Chapter 22

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"I can't believe you're leaving so soon and your prom night," my dad said as I brought my suitcases to the door. As far as he knew I was leaving early so I could get used to living in New York but the real reason was a little more complex. After completely wasting my money on a dress that I was going to wear to a dance I didn't even want to go to, I went home, called my aunt and told her I was accepting the offer and moving to New York. Overreacting, maybe. But I had enough of this small town. I needed a new start. And I was never good with goodbyes so leaving when my friends were having the most amazing night of their lives sounded better than leaving and ruining everyone's night. I was my mother's daughter.

"I wasn't really interested in prom anyways," I told him placing my suitcase at the door.

"Are you sure there isn't something your not telling me?" My dad asked and I nodded, hating the feeling I got from lying to him. "Alright then I guess your all set to go then," my dad mumbled before the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it, you go get changed to take me to the airport," I told him  and he nodded agreeing before heading up the stairs as I swung the door open to face JT who was all dressed up in a suit.

"Why aren't you dressed?" He asked lowering the corsage that rested in his hand and taking in my jeans and sweater.

"What are you doing here?" I asked instead of answering his question.

"Skylar told me JJ ditched you for Marriah so I thought I'd take you."

"That's sweet JT but I'm not going to prom," I told him, shifting my weight from one leg to the other when I noticed his eyes had landed on my suitcases. Busted. 

"Where are you going?"

"Vacation?" I replied half heartedly and he rolled his eyes in disbelief.

"Two weeks before graduation? Yeah right. Come on Daniella, tell me." Bitting my lip, I took a deep breath before telling him my plan of moving to New York. He was silent for a few seconds before he spoke.

"Are you leaving because of JJ?"

"No, of course not," I told him and he grabbed my hands to keep me from moving away from him.

"You never were a good liar Daniella and he was never good enough for you," he said and I rolled my eyes.

"Is this the part where you say I told you so?"

"No. Besides It sounds like you made up your mind so I guess I can't try and change your mind?" He asked and I nodded. "Promise to call when you land and that you won't lose touch?"

"Of course not."

"And you'll talk to Skylar?" He asked and nodded agreeing. 

"Of course. I love Skylar I just don't want to ruin her night."

"I not sure if it the right thing to do Daniella but if you think it's the right choice then I'm right behind you."

"Thanks JT," I said pulling him in for a hug  before my dad came down the stairs.

"JT, nice to see you again."

"You too sir. I guess I better head to the dance," JT said before giving me a kiss on the cheek and heading out. I watched JT leave before clearing my throat and facing my dad.

"Ready to go kiddo?" He asked holding his keys.

"Yeah let's go."

Here's to new beginnings. 


The dance was in full swing when Marriah and I walked in. The room was decorated with gold and black and everyone seemed to be having a great time.

"JJ, let's get a drink," Marriah whined and I nodded, not paying her much attention as we headed over to the drink table. "You're not going to pour me a cup?"

"Why would I do that?"

"Because it's sweet and the least you can do," she said crossing her arms and I shook my head before pouring her out some punch and handing it to her. "Thanks baby," she said with a grin.

"Yeah," I replied looking around for a familar face, more specifically, Daniella's but she was nowhere to be found but my eyes landed on Skylar and JT who were arguing about something.

"--She got on a plane and I'm just finding out about this!" Skylar yelled over the music, just loud enough for anyone who was actually trying to listen to hear.

"She didn't want to ruin anyone's night," JT replied to which Skylar threw her hands up in the air. They couldn't be talking about...

"I'll be right back," I mumbled to Marriah heading over to where Skylar was, ignoring Marriah's protests that were anything less than silent.

"Where's Daniella?" I asked and Skylar turned to face me, her eyes burning with tears ready to fall.

"None of your business," JT said angrily.

"No this is his business but he doesn't get to ask the questions here. I do," Skylar says glaring at me. "Do you think it's funny to play with my friend's emotions?"


"Did you ever really like her JJ? Or were you just a good fucking actor because if so then you deserve a god damn Emmy."

"Of course I had real feelings for her."

"Then please explain to me why my best friend is on a plane right now because you dumped her a week before prom after she spent over $800 on a dress she can't fucking return."

"I thought she didn't want to go," I mumbled under my breath, feeling the guilt start to eat me up. 800 on a dress and she didn't even come? 

"She didn't want to go... Until you asked her because she fucking liked you. Have a great prom JJ," Skylar said finally before storming out of the room with Will, her date, following behind her.

What the fuck did I do?


The End!!!

A year later and it's finally done. Thank god! But is this the end of Daniella and JJ's story...

Hell No!

These two have so much more planned and as y'all know I love happily ever afters but of course with every happily ever after there are trials and tests along the way that could make or break a relationship. Which is why you will be able to follow their story in the newest book 'Love and Second Chances!!!!' I am so excited for this book, you guys have no idea! 

When will it be coming out???

Soon but I will not tell you when. All I will say is once the chapters for August Harter are posted, then I will post the sequels for this and August.

But before all that I have to ask...

What did you guys think?

Like this story/Love this story? Why?

Favorite Part?

Favorite Character?

What you wish happened?

Rating out of 10 (Ten being the highest)?

Now that this book is done I have one more that needs to be posted.

Once again, I will NOT be telling you when the updates will be coming because every time I give out a date, it hasn't happened yet but I have a date in my mind. So that's it and I hope everyone has had an amazing summer so far and will continue to do so. Later my Niks,

-Nikki. J

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