Chapter 14

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"What's up baby mama?" JT asked, wrapping an arm around my shoulder while the other held our mechanical child from psychology class. We were sitting in the library, us both having a spare period, while my psychology book was flipped open on the table. 

"Nothing much baby daddy," I said shaking my head before taking Terry from his 'father' and placing him on my lap.

"Alright time for our two-week evaluation. Out of ten what would you give me for responsibility?" I asked JT

"A ten of course. What about me?"

"Well, I haven't seen you throw Terry like a football so a ten for you," I said and JT cleared his throat before mumbling, "You better make that a 9.5."


"I didn't have a football," he defended with a shrug earning himself a smack from me. "Ow! What a violent woman."

"I try," I replied with a cheeky grin before going to the next on the list.


"I think we both can get ten's on that one," JT said and I nodded agreeing. We went through a few more questions before we were finally at the last one.

"Faithfulness to our 'marriage.' I think we can both get tens on that."

"I don't know about that," JT mumbled and I raised my eyebrow in his direction.

"Want to elaborate?"

"I'm just saying I stayed faithful to my wife, I just wish she did the same," he said playfully but I could tell there was something behind those words. He was still upset that I didn't want to date him.

"JT---" I got cut off by my phone blasting 'Perm' by Bruno Mars AKA Skylar's new ringtone. Grabbing it, I quickly answered the call.


"Daniella, can you come to the gym? The team wants to run an idea for a new cheer by you," she said sounding excited and I mentally cheered for the escape from this awkward situation.

"Yeah, I'm on my way now."

"Thanks, your the best," Skylar said before we said our goodbyes and hung up. Packing up my stuff, I avoided eye contact with JT until I was completely packed.

"I have to go but thanks for coming so we could finish the write-up."


"See you around JT," I said interrupting him before quickly leaving the library. The gym was on the other side of the school but the walk gave me time to think. Why was my life so messed up? I had one guy who liked me but I didn't like him and then the guy I like is just keeping me around to get his ex-jealous. Yup, my life could be a walking TV show. 

Opening the gym doors, I watched as the cheerleading team ran over there new routine that consisted of flips, twists, and even popular dance moves and I couldn't help but smile. Skylar was right, this routine was good. They finished with a few girls being launched into the air then the guys on the team caught them effortlessly. I started applauding and Skylar looked up, just now noticing me and grinned brightly before running over to where I stood. 

"So thoughts?"

"I loved it!" I told her and she squealed in excitement.

"See I knew it was good but the girls wanted your stamp of approval. Have you thought about our offer?" Skylar asked referring to me being on the team and I shook my head.

"Still thinking."

"That's fine as long as you don't say no," Skylar said causing both of us to burst into laughter before the bell rung cutting us both off. "Can you stay for practice?"

"I wish but I have detention."

"With JJ?" Skylar asked grinning and I rolled my eyes.

"Yes with JJ and it's not that big of a deal."

"I'm going to act like I believe that," Skylar yelled over her shoulder as she headed back to where the other cheerleaders were taking their water breaks. Shaking my head, I left them to it and headed to my french class were Mr. Beaumont stood glaring at the students who walked by. Why did he even start teaching? He caught a glance at me and his glare, if possible, seemed to get worse. 

"Miss Myers, what a pleasure it is for you to actually show up to your detention."

"I only missed one and the principal excused me for that," I told him matter of factly and if glares could kill people, I'd be six feet under and he would be in a jail cell for life.

"In the classroom. Put your phone on the desk and don't say a word," he muttered angrily and I shrugged before heading in. I dropped my bag beside one of the chairs before placing my phone on his desk and taking my seat. Taking a notebook out of my bag, I started working on the lyrics to a song that I had yet to name. Humming the melody, I sang the song in my head, imagining the beat behind it.

"Whatcha doing?" A voice said scaring the hell outta me and when I turned around I nearly groaned. JT. 

"What are you doing here JT, you don't have detention."

"Well someone told me you did and I didn't want you to go through your first detention alone," he said with a smile and I bit my lip to prevent from smiling. That was sweet too bad he didn't know that I wouldn't exactly be alone. 

"JT that's really sweet bu--"

"Now but's. I'm here and that's the end of that," he said taking my hand into his before the door swung open and in walked JJ looking good as usual. Our eyes connected and he grinned before noticing my hand entwined with JT's and it slowly dropped. Oh hell. 

"Phones on the desk and sit down," Mr. Beaumont said annoyed and JJ nodded before dropping his phone on the desk and taking the seat next to mine. Pulling my hand from JT, I nervously smoothed out my hair before smiling at JJ.

"You came?"

"I wasn't going to make you suffer your first detention alone especially since I'm the reason you got it."

"True," I said before we both started laughing and for a second I forgot about JT. For a second.

"Hey Daniella, I was thinking after this maybe we could grab something to eat?" JT asked.

"I would love to--"

"But she can't. She's already taken. Sorry," JJ said putting his feet up on the desk.

"I don't think I asked you," JT said standing up and JJ stood up right after him, not backing down.


"If you have something you want to say, man, say it," JJ said looking bored.


"What part of no talking don't you teenagers understand!" Mr. Beaumont yelled before clearing his throat. "Now sit down and shut up, you're disturbing the curls," Mr Beaumont said pulling out his curl activator and giving it a spray as he shook his head around as if he were in a hair commercial. The two boys sat down and for the first time in my life, I was thankful for Mr. Beaumont's obsession with an outdated hairstyle.

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