Chapter 9

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Important authors note at the end

Daniella's POV

Meet me in the gym-Skylar

I read her text wondering what the hell she could want as I held the straps of my backpack tightly. I kept my head down and swerved through the horde of people trying to escape through the door and head home before finally making it to the gym. I opened the gym doors and entered watching the cheerleaders go over there moves for the next game. At the sound of the doors opening Skylar's head turned in my direction and her smile grew.

"Daniella!" She yelled while motioning for me to come where she was. I waved to everyone in my passing before I found myself standing beside her. Skylar was in her usual cheerleading outfit and had sweat beating off her face from her intense practise. I handed her my water bottle and she smiled sheepishly before taking a gulp.

"So what did you need?"

"Well the girls and i were wondering if you wanted to join the squad" Everyone's attention turned to me and I suddenly got nervous.


"Look don't say no yet okay? Just think about it"

"Alright, but what about Marriah?" The words barely slipped through my lips before the doors opened and Marriah strutted into the gym with her gucci sunglasses and silver platform heels with a round peep toe. She had on bleached denim shorts and a white crop top that had the words 'Woke up like this' stretched across it. With every step she took her persona screamed 'I have money and i am not afraid to spend it'.

"Alright let's practise now that I'm here but only for an hour because I have to get my nails done"

"Marriah your-" Skylar looked down at her watch "-Twenty-five minutes late."

"Be happy I even showed up" Marriah said flipping her light brown curls over her shoulder.

"You know what, your off the team" Marriah's face grew a smirk as she took a step closer to Skylar.

"Oh really. And who are you going to get to replace me?"

"Daniella" Skylar replied confidently and my eyes widened. I pinched Skylar side but she didn't budge from her glaring contest with Marriah.

"Oh really, I would love to see this happen"

"Then keep on watching because it will" Marriah smiled confidently before she turned on her heels and strutted out of the gym. Once she was out of ear shot I flipped.


"I'm sorry she just really was pissing me off besides this is perfect. To get revenge on Marriah you take her position on the team"

"Skylar this is to much"

"I know I'm sorry. I didn't mean to put you between us but she just irks me"

"I'll think about it and let you know"

"Thanks Daniella"

"No problem" She pulled me into a hug before I left the gym and headed home. I slid my earbuds into my ear and let the beautiful voice of August Alsina's 'Hollywood' serenade me. I was walking for about five minutes before i heard someone honk there horn. Looking over JJ pulled up beside the curb smiling as usual.

"Want a ride?"

"Nah i'm good, thanks though" I said as I continued to walk and he honked me again.

"I want to take you somewhere"


"It's a surprise" I bit my lip debating on whether or not I wanted to take the chance and slowly nodded before heading to the car. I slid into the seats and buckled my seatbelt.


"Yeah" i mumbled trying to sound confident and he smiled before taking off.


"You brought me to a basketball court?" I asked leaning against his car and he nodded proudly.

"You can play well on a playstation but what about in real life" he popped open his trunk and grabbed his basketball before motioning to the court. "C'mon"

"Alright but I'm not much competition"

"Any competition is competition right?"

"I guess" He bounce passed the ball to me and I gripped it in my hands tightly. "First to twenty-one?"

"Alright" I used my right hand and dribbled a couple of times before moving forward and as I slid past JJ he grabbed the ball and ran down the court before hitting a lay up. "Two, nothing"

"Thanks captain obvious" I mumbled and he chuckled before passing me the ball again. I dribbled again to the right and made another attempt to pass him but he grabbed it from the right and dribbled left before hiting another lay up.

"Four, nothing" He passed me the ball and I switched up and as I made my way to the right turned last minute and ran down the court before hitting a lay up.

"Four, two" we continued back and forth scoring on each other until the score was tied at nineteen.

"Next point wins" JJ said breathing heavily and I nodded doing the same. I was physically drained and the sweat that was beating off JJ's face showed he was tired too. He had the ball and dribbled a few times before making his move. I watched his every move copying what he did but still didin't notice when he turned last minute and hit a three pointer until the ball swished through the net with ease.

"Twenty-one" he said proudly before throwing me a water bottle.

"Good game" I mumbled and he smiled in my direction.

"Same" a comfortable silence fell between us before he took my hand in his. "I don't think I told you thank for acting as my girlfriend"

"Oh it's nothing" I mumbled waving it off.

"Nah forreal, I apprechiate it." I smiled in his direction before looking up at the clouds in the sky. There was so much I wanted to say and wanted to ask but instead I just kept the question inside. His hands still enclosed mine and the warmth of it caused me to smile brighter and slightly blush. As long as I can remember this is just for a few months i'll be okay. And rule number one; Do not fall for JJ.


Hey yall. How was everyone's weekend? How are you liking the story so far. Loving? Hating? Let me know. Anyways I need your help. I'm losing inspiration for writing this story and I would love it if you guys could tell me what you want to happen. I would hate to put this story on hold because I have never put a story on hold and I pride myself on not having to. So with that being said what do YOU want to happen.

What would you like to see happen?

Daniella and JJ go on a date?

More basketball games?

I literally have no idea so what do you want to see happen and more than one idea would be appreciated .

Love always-Nikki. J

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