Chapter 6 'Katniss again'

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We heard over the loud speaker, "Tributes now it is time to start Individual training, we will start of with PouplarMMO's from district 1!" The robotic voiced man said. Me and Stampy were separated again... I hated those moments where I reeled anxious and vulnerable just because I wasn't with him. I was escorted into some waiting room. I looked to my right to see a huge balcony!! Of course it was locked shut, they don't want me commuting suicide or anything. Tension grew inside me, "How am I going to do how is Stampy going to do?" That's all I thought. I heard over the loud speaker, "Sqaishey Quack district 12." "Ohh here we go!" I say walking into some of my childhood fears.

I see men and woman up top in some... VIP area as I would describe it. I analyzed them slowly, unlike the original games these folks weren't going to leave a tribute un looked. I grabbed a knife first and chucked it at my target. "Arm." I say softly. I hear the men and woman chuckle as if I'm some sort of a comic to them! I saw one old woman whisper something to a very hairy guy behind her. I couldn't make out what she said but I knew I have had ENOUGH. I grabbed a gun and knew this was another Katniss moment. I aimed at the flat screen playing a clip of the 'reaping' . I fired to late to turn back now. It hit hard cracked it into shards and the remains fell onto the ground. Everyone gasped. "Get some sense then get this job!" I shout almost taking the gun but placing it back on the table.

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