Chapter 10

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Warning: This Update is very boring!!!

Daniella's POV

"Student's we will be starting a new project today in class" My family studies teacher told us and the entire class groaned. "Oh come on, it'll be fun"

"Yeah right" JT, JJ's best friend mumbled under his breath and I couldn't help but chuckle.

"Daniella, JT!" I snapped my head up to face her and she had her arms crossed tapping her foot against the floor. "Since you two seem to like talking you two can be partners for this next assignment which is parenting"

"What!" JT and I yelled together and she smiled

"The class will be given a sheet of paper on your living situation and a baby doll that you have to take care of for the next few months." I groaned under my breath as she handed out the assignments .

"Now work!" JT pulled his chair up to my desk with a grin plastered against his mouth.

"What's wrong, baby mama?" He asked and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Seriously JT"

"It made you laugh didn't it?"

"I guess your right" I picked up the paper from the desk and read it thouroughly. "So you can either be a police officer or a therpist while I'm a stay at home mom"

"I'll be a cop"

"Alright go get our kid"

"Shouldn't you since your the stay at home mom"

"Fine but that means were having a girl" he jumped up and ran to the box filled with dolls before coming back with a boy.

"What should we name him?" I asked

"I don't know"

"What does your intials stand for?"

"Not telling" he said and I shrugged,

"How about we name him Terry"

"Alright, Terry it is" I nodded and the bell rang signalling lunch. I packed up my stuff and headed out the room with JT following behind.

"So how do we wanna work this baby thing out?"

"We'll do alternating weeks"

"Deal, you get the first week" JT said handing me our baby boy and I nodded

"And next week he's yours"

"Alright" I struggled with the baby and JT noticed and took my books.

"Thanks JT"

"Anything for my baby moms" he joked and I rolled my eyes "So after school do you wanna grab something to eat or something?" He asked scratching the back of his nervously and I smiled nervously.

"I would love to-"

"Great, I know this resturant"

"-But I can't" his mouth dropped into an 'O' so I continued "I promised to help JJ with his volunteering after basketball practise"

"I see, can I at least drop you home?"

"Sure" his boyish grin came back and I couldn't help but smile back as we walked the hallways and headed to our next class.

"I'll see you after school"

"I'll be there" He promised before giving me a hug and hurrying off in the other direction just as the bell rang signaling class was about to begin. Shit!


"Daniella, some boy is here to see you!" My dad yelled and I headed downstairs. I hadn't bothered to change, still wearing my jeans and tank top and slipped on my converse.

"Daniella where you headed?" My dad asked surprised and I placed a kiss on his cheek.

"Community centre, doing volunteer hours. I'll be back before nine, promise" my dad's face softened and he opened his mouth to say something when JJ went and spoke.

"Yeah sir, I'll have her back safe and sound" As if the boy alert went off his eyes narrowed and I mentally smacked JJ.

"You better" my dad warned and I noticed JJ's cool demeanor slowly drip away, "Or else you won't like me boy"

"Night daddy!" I hugged him before pulling JJ out the house and down the street.

"Why are we walking?" He asked jogging to keep up with me

"Because it's an amazing day and I refuse to waste gas" he nodded and jogged beside me as we walked a good five minutes before the community centre came into view. We headed inside and signed in as volunteers and went directly to the gym. Kids were already there shooting hoops and JJ began doing his hours while i took a seat and watched him interact. Unsurprisingly the kids loved him and soon enough he had a game going with people laughing and enjoying themselves.

"Is this seat taken?" I looked down and spotted a little girl with long brown hair and a thick book tightly grasped in her hands starring at me. I smiled as she kind of reminded me of myself.

"Nope, it's all yours" she nodded before sliding into the seat and cracking open the book. The thought struck my mind of starting a conversation but I didn't get a chance when someone yelled my name. I looked up and JJ stood there motioning me over. I slid off my seat and headed to the court.

"Your gonna play a game with us alright?"

"Sure, why not?" JJ smiled at my answer causing the butterflies in my stomach to errupt. He checked me the ball and I dribbled a bit before passing it to the boy on my team, we continued the pattern until scores started appearing on the board. I couldn't help but look over to where the little girl was sitting and noticed her watching the game attentively. I motioned for her to come and play and smiled when she stood up and headed our way. JJ then called a time out so everyone could grab a drink as he walked over to me.

"She reminds me of you, you know?" JJ mumbled beside me and I nodded.

"In what way?"

"Well the guys were telling me she's smart, and funny"


"Anytime beautiful" he winked before jogging back to the bench. Whether I liked it or not, I was falling for JJ.


Hey yall! It's been awhile huh? First I just want to apologize because I know I am waaaaaaay late. Honestly writing this story has become more of a chore than something i enjoy but slowly but surely I'm starting to enjoy writing this story so please hang on. But for those of yall who don't want to wait and haven't checked out my other stories, check those out because those will continue to be updated weekly, this one will just be updated Bi-Weekly. I just want to thank you for continuing to read and i promise it will get better. But until then I'll see yall in two weeks (Or Tomorrow and Saturday for those Trey Harter/An Unexpected Surprise fans). Love always my oh-so patient Niks-Nikki. J

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