Meeting the Mother

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I flung the front door open and I could now feel tears make their way down my face. I needed to get out. I ran down the street and around the corner not knowing where I was going. As I ran my vision became blurrier and blurrier until I couldn't see. I tripped as I got to the park and I felt a rock dig into my leg. Sobs rose form my chest. I put my head in my hands as the memory of the crash came back. We were in the car and I have just said something funny. She was laughing so hard and she looked back at me with loving eyes. Then all I remember is two really bright lights coming from behind her and everything going black. I found out later that a truck came at us and the driver was drunk, but my dad always blamed me. I will never forget that and if I think about it, maybe everyone's right. Maybe it was my fault. I let out a cry when a realization hit me. It was me. My mum was dead because of me. I thumped my fists against the grass. When I calmed down a bit I got up and continued running. But this time I knew where I was going. I was going to visit mum. When I reached the gates I slowed down. I made my way through the cemetery picking up flowers that had blown about. I wiped away my teas and I approached the familiar head stone.

Annabelle Harrison

A Mother, A Best Friend, A Wife

Will Always Be Remembered

I hadn't been here for years. I brushed away the leaves and placed my flowers down. I kissed my fingertips and traced her name with them. "Hi mum," I whispered, "How are you? I am so sorry. You wouldn't be here if it wasn't for me." I took a deep breath as I felt rain soak my back. "I think of you every day. I can't believe I did this to you. I was just taken away from dad and I'm sure you know why. So I am now going to live with Jenny and the rest of the boys. Wow, there are a lot of them," I laughed shakily, "I don't think many of them like me. I need you mum. I need you to tell me what to do. I know the crash was my fault but I really need you. I deserve everything dad did to me and I know he blames me for this but I really don't have any family left. I would do anything to get you back, I am so sorry. I love you. I love you so much." I was completely saturated but I curled into a ball next to mum and cried. I felt someone wrap their arms around my waist and I flinched. "It's just me," Jesse whispered. He pick me up, turned me around and enveloped my into a hug. My tears still flowed freely down my face as I rested my head on his chest. He tucked my head under his chin and rubbed my back soothingly. If his shirt wasn't already soaked it would've been now as I continued crying onto it. It was harder being at the Jamisons then I thought. All the memories of the happier times just constantly flooded through my mind. "It's all going to be alright," he whispered when I had run out of tears. "Are you alright?"

I sighed and after a while answered, "You know he's right. It was my fault," I said my voice braking at the end. Jesse sucked in a breath and I looked up at his shocked expression which soon turned into an angry one.

"It's not your fault. It was an accident," he almost growled, "How could you even think that? I am going to kill Steven!"

I chuckled darkly, "Oh, he wasn't the first one to tell me that. Every day I have been told that."

I looked down at my hand. I could feel him soften next to me. He took my chin in his hand and gently guided it up to look at him. He looked into my eyes and said, "Never believe what he says. It was not your fault no matter what people think. I can tell you now, no one else here blames this on you." We sat in silence until I felt a little embarrassed that he saw me break down like that.

"How did you find me?" I said clearing my throat.

He smiled, "Almost everyone at home has been looking for you. I just thought you would be here," he said shrugging.

I looked down in shame. I hadn't even been here for a whole day and already I had run away and had someone hating me for a reason I don't know. Could it be any better? He put an arm around me and said, "They were all really worried." I looked up at his sincere face.

I never noticed as a kid but he was really good looking. He was wearing a white t-shirt with a pair of jeans. His white wet top showed off his tanned skin and you could see his nicely formed stomach through it. I cleared my thought and looked away.

"Thanks," I said looking back, once I got my thoughts in control again, smiling, " I'm sorry you had to see that." I winced.

He smiled and wrapped me into another hug. "Anytime. If you need to talk, I'm here." I smiled. He was so sweet.

"Are you sure you will sacrifice another shirt?" I laughed, eyeing his shirt, "Sorry about that." I laughed sheepishly.

He joined in with my laughter, "I would sacrifice more than a shirt for you." He kissed my head. I shivered violently and I noticed my teeth were chattering.

He hugged me tighter, "Let's get out of the rain, huh?"

"Yeah," I chattered, shacking roughly as wind whipped into us.

He led me back to his car and helped me in. He turned the ignition on and put the heater on high. I lifted my knees up to my chest and rested my chin on them. I let out a sigh and closed my eyes concentrating on getting warm. Jesse reached out and rubbed my back. I felt my eyes start to droop but I kept them open. I hadn't released I had run so far but it took us 15 minutes before we pulled up in front of his house. I sighed when I saw all the lights on inside. I opened the door and hopped out as Jesse came around to my side, "Come on," he said flinging his arm around my shoulders. I let my head rest on his shoulder as sleepiness crossed me. We walked down the path and the door flung open before we reached it. Jenny came running out with a worried expression. "Oh My God, are you okay?"

"I'm fine," I mumbled. She looked me up and down obviously trying to find any damage. When she was confident I wasn't hurt she tugged me into another hug.

"Sorry," I muttered.

"What happened?" she asked

I stood quietly for a second, and then Jesse came to the rescue and said, "Mum she looks tired. Let her go to bed."

I smiled at him gratefully.

"Oh, yes, of course."

Jesse grabbed my hand and walked up the stairs with me. When we reached my door he asked, "Are you sure you're alright?" he looked so worried.

I tried my best to smile and said, "I'm positive."

"Okay then, goodnight," he said as he walked down the hall.

"Hey, Jesse," I called out. He turned around and I said, "Thanks again."

"Anytime," he said smiling as he continued down the hall.

I headed into my room exhaustion dragging me down. I got into my pyjama shorts and a tank top and dropped onto my bed with a huff. You'd be surprised how tired you get from running and crying for so long. My eyes stung so I closed my eyes and instantly fell into a deep sleep.


Heyy guys. i know this chapter isnt very good I justwanted you to get an inside on her feelings on her mother. HOW MEAN IS STEVEN!! Lucky she has Jesse. Also if anyone has a front cover that would be awesome!!! I hope you guys like it and comment if you have any ideas:) xx

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