Chapter 3

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Happy New Year!

An unexpected surprise has 11K Views!!! Thank yall so much! BTW in MM is Will aka Omarion before the beard. Also I know I missed an update so there will be a double update whenever I get the chance.

Daniella's POV

"Let me get this straight. Your telling me you woke up in some random hotel and don't remember anything" Tia said and I nodded. Although it wasn't the complete truth, it was close enough. "That sounds weird"

"Leave her alone" Taylor said and i mentally thanked him. Now that my head wasn't killing me, Tia had made it her mission in life to find out where I was, how I got there, and everything in between.

"Alright alright, but I want answers" she said and I waved her off. I watched as all the basketball players and cheerleaders entered the cafeteria and Skylar made her way over here. JJ looked amazing as usual as he laughed with the rest of the team showing his pearly whites. I noticed him making eye contact and he sent me a smile and a wave and I returned it. Marriah's eyes follow his wave to my direction and I looked down quickly. Skylar plopped down on her seat and took a deep breath turning to me.

"Are the rumors true?"

"What rumors?" I took one of my fries and plopped it into my mouth

"The one about you and JJ having a secret relationship" I started chocking on the fry and Taylor rubbed my back until I could breathe again.


"So he didn't stick up for you in class?"

"Well" I mumbled lowly

"And he didn't chase you to the bathroom to fuck your brains out" my face started heating up and I placed my hands over my face.

"Yes he chased me to the bathroom, no to the other thing" Tia, Skylar and Taylor all started laughing at how embarressed I was and I made a note to self. Get some better friends.

"Oh my god, he's coming over here"


"Just chill" Taylor said and I nodded before turning my attention to him.

"So how was your game yesterday? Sorry I couldn't make it"

"It's cool and it went well. I scored twenty-four points"

"That's what I'm talking about!" I pulled him in for a hug, genuinely proud of him. "Remember when you couldn't play to save your life"

"Oh come on, I wasn't that bad"

"Oh trust me you were" we started laughing when I felt someone slid into the seat beside me. I turned and saw JJ.


"Hey" he grabbed one of my fries and stuck it in his mouth earning a glare from me.

"What?" I motioned for my food and he shrugged before taking another fry.

"JJ" I whined and he chuckled before handing me three crumpled up dollars.

"Here" I smiled in victory and headed to the cafeteria food line. I waited paitently for my food when someone tapped me on my shoulder.



"What did I tell you about staying away from my man?"

"I did. He came to me" she pushed me back into a wall, hidden away from where anyone could see us before giving me one of her death glares.

"Stay away from my man or I will make your life a living hell. Understand?" All the confidence I had quickly faded away and I did a quick nod. "Glad we understand each other". She put on her barbie doll smile and strutted out with me following behind keeping my head hung low. I headed back to my table, no longer feeling hungry and plopped into my seat.

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