Chapter 13: Pure terror

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Stampy's pov... Oh gosh oh gosh... This... This is a snake. Not only am I scared of the snake itself.. But also everything that's going on gets me shaking. "S-Snak-", I'm too scared to continue. It makes a hissing noise that literally makes me jump. "N-nice snake... Good S-snakey S-snakey" I manage. It bites, "Aah! Agh!" I scream. I try to quiet down as it bites once more then... Slithers off? Was it done with me? The pain is indescribable... "Ack!" I fall over and the biting pain.
"Get a cannon ready." A game maker speaks to another. 
A manage to stand up but everything looks distorted. "W..What?" My voice echoes. I run a few feet but fall... I don't even know what's happening. My vision is very off and I think I'm seeing things that aren't there. That snake's venom must not be for the main cause of killing.. But to trick the enemy, clever. I lean against a tree and everything goes black.. Blacking out in a time like this is a suicide tempt..

Sqaishey's pov..
Oh no! One of those cannons.. They could've been... For Stampy. Just thinking this makes me shake.
I run through the forest at her until I run into yet another hill, except this time it's looking over a vast cliff. "Woah.." I say looking at the view yet occasionally looking behind me for people. Across on the other side far far away is a thin strip of land then the forcefield. The ripple of it was very visible... Just then, another cannon fired.. Every time that happens, I get a shiver down my spine. A day hasn't even passed and I'm already dreadfully thirsty, what am I gonna do!? I walk through the forest being very careful.. I try to be quiet, it isn't working very well. I then hear footsteps that are not mine. "Who is there?" I whisper. I pull my gun up wanting to be ready, I am not a killer and I'm far from being one.. I just want the possibility of seeing Stampy at least one more time.
I hear a voice from behind me and I whip around, gun at the ready.

"Heya Sqaishey." The 'voice' was DanTDM What was he holding?.. Was that a katana?!
"Nice.. Katana, Dan." I say backing away a few steps. He Twirls it around like a baton.
"Oh so you like it? Ahmm.. I do as well." He said softly. He walks closer to me, I actually feel VERY intimidated.
He smirks. Just then a female voice says.
"You don't plan on using it do you?" The voice asks as a brick is chucked at Dan's head from the back. He falls over, most likely unconscious. No cannon fires. It's Amy.
"Hi Sqaishey!" Amy says happily.
"A-amy? It's so good to see you! You saved my life! Thank you!" I say hugging her. I know I can trust her. It's obvious!

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