Chapter 9 "I'm a pretty princess!!"

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Bang Bang Bang!!!!! I woke up in a flash! "Get up you slept in with any hope we're still gonna be late!!!!!" I heard 'Effie' say behind the door. I yawn, stretch my arms and look at the analog clock that is probably delayed in the corner of my room. I squint at it to see exactly what it says "12:45 I have less than 2 hours." I say fixing up my bead head. I don't bother to change because I know Sarah and maybe some other people would beautify me. I giggle when I think this, that is common for me. I walk outside into the hall only to see Stampy being dragged by his stylist down the hall. I laughed, clearly he didn't want to be jazzed up for this. Every tribute in our group other than me was not fond of these interviews although I was more than ready for it! "Hiya!!" I hear from behind me in a very high pitched voice and I flinched. "Ahh! Don't do that Sarah I've been scared to much these 72 hours!!!" I say giving her a friendly shove. "I don't blame you but we've gotta get ready for these interviews." She tells me and straitens my posture. "Alright lets do it!" I say raising both fists into the air. "Wow I am surprised." She tells me as we speed walk down the hall. "Why... How are you surprised?" I ask confused. "Because every other tribute is upset about these interviews... They couldn't care less!!" Sarah says pulling on her hair.

"To be honest I don't blame them, this is the Hunger Games for crying out loud!!" I say smirking. "I guess your right, y know you are the brightest and most optimistic tribute I've ever seen!" She says placing her hands back down by her sides. "I get that a lot. Not the tribute part though." I say giggling. I am brought into the elevator and down to floor 2. Apparently that's the floor she is going to show me my interview outfit! I am brought into a room with a bathroom inside of it and a big mirror. I watch Sarah go into a closet and slam the doors shut, whatever she's looking for I assume my outfit, she's struggling to find it. "Ahh...." I hear her muffled voice through the closet doors. She pulls out a short sleeved yellow dress with a tiara? Or so it seems. "Why?....... Why are you dressing me like a princess?" I ask because I'm kind of not the princess type. "Because of this and these." She says pulling out a pair of yellow gloves and snags the tiara into her other hand. "What's so special about them?" I ask curious. It might come to a "shock" to you." She says winking. "EEEEEK!!!" I say jumping up and down and clapping. "So I'm going to have sparks again?" I ask in delight. "Oh yes but this time it's more than just 'Sparks'." She says making her eyebrows go up and down.

            "Wha?" I managed to get out before she started talking again. "Observe..." She says slipping the gloves over her hands. She walked over to a remote she apparently set down earlier and pressed down hard on a large red button. It had created little spears of electricity stick on to her fingertips. I am about to say whoah!! But then she tells me "she's not done." She places the tiara on her head gently and with her left hand pricks the top of the tiara which electrifies the tiara which is now glowing with a bright green light. And then it surprises me more, it sends a collage of all colors of sparks spiraling around her like waves of the ocean!! "That's amazing!!" I say listening to the relaxing sound of the electricity. "And to add to the amazingness just like the first outfit you can kinda create whatever you think, the device for that is imbedded in the tiara!" She says as she deactivates the sparks. "Thank you." I say taking the gloves off of her hands. "Oh well I just love to help people out, especially someone like you." She tells me taking the tiara off of her head and putting it into my hands.

                                "Now for your makeup, we will have the prep team sort that all out." She says waving and slamming the door. I had remembered reading about them... "Ugg." I mumble knowing nothing fun is to come. I remembered how Katniss had despised them. "Boy I bet their annoying" I say rubbing my face. Then I remember Stampy has to go through them first. I bet he's not having a lot of fun. And I probably won't either. Just then the door blasts open, and three people walk in. One man, one woman and one I can't tell it's gender!! "Now your Sqaishey ain't ya?" The man says. "Yes... I am." I say trying SOO hard not to correct his grammar. "Well I'm Cbash." He says pausing. (Oh BTW the names are suppose to be weird this is not misspelling!) "This here is Zuuy." He said pointing to the woman who looked like if someone didn't know her they could've mistaken her for a Martian. "And here is Swill." He said pointing to this very odd person, but I really don't want to judge. This person wore a black hoodie which made it very difficult to see he or she's face. "We call um Swill because they've never said a word before or raised that hoodie!! Nobody has ever heard if there a boy or a gal." Cbash says in that southern accent of his. "Off that topic that guy umm.... Stampy, he was talking about you while we were... 'Styling' him." Zuuy said in a creaky voice. I wanted to know what he said about me but at the moment all my mind was at what they were gonna do and whatever it was I knew I was most likely unprepared.

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