Chapter 2 "The four tributes?"

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The woman was different than Effie that I can remember... I have only seen the movies once or twice. But I remember what Effie Trinket looks like, I remember she wore pink and had big Afro hair... Bigger than Stampy's , white with pink streaks. This woman has white hair with a blue bow tie and a silky blue dress with heals as tall as a mini Empire State buildings. "Welcome!!! Ladies and gentlemen!! I presume you are all known you tubers... So welcome to the first year of the soon to be annual YouTube Hunger Games!!" She paused and I didn't hesitate to shiver in my own fear. But I wasn't alone, it was like I was in a dome of heavy air but it was just everyone's heavy breath. Under my breath I kept saying "Quack if you wanna... Quack if you wanna.... Quack if you wanna."  "So before we begin the choosing of the tributes here is a short clip about why these Youtuber Hunger Games even exist!!" She said clapping her hands with glee although nobody not even me for once was smiling. The video started to play, "The internet... Our main tool. Used in schools and for our use and enjoyment, but it's crashing off it's once and a while glitchy yet stable axis." The robotic male voice said, he paused. Everyone gasped except I nearly fainted. He began talking again. "We have figured out a solution to this... Issue, we must exterminate the... Older generation of youtubers so we can save our online future!!" The video ended and the screen went black. "Oh that video was extremely well photographed!!" The woman said bending her knees bobbing like a parrot. "Now... Instead of two we would like to invite 4 tributes into our games!! Of course ladies first..." She paused for affect. My breathing started to get heavier. She reached her hand into a big glass bowl with from what I could see nearly 200 slips in it all probably written by fans. She pulled out a slip and slowly opened it. Her bright blue long painted finger nails clutched the paper. She gasped and said with a small grin. "Oh here's a surpriser... Sqaishey Quack!!"

           My eyes opened huge, everyone everywhere seemed to be looking at me. It felt like I had just been called up to a death sentence for everyone to see... Oh wait I was!! "Where are you Sqaishey? Oh there!" She said pointing. I slowly walked up on stage and held my hands in the pockets of my grey sweat shirt. I felt like I would be sick, right then right now and all over the 'Effie' woman. She smiled at me then turned to the boys bowl. "Next for the boys!!" She reached her hand in and grabbed the first one she came into to contact with, "Lionmaker Studios!!" She yelled. I looked to see Lion as he slowly walked up to the stage as white as a ghost. "Oh welcome!" She said shaking his cold with fear hand. "Next for the girls!!" She reached into the shiny glass bowl with a wide opening and swished her hand around a little. I shook as if I had just been electrocuted. She held up the slip of paper and read the black ink. "Nettyplays!!" She said. Netty  stumbled from what I could see. "Noooo!!" I heard a familiar voice shout. "Stampy?" I heard Netty whisper. I saw brave Stampy walk in front of Netty, "I won't have it.. I volunteer as tribute!!!!!!!" He shouted as he bent down on his knees. Dirt stained his black sweat pants. "Well Stampylongnose I'm sorry but your different genders I'm afraid the only thing you can do is join the games with her as the next boy tribute." The 'Effie' woman said with a frown. "It's better than nothing!! I'll do anything to protect my sister!!!!!" Stampy said stomping. He kicked up dirt as he walked to the stage after Netty. "Alright then!! I think that means we have our 4 tributes of the district 12 of The YouTube Hunger Games!!!" She said doing that bob thing again. Then Stampy and Netty walked up on stage in their assigned spots. Netty stood next to me, are shoulders touching and Stampy did the same to Lion. I saw Stampy lick his top lip and shoot me a small glance. Suddenly the floor opened. What? I thought. I froze as Netty and I were sucked down into the floor. A giant metal tube had consumed us!! . "Ahhhhh!!!" I screamed as I fell continuously downward. I heard Netty scream too. For about 5 seconds a little green window appeared on my left where I could see Stampy and Lion screaming. They stopped. We all looked into each other's eyes with the most worried faces I've ever seen then their looks disappeared from my view as the window disappeared and I was sucked down through the tube. Wind rushed around my hair making it fly around my eyes.

               Just then I landed full force on a bed in some weird doctory office type room. The springs bounced me back up. Just then two people walked into the office. A young woman with short red hair and electric green eyes. And a man with grey hair that appeared to be smoking. Possibly the Haymitch? "Probably..." I whispered. "What?" The 'Haymitch' man asked looking frustrated. "Ohh nothing!" I say straightening my posture. "Hello you must be Sqaishey!" She said holding her hand out for me to shake. I shook it, "You don't look like much of a fighter!" The 'Haymitch' man yelled. "Your right I'm not." I say still trying to keep a smile. I could already tell he didn't like me at all. "Now I'm gonna be your mentor and trust me.... From what I can see I don't think your gonna last very long." He said blowing on his cigarette. I lowered my eyes. "Well I think We're of to a great start!" I said sarcastically. "I decide these things!!" He said placing his hands on my shoulders and leaning so close into me I could smell his breath that fumed of smoke, beer, and.... Glue? Yep he's definitely the Haymitch!! "And I'm your stylist Sarah." She said looking deep into my grayish eyes. "I'm very exited for what we have in store for you before you go off into the arena!" Sarah said. " My name is Darrel but you can call me Haymitch..." He said smirking. "I can't tell why." I say narrowing my eyes. He doesn't take this as a joke and he looks very angry with me. I back up a little on my springy bed. "Tomorrow is the tribute parade and I have a great idea for you! I'm pretty sure the stylist that has Stampy stole my idea so it might have to be kind of a Katniss Peeta situation if that's ok with you?" Sarah asked me. "As long as I'm not the Girl On Fire." I said laughing. She started to chuckle along with me, good I'm glad someone can take a joke!

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