Chapter 8

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Daniella's POV

It was April sixth. Eight months from the day my mother left, the day of my dance recital, my birthday, and the day she had promised to come back. I had everything prepared. The cards I made her everytime I thought about her, the flowers, any mail that came to the house with the name Dede Myers. Gosh I loved her name. Dede Myers.

"Five minutes until show time" Miss Tunner, the dance teacher yelled to all the eight year olds and we nodded eagerly. Eight year old Skylar and Tia ran up to me as I was stretching.

"You nervous?" They asked and I shook my head no


"How come, your always nervous on show days?"

"Because my mommy is going to be here today"

"oooooooh, okay" they said before we hugged and they ran off to their moms. I couldn't wait to see mine.


We ended in one last move and everyone in the room applauded like crazy. Tia, Skylar and I started giggling at the attention but I continued to look for my mommy. Where was she? I noticed my dad sitting on one of the chairs smiling brightly but he wasn't who I was looking for. After we did our last bow I rushed up to him excitedly.

"So daddy, where is she?"

"Where's who?"

"Mommy, duh. She said she'll be back today" I told him and his smile dropped. He lifted me onto his lap and pushed back one of the strands of hair back,

"Baby girl she isn't here"

"Nuh un daddy, she's here. She promised she'd be here"

"Baby girl she isn't here" tears started falling down my face as I tried telling my daddy that she was here. She had to be here. She had promised...

"Daniella!" Tia yelled and I felt myself coming out of whatever trance I was in.

"What happened?"

"You thought about her" Tia said and I nodded. I had been thinking about her a lot more than usual lately and if that was the case I would have to get my playlist of music that helped me forget.

"Where are we?"

"JJ's, after you wouldn't stop crying and shaking JJ brought you to his house"

"Where's Taylor?" Tia scoffed at the name and kissed her teeth.

"Don't even bring him up. He's the one who caused this"

"Where is he?"

"Outside in the living room, I told him he wasn't aloud in the room"

"Go get him"

"What! Why?" Tia said and I could tell she was growing pissed.

"It wasn't his fault I don't want him feeling guilty"

"Fine" Tia mumbled as she stood up "But let me know if you need me" she walked out the room and about a minute later Taylor stuck his head into the room.

"Is it safe to come in?"

"Yes" He entered scratching the back of his head letting me know he was nervous. I patted the bed and he took a seat.

"You know I'm not mad at you right?"

"You aren't?"

"Nope. I just, I don't like thinking about her."

"I don't want you throwing your life away because you don't want to do anything that'll remind you of her because she played a huge role in your life"

"I know, and thank you for caring so much"

"No problem, you know your my best friend" he said pulling me in for a hug and I hugged him back feeling better. "Alright now come on out"

I hopped out the bed and followed him into the living room. Five guys surrounded the TV with PS3 controllers in their hands. GTA5 was playing on the TV and they were in the middle of the heist. JJ was the main shooter, Taylor was driving, and the three other guys who I didn't know were shooting as well. I slid on the seat beside JJ and I noticed him sneaking looks at me.

"Guys this is Daniella, my girl, Daniella this is Romeo, Trent, and JT" They shot me a quick head nod not taking there eyes of the game and it was silent until JJ's phone rang. He quickly slid the phone out of his pocket and answered it before bringing it to his ear.

"Sup ma?...No... Seriously... Fine, Hey mom, how are you?" JT busted into laughter and JJ shot him a death glare before standing up and handing me the controller. He mouthed 'Play' before he walked out of the room apologizing repeatedly to his mom. I smiled nervously before picking up the controller.

"You know how to play?" JT asked finally looking at me and I nodded before Skylar slid into the seat beside me.

"Of course. This girl is a pro"

"Or really?"

"Yes really" Skylar said with a grin and I just shrugged.

"Let's see what you got lil mama"


"Aye man I'm back sorry about the wa--" JJ's voice slowly dragged out but no one was paying attention.

"Pass the ball man!" I yelled to JT as I used Stephen Curry to drive the court.

"Hold up! hold up!" JT yelled back and once he finally passed, I dribbled down the court and hit that final three pointer. The buzzer in the game rang out and JT and I stood up and high fived each other before he pulled me in for a hug. "Dang girl you got some skills"

"I try" i said smiling

"Damn, I'm gone for twenty minutes and you start flirting with my girl" JJ joked and everyone laughed

"You never know, she may just become mine" JT said and even though he laughed after he kept direct eye contact making me look down.

"I'm gonna grab a drink, anyone else want one?" Everyone yelled they wanted one and I counted seven including myself before heading into the kitchen. I opened the fridge a pulled out a container filled with juice before turning around only to see JT.

"Hey, did you need something?"

"Uh, I thought you might've needed some help, you know"

"Oh thanks" I smiled towards JT before grabbing all the glasses and pouring the juice in them.

"You know, I haven't seen a girl play that good in a long time"

"Play that well" I say correcting him and he chuckles

"Yeah, play that well"

"And thank you"

"No problem" It got silent and just as I was about to break the silence he handed me a piece of paper and took five of the glasses on a tray out of the kitchen. I unfolded the paper and read what it said.

Call me sometime... -JT

I pushed the number into my back pocket before carrying the other two. What a day!

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