Chapter 12: May The Odds Be Ever In Your Favor!

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Sqaishey's pov... I wake up and somebody's tying my.... Sweatshirt? "Huh? W-what's happening?" I ask confused. "You woke up late... Very common in lower "districts" but still I don't blame you gal." The random woman said. "Well may the odds be ever in your favor." She says walking out of my room. Then she stops and says "I almost forgot, the gathering room is down the hall to the left." She says walking away. I start to walk down the hall then to the left. It's jam packed with peacekeepers and tributes. "Woah..." I say walking around. Just then some peacekeeper shouts. "ALL TRIBUTES!! GET IN FORMATION AND ENTER THE PLANE!!" *Plane! In the middle of a building!!* I think. A peacekeeper pushes me behind Lionmaker. I wanna say something so badly but I'm afraid if I do I might get in trouble or something.. We enter the plane and get in our sitting positions. Just then a healer walks up to me with a needle. "What's that?" I ask. "It's a tracker, so we can keep track of you in the arena." She says injecting it and pulling the needle out. "Oww." I say. The healer walks down the line. I feel bad because Stampy isn't the fondest of shots. A few minutes later....

"Is every tribute tracked?" Someone on a loud speaker in the plane asks. A man with a walkie talkie replies, "All tracked give it a whack." Then the plane starts to move. I presume the roof of the room opened up. *Oh my..* I think. *Its almost... Time.* The plane lands and my seat... Launches me to the side and from what I can see the same happened with everyone else. I'm standing on the platform... I vaguely remember a line saying if you walk off the platform before the countdown ends... You'll be blown to bits. But then I see something I wish I didn't see... Some girl I didn't recognize... She steps off the platform.. Her scream.. It was terrible.. I couldn't bear to see what happened to her.. 6,5 *Oh shoot I think.* 4, Then someone says.. "May the odds be ever in your favor." 1.

Everyone sprints to the center!! I look around for a gun... There's no gun!! Somebody must have taken it!! But just then right in front of me, A guy falls over and a canon fires. There's a knife in his back.. "A gun!" I say grabbing the gun from him. A guy with a streak of purple hair at the front of his head steps in front of me. "Sorry shocker.. I've gotta make you loose your spark!" He sounded like somebody from a game I've heard of. He lunged at me!! He's on top of me holding a knife above me.. *This is it surely... I am so dead..* I think. But just then someone stabs him in the back with a spear. "AUGH!!" He shouts and a canon fires. I look to see who the person is. "AshDubh?" I ask. "Yeah! But no time to talk we've gotta go." He dashes off and somebody follows him.. So I run the other direction. I run into a forest of trees and a fall down the hill of rocks I'm walking on. "Oof!" I grumble as I stop on my knees covered in dirt. just seeing the images of that girl screaming when she stepped off and the whole cornucopia covered in blood and other youtubers... It makes me feel so..... I don't even know... I wish this never happened, I wish I could be sitting on the couch at home with... Stampy!!!!
Stampy's pov... "Oh my g-gosh." I say running through the forest. I managed to snag a backpack! I dart into a shrub of long grass just to look in the backpack. I say as I look "So we have... A rope.. A knife... A knife! Good at least I have some sort of a weapon... Ammo? Heh... I don't have a gun.. I'm not good with them either, but I'll keep them." I sayzipping the backpack. Just then I think.. *Wait... What about food and water!? I've gotta get my hands on some or... Well I'm finished.* I put the backpack on and continue to move.

*In the game makers watching tower.* "I got something." A game maker says. "What do you got?" The others ask. "We have snakes... Venomous." The game maker says showing a hologram like image of the snake. "The more the tribute fears.. The snake will become more attached to it." "That sounds good... Send them in the forest." A male game keeper says.

Back to Stampy's pov... I trek on forward only to hear another canon fire. "Ohh... That dreadful sound." I say looking back at where the noise came from. Then I think of Sqaishey. Oh no.. W-what if that was her? What if she died in the bloodbath!! I... This is so hard!! I think. Just then I hear a hissing noise. "Huh?" I ask looking around. I shake it off and continue to think of Sqaishey and my other friends. I am seriously shaking... I'm so on edge!! Then I hear the same noise again. I look down only to see a snake coiling around my leg.

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