Chapter 6

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Decided to switch up the schedule. Trey Harter on Friday's and Love and Blackmail on Saturday's. Enjoy!

Daniella's POV

"Alright now that you have the look you need the walk" Skylar said as she walked in and I looked at myself in the mirror and although I didn't look that different, I sure as hell felt like it. My normal curly hair was straightened and cut with layers. My normal baggy sweaters were gone and instead I had a crop top sweater but got to keep my blue jeans. I slid my hands into my back pocket before looking to where JJ sat not looking up.

"What's wrong with my walk?"

"Nothing but we need to practise with you walking in heels" I looked down at the death traps strapped to my feet and nodded slowly before taking a few steps.

"That's it. See you a natural"

"Yeah maybe this isn't so b--" the word didn't escape my lips as I slipped and hit the ground with a thud.

"Maybe a little more practise will do you some good" a knock on the door interrupted me from saying anything else.

"Dani baby you in there?" My dad's concerned voice echoed through my room

"Yeah, what's up dad?" I heard the door nob shake before he spoke again

"Why is the door locked?"

"Because i'm getting changed" I yelled back quickly and I nearly smacked my hand on my head.

"Alright well once your done come downstairs, I want to speak to you"

"Alright, bye dad" I heard his footsteps go down the stairs before I took a deep breath.

"I'll be right back" instead of getting a response they waved me off as they watched America's Top Model. I headed downstairs trying to practise walking in heels and thankfully I made it to the kitchen without slipping and falling on my ass.

"What's up dad?" He looked up from his phone and scrunched up his eyebrows.

"What's up with your clothes?" I looked down and bit my lip

"I wanted to try something a little different"

"I see. Well anyways I wanted to discuss why you didn't come home last night"

"Im sorry, I was at Tia's"

"I'm thought you said you were staying the night at Skylar's" his eyebrow raised and I mentally cursed myself. If I was going to lie I needed to write this stuff down.

"Well we were at Skylar's but then we went to Tia's and my phone died" I wasn't to sure if he knew I was lying but I was thankful when he dropped the subject.

"Well if you aren't coming home, call alright?"

"Alright" he pulled me in for a hug and kissed the top of my head before sending me back to my room.

"Alright hurry up and teach me so we can get this over with"

"That's the spirit!" Tia mumbled sarcastically before showing me how to do the heels walk properly. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad.


Yeah this was bad. After two days of straight practicing how to be popular I thought I was ready. Man was a wrong. As soon as I entered the school, all eyes were on me. I didn't think I looked that different but once girls who used to bully me came up to me asking where I got that, and I quote "Totally adorable bag" I knew I was waaay over my head.

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