Chapter 4

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Love Yourself Remix in MM (Aka F*ck Yourself)

Love this song so make sure yall check it out

Daniella's POV

It was officially the end of the day and I couldn't of been more relieved. All I had to do now was wait for the basketball players to finish up their game. The score was 27-26 and we were up by one. I watched as Taylor grabbed the ball and dribbled it around before running to the right and bounce passing it to JJ who just happened to be open. JJ dribbled effortlessly before taking a shot letting the beautiful sound of the ball gliding through the net arise. The buzzer roared through the stadium and everyone in the gym yelled in praise. They did there honorary handshake with the other team before I headed to the locker room. The smell of sweat and over used axe cologne was the scent that hit me as I entered. I headed to Taylor's locker and saw him with two women clinging off both his arms.

"Congrats on the win Taylor" he looked up and smiled full heartedly.

"Thanks. Did you still need me to drop you home?" The two girls on his arm glared and I shook my head no.

"I'm good, I already have a ride"

"Alright, later"

"Later" I turned on my heels and headed out trying to figure out how the hell I was going to get home.

"Hey Ella wait up!" I heard someone yell and I turned around just to be pulled into a hug.

"JJ" I croaked out


"You smell" I mumbled and he let go of me and smiled sheepishly.

"Sorry but did you see my shot?"

"Yeah you were alright" I said with a teasing smile and he looked disappointed. "I'm joking, you were great out there"

"Thanks Ella" the way he said my nickname had my stomach flittering with butterflies. "You coming?"


"I'm going to drop you home" he peeled off his shirt and my eyes zoomed into his six pack. He applied deodorant before throwing on a clean Tee. I cleared my throat hoping it would ease the clear as day blush that had found its way to my face.

"Oh you don't have to"

"I know" -he grabbed his book bag and took my hand in his- "I want to"

"A-Alright" I cursed myself mentally for stuttering but thankfully he acted as if he didn't hear it and like a gentlemen lead me out the door. The cool brisk air surrounded us as we headed to his car. He opened the door and I hopped in, enjoying the feel of his leather seats. He slid in to the car and threw his bag into the bag before putting his phone on the car charger. I stuck my hands into my coat pocket expecting to feel the smooth glass of my cell phone but only was rewarded with the feeling of fuzz. Shit my phone. The image of my phone on top of the bleachers in the gym came to mind.

"I'll be back"

"Okay" I hopped out and ran back into the school. I slipped passed the groupies and all the 'so called' players. I got into the gym in record time and thankfully my phone sat on the bleachers, just where I left it. I picked it up and held it close to my body giving a short prayer to thank god. Someone cleared their throat and I turned around slowly.

"Are you happy now? You ruined my relationship" Marriah said pushing me back


"I-I what? You don't even deserve to be in his presence" she growled and I felt like she was getting bigger and bigger with every insult.

"Marriah!" Her head whipped into the direction of the person and her scowl turned into a smile.

"JJ! Just the person I was looking for" he headed into our direction and she licked her lips. Once he was in arms length distance, she reached out for him and his face showed nothing but disgust.

"What did I tell you about talking to Daniella?"

"But JJ"

"But nothing Marriah, damn what part of we are over don't you understand"

"JJ look I know we can work this out." -She grabbed his arm pleading- "Will was a mistake" As if he had just stung her, he jerked his arm away.

"I'm done with you Marriah" she turned her attention to me and I swear I saw flames in her eyes

"You!" She yelled "This is all your fault"


"Your making my girlfriend uncomfortable" my eyes widened at the G word. His what! Marriah's head swung back and forth between the both of us before she stormed out leaving me more confused than I should've been.

"What just happened?"

"About that"


"Look I need a very tiny tiny favor" he used his fingers to try and show me how little but for some reason my brain wasn't beleving this thing would be anywhere near little.

"What is it?"

"I need you to act as my girlfriend"

And that laddies and gentlemen is when everything changed.

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