Chapter 3 'Put on a show!'

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"Now go to the dining room, it's dinner time and Sarah has to prepare your outfit for tomorow... SCRAM!" 'Haymitch' says shooing me to the dining room. I head into the doorway that leads to the kitchen. I sit in a comfortable chair that I assume may have some leather in it? I wait for the others but the chicken on the table was just making me sooo anxious!!! Just then I heard footsteps coming down the stairway, it was Netty. "Oh hi Netty did you meet your mentor and your stylist?" I asked her. "Yeah I like them and they seem to like me so I just don't want them to change into a Haymitch!!" She said laughing. "Well to be fair Haymitch made two tributes win the games.... And he won himself!!" Said a boy in the background. It was none other than Stampy!

"Stampy!!" Me and Netty both say looking into his eyes. "Hey guys!" He said as if everything was normal right now as if we were vlogging this. Then we all turned to see Lionmaker come down the steps. Unlike everyone else here his eyes showed signs of sadness he's probably holding tears in right now! He sat down to the left of Stampy. Nobody said a word for what seemed like forever but it was probably just minutes! We all loaded our plates with delicious foods that would cost a lot back home! "Well at least were all together!" I say breaking the silence. "For now!" Lionmaker said. "Be more optimistic!" Netty said setting her fork down on her plate. "I'm just being clever enough to know all of us probably won't even make it to the second day!" Lion said stabbing his knife hard into his chicken breast he had on his plate. "I'll make sure at least two of you will survive and I know who I'm talking about." Stampy said looking down at the designed table. My heart skipped a beat and Netty smiled just a crack.

Just then apparently Stampy wanted to change the subject "Umm so my stylist said that they had big plans for my outfit... Anybody else's?" He wondered. "Well my stylist told me that yours stole her idea!?" I said smiling holding one hand up. "I didn't think mine cared very much.." Lionmaker said looking back for a few seconds then turned to us as if nothing happened. "Well I like mine." Netty said eating a small piece of ham. "Mine seemed just to be in it for the money but I had my eye on this healer...." Lion said scratching his chin. Just then the 'Effie woman walked in threw the small door. "Where did she come from?" I wondered in my head. "You all!, Tomorrow is a big day so GET TO BED!" She said stomping on the hard wood floor so hard I thought her heels would chip it! "We don't want cranky tributes in the parade tomorrow!" She said escorting us out the door. I saw Netty and Lion slip into their bedrooms but me and Stampy waited for the 'Effie woman to go to her room then we both quietly slipped out of ours. "Hey wanna see this secret area I found?" Stampy asked me smiling. "I guess it beats sleeping!!" I said as I grabbed ahold of his now warm and comfortable hand.

We walked up some steps till we got to what seemed to be a big penthouse area. It was a huge balcony with big glass walls so you could see outside into the beautiful night sky. I saw the moon reflect off of Stampy's brown eyes making them glow like lanterns. "Sqaishey?" Stampy asked looking into my eyes and what seemed to be my heart. "Yes Stampy?" I asked in return. "I promise, forever when I'm in there no matter the circumstances... I will always see you right by my side." He said leaning closer in to me. "Why?" I asked him looking down. He pushed my head up to see him, "Because you make me stronger than I ever was before." He says as his words swirl like a lovely poem.

We lean in closer our lips about to touch, I pull back. "Dang it!" I say in my mind. He sighs, "Well... Goodnight Stampy." I say walking away... A bit love sick. I hop in bed to tired to change, "I wonder if he would.... Never mind." I say pulling the covers over me and falling into a dreamless sleep. I wake up with the sun blaring threw my small window. "Wake up!!!" I hear the 'Effie' woman yell from behind the door. "It's unnatural for a lady to sleep this long!!" I hear her yelp. "That's your opinion!!!" I yell back to her and I hear her storm off. I put on a shirt that they have provided me with that is yellow and orange, "Expected." I say brushing back my growing hair. I slipped on some casual blue jeans and headed out for breakfast.

I was the last person to the table. "Hi guys!" I say waving to everyone. Everyone waves back to me.... That is except for Lion. "Sqaishey are you excited for the big parade!! They made it look absolutely epic in the first movie!!" Netty says making her hands do an exploding motion. "Yeah I just hope they don't burn me or... Dress me up like a clown and humiliate me in front of possible sponsors!" I say looking at my large pancake. "I'm sure they won't!" Lion said eating some French toast. Stampy only looked at me and smiled. Before I could even finish my breakfast I was interrupted by my stylist Sarah. She was out of breath, "Tributes! The time has come for you to get ready for the parade!!" She said pointing into the air. "Thats..." Sarah didn't get to finish, "When we enter the training center... We know." Lionmaker said angrily. Sarah just raised an eyebrow.

She grabbed me by the hand and took me into a new room with walls that looked to be made of pure gold! "This is your outfit!" She says holding out a stretchy gray jumpsuit. "Umm why exactly?" I say feeling the rubbery outfit with a head piece attached to it. "Because the internet requires electricity to keep it charged and going... So do you see where I'm going with this?" She says stroking the rubbed jumpsuit. "Ohh so your going to SHOCK ME WITH WAVES OF ELECTRICITY!!!!!" I shout nearly knocking her over. "But the suit is made of rubber!" She says pushing it close to my face. "Ohh...." I say scratching my neck. "That's not all this head piece has a special feature to create what you think with shocks of electricity!!! Boy I love 2020 tech!" She says hugging the outfit. I step backwards a few steps, "So go on try it out..... And cover your whole head!!!" She says pointing to the restroom.

I grabbed my costume and headed off into the bathroom. The rubber felt weird on my bare skin, the costume even came with a rubber casing for my shoes! I looked in the mirror, "I look like a ninja!!" I say laughing. I walk out to see Stampy down the hall with the same costume. He waved to me but my stylist grabbed me before I could wave back. "Alright don't be nervous!" She said tightening the outfit as much as she could nearly choking me! "I won't be." I said looking forwards. "Just put on a show that's what they want!!" She says placing a hand on my shoulder. "And remember whisper what you want to appear!" She tells me as we walk out to see chariots!

I sit in a carriage with a velvet seat. Just then I see Stampy being escorted by what I think is his mentor to the same chariot as me. He squeezes in next to me, "Put on a show." I whisper to him. "No worries." he says winking. Just then I hear that same Hunger Games dramatic music from the scene and the electricity activates! We are pulled threw last in line with nearly a trillion exited people cheering on the sidelines! Everyone screams when they see us. Me and Stampy grab hands and hold them high. I close my eyes and whisper, "Flying bird." Then I see the shape of a little glowing bird fly around everyone!! Just then I see a glisten of gold being thrown through the air towards me! I hold my free hand out and grab it, it's a pure gold pin with a play button inside of it. I clutch it tightly then I see if appear close to the ceiling!!! Everyone screams with joy!! I hear Stampy whisper, "Fire." Then electric fire surrounded the ring around the play button. I heard the announcer say, "I think we've found are Katniss and Peeta!!" And I blushed. Stampy whispered "Heart." and a giant heart surrounded that!! Just then the dramatic music stopped, are electricity was shut off and we skidded to a halt. Then we were silenced by the president!!!

"Happy YouTube Hunger Games... May the odds be ever in your favor!" The president paused, "Tributes... Sponsors and visitors!! This is the training center where the tributes will earn their scores that will help earn their sponsors that could help save their game lives! Tributes!! Welcome to the training center!" He said smirking.

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