Over Coming A Fear Of Sea Serpents

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A big thank you to Ritiou for being the first to read this and commenting:)


I woke up to the sun shining through my curtains. Ugh, I am soo not a morning person. My face felt tight from my tears drying and my eyes still stung. I got up and went to the mirror. Ugh, I look like crap! I had a shower, put on some shorts and a jumper, and a bit of makeup on to hide my red eyes. I looked in the mirror at my shiny brown hair that fell in soft circles down my back and my slightly tanned olive skin. I wouldn't say I was pretty but I wouldn't say I was ugly either. Just average. I sighed. Well this is as good as I'm gonna get. I hadn't had much luck in the boy department. I wasn't really allowed to go out that much. But anywho. I shrugged and headed down stairs to the sound of sizzling bacon. Ummm... I know bacons bad but I loved it. I walked pasted Tristen and Dylan as they came out the kitchen. "Your alive," Dylan said, dramatically as Tristen said, "Ahh, she walks." 

I laughed and as I pasted flicked them in the head. "oww," they cried which made me laugh harder. I walked through the door and headed over to where Jenny was cooking. She turned around and saw me come in. "Hey honey," she chirped, "how did you sleep?"  

"Umm. Good thanks, you?" 

She laughed, " alright but I had this one's knee in my back," she said nodding to Wes. Wes smiled innocently and continued eating. I laughed, "Why does he sleep with you?"  

"He always ends up in our bed. Don't know why, don't know how," she looked over at him lovingly. "You hungry?"  

"yes," I answered as she handed me a plate of bacon and eggs. I went to go sit down next to Wes. "And how did you sleep?" I asked him. 

He nodded, "good." he smiled and went back to eating again.  

I sat down and dug in.  

"Don't hold back," someone said from the door. I looked up to find James smirking.  

"Shut up," I wined, "I'm hungry." 

He chuckled, "So I see." 

He went and grabbed his own food.  

"So what do you wanna do today?" he asked sitting across from me. 

I shrugged, "whatever. If you guys have things to do I am happy to just stay here."  

"No, I am as free as a bird." I raised my eye brow at his saying. Since when did he use sayings? "what?" he complained, " I have always wanted to say that!" I laughed and I heard Wes join in. James sighed, "let's go to the beach. We can all go and have lunch, go for a swim, or something like that." 

"How far away is it?" 

" It's only like 5 minutes down the road."  

"Okay Dokey," I said as I shoved my last piece of bacon in my mouth. "I'll go get ready."  

"I'll let everyone know," Wes said excitedly. He ran out the door and as he ran he yelled, "Mummy, Daddy, Everyone, we're going to the beach!!!!"  

I laughed and said, "He is to cute," before walking up to my room. I looked through my bags in search of a pair of bathers but I came up empty. I then remembered i through them out in Australia because I never used them. Bugger. The last time I went swimming was when I was like 8. Shoot what am I going to do. I walked down the hall to go ask Jenny if she had a spare pair. They would probably be too big but anyway. I walked down the hall and knocked on her bedroom door. "Come in," she called. I opened the door and said, "hi Jenny." 

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