Chapter 17

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The date turned out to be amazing and I was still living in the memory of it. I mean after I got JJ back, I had to flee the blue territory and found Skylar before we ended up winning the game, believe it or not. After that we did some bowling, ate and then went home. Simple but fun. Unfortunately it didn't help the major crush I had on JJ which was why in the middle of French I was sneaking glances at JJ. Sad, I know.

"Ms. Myers!" Mr. Beaumont called and I brought my attention back up to the front.

"Yes sir."

"You have been called down to the gymnasium, take your stuff with you and go," he said and I began packing my stuff when he spoke again.

"Mr. Jackson, where are you going?"

"With her," JJ said with a shrug.

"You weren't called down."

"I'm only here because of her so if she's leaving so am I," JJ said before swinging his bag over his shoulder. My mouth dropped slightly open like everyone else in the rooms did and right as I was about to speak, someone else did.

"Yeah, I'm leaving too," JT said and I resisted the urge to groan. Not this again.

"Both of you sit down," Mr. Beaumont commanded angrily and both boys, shook their heads defiantly.

"Oh this is ridiculous. Both of you stay, I'm going," I told them and they paid me no mind as they headed to the door of the classroom.

"Ms. Myers I don't appreciate you distracting my students," Mr. Beaumont said frowning and I threw my hands up in disbelief. Did he not see me just try and make them sit back down?

"What do you want me to do? Tell them to sit like their dogs?" I asked sarcastically causing the class to laugh.

"Just go Ms. Myers," he said embarrassed and I shrugged before grabbing the rest of my stuff and heading out the door. JJ and JT followed behind me and I rolled my eyes as I heard them bickering. Finally I couldn't take it anymore and spun around to face them.

"What is wrong with you two? You used to be best friends."

"Fuck that," JT spat. "He thinks just because he's captain he can have whatever he wants."

"And he's been mad that I was chosen and not him," JJ said glaring at him and I rolled my eyes.

"So all this over basketball?"

"No, this is over you too." JJ said not taking his eyes off JT.


"Daniella why are you even messing with this idiot. He's blackmailing you and he doesn't even care about you."

"Which is why I took her on a date yesterday?" JJ asked and JT's face fell.

"You went on a date with him Daniella?" JT asked sounding hurt and I pulled my lips in not knowing what to say.


"I'm gonna head back to class," he said giving me one last glance before he jogged back to the class.

"Thank god he's gone," JJ said throwing an arm over my shoulder and I shrugged it off. For the first time since I had met JJ, this was the first time I didn't want to be around him.

"You should go back too."

"Wait what?"

"I don't need you to walk me to the gym."


"Can you just go JJ?" I asked and he nodded before heading back to the class. I finally reached the gym and as soon as I stepped in, I was pulled into a hug by Skylar.

"Okay so we've waited and now were tired of waiting so what's it going to be? Will you join the team?" She asked, the team behind her pleasing silently and I took a deep breath.

"Yeah, sure." I said causing the girls to freak out. Shaking my head, I watched as Skylar calmed them down before she spoke again.

"Alright so tonight, my place, were throwing a party to celebrate."

"That's unnecessary."

"Your not changing our minds on this, Daniella," Skylar said and I shrugged.

"Alright, let's do it."


The party was in full swing by the time I walked in at 8pm. People were dancing and having a good time while I just tried to get to the kitchen for a drink. Non- alcoholic of course. I was not going down that road again. Reaching the kitchen, I opened the fridge and grabbed a coke before slamming it closed, jumping back when I saw JT behind the door. Holding my chest, I tried to calm my racing heartbeat.

"Warning next time please," I muttered.

"My bad. So I hear a congratulation is in order. You joined the team?" JT asked smiling.


"Well I'm sure your gonna kill it out there."


"Look I just wanted to apologize for today--"

"Already forgotten," I said cutting him off causing him to grin. 

"Great. So I was thinking we should da--"

"Congrats Ella!" JJ said cutting off JT as he pulled me in for a hug.


"So how about a dance?" He asked as the song changed to something to more upbeat. I opened my mouth to reply when he pulled me onto the dance floor, silencing any arguments. The song changed to 'Kontrol' by Maleek Berry and I couldn't help but sway my hips to the beat of the song. JJ's hands wrapped around my waist and we dance to the music, our bodies moving in perfect harmony.

"Your welcome by the way," he said suddenly.

"For what?"

"Saving you from a boring night with JT."

"I didn't realize I needed saving," I told him and he grinned.

"That's the beauty of the plan. I save you before you need saving so your night isn't ruined," I rolled my eyes at his theory before he spoke again. "I'm sorry by the way."

"For what?"

"Today at school. I was out of hand and I apologize."


"Besides, I shouldn't feel threatened since your my girl after all," he said spinning me around and I bit my lip.

"Your girl?"

"Yeah, my girl. I mean the deal hasn't finished yet so yeah your still mine," he said with a grin and I fought to keep the smile on my face. The deal...

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