Chapter 21

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I was at home lying on the couch in my basketball shorts watching Empire because somehow Daniella had gotten me hooked on the damn show. That girl. Shaking my head I continued to watch until someone started ringing my doorbell erratically.

"Who the hell is that?" I muttered to myself before heading to the door and swinging it open, not bothering to look through the peephole.

"Took you long enough baby, it's cold out there," Mariah said entering the house as she took off her coat and placed it to sit on the couch.

"What the hell are you doing Mariah?"

"Trying to warm up, aren't you listening baby?" She asked pecking my lips before heading into the living room. "Empire? I think not. The Real should be one though."

Pinching my nose to suppress my annoyance, I followed her into the living room and took a seat beside her.

"Mariah, turn off the TV."

"Your right, we don't need it bothering us anyways," She said turning the TV off before making herself comfortable.

"Why are you here Mariah?"

"To congratulate you, baby. On getting drafted," she said excitedly.

"How did you know about that Mariah?"

"It's on the NBA website silly," she said with a giggle that irritated my ears slightly.

"Well, thanks for the support but I'm a little busy right now."

"I can tell," she replied sarcastically and I scratched my head nervously. "How about we go out to dinner to celebrate baby? To that little expensive restaurant that we love."

"That you love," I corrected and she shrugged.

"What's the difference? They have great food."

"I'm not all that hungry to be honest, Mariah."

"Yeah me either, at least not for food," she said biting her lip before she moved so her ass was pressed against my groin and I fought the urge to groan. "Come on JJ, you know we were great in bed together. Let's recreate those flames baby," she mumbled, her mouth placing kisses on my neck.

"We shouldn't Mariah," I managed to get out, stopping her momentarily. She nodded and got off my lap, giving me a chance to breathe and take a minute to get the man down there calmed down. Closing my eyes, I thought of any and everything that could possibly get rid of my arousal but it wasn't working. Opening my eyes, I expected to see Marriah putting on her coat getting ready to leave but instead, Mariah stood in front of me, fully nude with a look that could render any man speechless.

"Still think we shouldn't?" She asked and I took a deep gulp.

I was only a man...


"I can't believe you're actually going to prom and with the best basketball in our school," Skylar said as we walked up and down the mall, searching for the 'perfect' prom dress. To be honest, I never considered myself to be interested in going to prom, the thought alone used to make me roll my eyes but now I was actually excited. 

"Me either," I replied simply. "What store do you want to check first?"

"Um... How about that one?" Skylar asked pointing to the one across from us and I nodded agreeing. We entered the store and the first thing I noticed were these dresses were absolutely gorgeous but mainly pink which was not my color. Skylar and I looked around for a bit but decided that this store wasn't the one. It went like that for the next couple stores until Skylar stopped in front of a store, loving the dress in the window and it looked absolutely gorgeous on her. She bought it immediately leaving me to find a dress and I was starting to lose hope. We had gone to every dress shop in the mall, and trust me there was a lot, and not one dress that I liked.

"I'm sure you'll find one, Daniella," Skylar said as she put her dress on the backseat before hopping into the driver seat.

"I hope so," I told her as we pulled out of the parking lot and headed towards Starbucks to get her- her coffee.

"Did you want anything?" She asked and I shook my head. "Okay." She went into the Starbucks and as I waited in the car, I checked my cell phone for text messages. 

Dad: Made up your mind about New York yet?

I replied immediately. 

Not yet

As I locked my phone and looked around, a store beside the Starbucks caught my eye. It was a small boutique, probably just opened but the dress in the window was absolutely gorgeous. It was an off the shoulder, black and gold dress that fell just passed the knee and it was love at first sight. Simple but elegant. Sexy but not slutty. I wanted it. Just as I got out the car, Skylar exited the Starbucks and frowned when she saw me.

"What happened?"

"I found my dress!" I told her pointing to the dress that sat in the window and she nodded agreeing. 

"That would look amazing on you!" We rushed into the store and headed right for the woman at the front desk.

"How much is that dress in the front window?"

"The black one?" She asked and I nodded eagerly.

"Eight-hundred and fifty dollars." My mouth dropped open slightly at the price as I mentally revised my bank account. I had over a thousand in my account but my dad said to only spend 500 on a dress that way the rest could be used to pay for my books when I was in school. I opened my mouth to let the woman know that I was no longer interested when Marriah walked in, grinning like no tomorrow.

"Daniella, I'm surprised you're in here considering your taste is awful," she said shooting me a fake grin before facing the woman at the front desk. "I would like the dress in the front of the store, the black one."

"Um, this lady has already asked for it and it's the last one so unless she changes her mind," the woman said and I watched Marriah grow annoyed with every second that passed.

"Sorry but I like this dress too much to let it go, can I get it now please?" I asked her, handing over my debit card and she nodded, ringing my stuff up. The woman handed me my dress and I thanked her with a smile but instead of being furious like I had expected, she was still angry.

"Fine keep it," Marriah said shrugging. "JJ likes the color red anyways."

"Wait, what?"

"JJ didn't tell you? He's taking me to the prom." She could've been lying, angering me just so I would go off but somehow, somewhere deep down I knew that she was telling the truth.

I had just spent $850 on a dress with no returns to go to a dance that I have no date for... 

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