open it up to the public and everyone is going to want this opportunity."

"I understand, thanks, aunty," I told her pulling her in for a hug. Looking over her shoulder I noticed the clock at it read 5 pm. I had to get out of here. "I have to go get ready for my game, are you guys coming?"

"Of course. I wouldn't miss this moment for anything in the world. Now go upstairs and get ready," my aunt said with a smile before I grabbed her gift and rushed up the stairs. Quickly stripping out of my clothes, I slipped on the cheerleading outfit that seemed to fit like second skin and threw my hair into a bun. Grabbing my bag, I rushed downstairs where my dad and aunt stood, talking.


"Let's do it"


Daniella entered the gymnasium nervous as hell as she looked around, the crowd full and buzzing with excitement. That was a lot of people. Taking a deep breath, Daniella calmed herself down before heading into the female changerooms. Most of the cheerleaders were in there stretching or putting on makeup but since Daniella had done both before arriving, she put down her bag and tapped Skylar on the shoulder who was freaking out over something.


"Oh my god you found it!" Skylar said pulling her into a hug.

"Found what?"

"Your uniform?" Skylar said pulling back. "Someone stole your uniform right before practice and I had most of the team running around looking for it."

"Well, this isn't it. This was my mom's. My aunt brought it down for me as a gift."

"Well she is a lifesaver. I am going to call the girls and you just warm up. You look great by the way," Skylar added before rushing out of the changeroom. Shaking her head, Daniella laughed lightly at her friend's dedication before fixing her ponytail as she ran the moves over in her mind. So distracted with making sure she had the moves down, Daniella didn't realize someone had stood beside her until they cleared their throats annoyed. Turning around Daniella came face to face with Marriah who looked pissed as hell but shocked her more than that was that Marriah was wearing a cheerleading uniform. Daniella's uniform to be exact.

"Looks like they found you a replacement uniform."

"Yeah but it looks like you found mine and even tried it on. Thanks," Daniella mumbled sarcastically. 

"Look, Daniella, this whole trying to be popular thing was cute but now it's over so why don't you leave cheerleading to the big girls, okay?" She said placing a hand on her shoulder and for a minute Daniella thought about doing just that. 



"I'm sorry did you expect me just to let you come in here and scare me off?" Daniella asked before rolling her eyes. "Marriah you aren't scary, your just a bully who doesn't know when to stop so I'm going to help you by stopping you right now. No, I won't give up my spot on the team. No, I won't allow you to bully me anymore and no, that outfit does not look better on you than it did on me. You can leave now." The room bursted into cheer and Marriah glared at her angrily before storming out of the room. The room was still in a cheering frenzy when Skylar walked back in confused.

"What happened?" Skylar asked.

"Oh nothing special."


The game was going really well. JJ was on the court, shooting points left and right and the crowd was as an enthusiastic as it always was. The boys were leading with a score of 27-19 when the buzzer rang signaling halftime. The basketball team took their seats on the bench as the cheerleading team approached the court, lead by Skylar and Daniella. The girls stood in the middle of the court, in a triangle formation waiting for the beat to drop. The song 'Run Up' by Major Lasor had the crowd going crazy as the girls begun their choeography consisting of flips, twists, cartwheels, and popular dance moves. The finished off the routine with Daniella being thrown up into the air before being caught effortlessly by on of the guys and the crowd roared in excitement. People stood up to give them standing ovations, some hooting and hollering but no one was louder than the woman hiding underneath the stands, afraid to be seen, as she cheered for her daughter who was wearing her uniform. The one and only Dede Myers.

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