Chapter 20

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"I'm telling you this is a bad idea," I repeated for the umpteenth time that morning but nobody paid me any mind. As usual. We were back at school and JJ had decided to knock off the first thing on my bucket list. Play a prank on a teacher. The teacher who had the unfortunate future of being pranked was our English teacher. She was annoying and loved to give out homework. Revenge.

"Oh come on Daniella, live a little," JJ said as he unscrewed the screws in her favorite chair. The prank was simple, she would sit down and immediately fall when her chair broke under her but being an amateur prankster made this more uncomfortable.

"And you're positive we won't get caught?"

"Absolutely. And I'm done," JJ said coming up from under the chair. "Now all we have to do is wait. Come on let's take our seats." Following JJ's lead, I sat down right as the bell rung. Students began piling into the classroom as I watched the door waiting for her to enter but to my surprise, Mr. Beaumont, the French teacher from hell, entered instead.

"Oh this is perfect," JJ said leaning over to me and I nodded in agreement. This was perfect.

"Good morning students. Clearly, I'm not your teacher but I will be for today as your teacher decided she was too 'sick' to come to school," he said mocking her sickness and suddenly I couldn't wait for him to sit. "Anyways, today I'm supposed to read aloud the Shakespeare book, Hamlet, but I won't be doing that because that's the problem with you kids. You're spoiled. At 17 years old you should be able to read to your damn selves." He complained as he circled the desk and I bit my lip, my nerves bouncing with excitement. I looked over at JJ who was trying to hide his grin but was failing miserably but at this point so was I.

"And another thing about you students..." Mr. Beaumont started before it finally happened. He attempted to sit on the chair and as soon as his behind connected with the seat, it broke into pieces with him falling into a leap onto the floor, his Jheri curl bouncing with every sudden movement causing the room to burst into laughter. He scrambled to get up but the class was in full out hysteria. "B-Be quiet!" He yelled but no one paid him any mind.

"Whoever is still laughing will be receiving a week of detention with me." The room went deadly silent before JJ put up his hand. "What?"

"Do you want Daniella and I to get the janitor to put the chair back together?" He offered sounding so sincere and not like the man who caused all this trouble. Oh, he was good!

"Yes. Thank you, Mr. Jackson and Ms. Myers. See students, some people have proper manners and weren't raised like crazed animals," he started and JJ and I fought the urge to burst out laughing until we exited the room and couldn't help ourselves.

"That.. was hilarious," I managed to get out as I held my stomach which had started to hurt from all the laughter.

"Wasn't it worth it?"

"Definitely," I said with a smile before getting myself in order. "We should probably get that janitor now."

"Or we could cross off number two on your bucket list, he said motioning to the fire alarm. 2. Pull a fire alarm.

"No way! I meant like on the last day of school when no one cares and I've already gotten my diploma."

"Oh come on, live a little. Besides this hallway doesn't have any cameras so you can't get caught." I debated what he was saying for a second before shrugging and placing my hand on the fire alarm.

"Ready?" I asked and he nodded.

"Whenever you are," closing my eyes, I took a deep breath before pulling down on the lever. The alarm went off almost immediately and I jumped in shock when the fire sprinkles went off, wetting JJ and me almost immediately.

"I can't believe you really did it," JJ said laughing as we rushed out of the hallway, trying not to get caught.

"You told me too!"

"I didn't think you would actually do it," JJ said as we finally made it outside, away from the students who were now lining up outside away from the so-called fire.

"Asshole," I mumbled under my breath causing him to laugh even harder. "This isn't funny, you got me all wet," I complained.

"Let me make it up to you."



"Hey, Daniella!" JT said coming up behind me and I jumped slightly. What was with everyone and scaring me!

"Hey JT."

"So I wanted to know if maybe you wanted to go to prom with me?" He asked nervously and I bit my lip trying to figure out how to let him down easily. It had nothing to do with him, I had just decided to skip prom altogether leaving me in the awkward position of having to turn him down.

"That's really sweet but--"

"She already agreed to go with me," JJ interrupted with a smirk and JT's smiled faltered slightly.

"Really?" He asked me and I just nodded, hating myself for lying to him. "Okay well uh... Save me a dance?"

"Of course," I said, knowing it wasn't true. I wasn't going to prom. 

"Alright see you then," he said with a grin before rushing off to where the rest of the class was.

"Thanks for getting me out of that," I told JJ and he raised an eyebrow in my direction, curiously.

"What do you mean?"

"I'm not going to prom."

"Oh yes you are, I was serious," he said and my mouth dropped open slightly. "Wear something red, it's my favourite color."

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