Chapter 11

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The bell for french class rang loudly before Mr. B began speaking about how us students were ungrateful and how back in his day students had respect for their teachers. He was on one hell of a rant. I looked beside me to tell Daniella a joke about his hair and frowned when I noticed she had her head down.

"You alright?" I whispered and either she didn't hear or was ignoring me but she kept her head down. "Daniella you okay?"

"Leave me alone" she mumbled under her breath

"Daniella what's wrong, forreal?" She lifted her head up showing her tears and glared hashly at me.

"Leave me the fuck alone JJ!" She yelled and when the entire class got silent and attention was on her, she grabbed her backpack and rushed out of the class, never looking back.

"I knew she would crack under the pressure, you know?" Marriah slid into the seat Daniella had been previously sitting in with a sly smirk.

"What did you do to her?"

"For the first time ever, nothing, but damn do I wish that I had. Did you see how big of a mess she was? She could never be a popular, first step, you never show your true emotions" she began to tsk her before the bell rung out shutting up her rant.

"I better go"

"Like I said JJ, she will never be a popular" Marriah picked up her bags and strutted out of the classroom and I followed her lead keeping my eyes open for Daniella? Where the fuck is she?

"Hey have you seen Daniella?" JT asked running up to me and I fought the urge to get jealous. JT was my best friend and Daniella wasn't even my real girlfriend.

"Nah she ran out of the classroom last period. Why?"

"We had a lunch date planned"

"I see" I turned away from him and headed in the other directions feeling more determind than anything to find her before JT did. I started my search on the second floor of the school going from one classroom to another but had no luck until I heard someone singing a familar tune from the show 'Empire'.

"I just want you to look at me

And see that I can be

Good enough, good enough"

I followed the voice down to the music room and stood at the door watching her fingers dance across the piano as she sang her feelings through the song.

"I just want you to look at me

And see that I can be worth your love

I just want you to look at me

And see that I can be

Good enough, good enough"

"Daniella" The music abruptly stopped and her eyes flung open at the sound of another voice.

"JJ, what are you doing here?" I began moving in closer until I was sitting right beside her on the piano bench.

"I was worried about you, what happened back there?" She didn't answer me at first as she continued to let her fingers dance across the keyboard gracefully

"Today is April 6th, my birthday" although she took a slight pause not saying anything for a minute, I knew there was more to the story. "And today was the day my mom was supposed to come back"

"Come back?"

"She left me. She promised she would return on my birthday. The day of my dance recital. And she was never there. She never came back" Daniella closed her eyes and on instinct she switched the tone and switched the melody as she mumbled another song.

"What is love if you're not here with me?

What is love if it's not guaranteed?

What is love if it just ups and leaves?"

I pulled Daniella into my embrace tightly as she cried into my shoulder. We sat there for a good ten minutes with her clutching me tightly against her.

"Can you take me somewhere?"

"Sure" She took my hand into hers before leading me out of the school and to my car. I unlocked it and she slid into the car before directing me to the community centre. I didn't get a chance to ask why we were here before she took my hands into hers a lead me inside.

"Hey Daniella, the room is ready for you" the receptionist said and confusion hit me. What the heck was going on?

"Come on, were almost there" I followed her to the back of the community centre and she opened one of the last doors and brought me inside. Inside was one of the biggest auditorium's I had ever seen. There had to be at least a thousand seats and one humungus stage. Across the wall were pictures of all the celebrities that had preformed at the centre. The pictures went on and on with people like: Beyonce, Anita Baker, Maya Angelou and so much more but the one that stood out looked like an exact replica of Daniella.

Dede Myers- Dancer, Singer, Songwriter

"Your mom is the Dede Myers" Daniella nodded with a small smile before coming to stand beside me.

"She was one of the greatest dancers and singers that I had ever seen. She inspired me to do anything and everything until she left and didn't come back"

"I'm sure there's a reason"

"I doesn't matter anymore. Look if you have somewhere you need to go you don't have to stay" Basketball practise came to mind but I immediately shook the thought out of my mind. I wasn't about to leave her.

"Nah, I'm good. There's no where else I could imagine being" she smiled widely before taking my hand to show me the rest of the place.


Daniella, Tia and Skylar were all on the stage messing around dancing while Taylor and I sat in the auditorium chairs admiring them.

"Pretty good, huh?" Taylor said and I nodded

"Yeah. There great"

"Let me ask you something"

"Yeah, what's up?"

"Are you feeling Daniella? Like forreal? Or are you just being a good friend?"

"I don't know" I mumbled as my eyes never left Daniella. She spun happily around the stage and I began to smile.

"Well you need to hurry and figure it out because this is my best friend your messing with" I nodded before my phone rang out signalling I had a text message. I pulled out my phone and frowned at the message.

Hey, have you heard from Daniella yet?-JT

I slid my fingers across the keyboard and sent him the message

Nope, She'll show up sometime

I slid the phone back into my pocket and gave all my attention back to Daniella. JT didn't deserve a woman like Daniella.


I'm hella late! I know but in my defense, I published this on Monday and Wattpad didn't post it so... But anyways I owe you guys I update but hopefully this was't too boring. Anyways I hope you liked it and I promise to work on this updating thing but to all Trey harter and Unexpected Disaster fans be on the lookout because between today and Monday you will have another update.Once again sorry about the wait My Niks- Love always, Nikki. J

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