Maybe Dreams Really Come True

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I pulled away, not wanting to, but knowing that she had been through so much and need rest. "You need some sleep," I said softly. I pulled her to me, laying down. I gently traced my hand up and dow, loving the feel of her hair woved through my hand. I rested my cheek on her head, soaking up her sweet sent. Her breathing became deep as she fell into a deep slumber. I hadn't seen her face that calm and peaceful for so long. Everything she went through, I just couldn't comprehend it. 'How didn't I realize something was up,' I thought, 'How can I love her and not be able to stop something like this. I should've been there!'
I tucked a piece of hair that ha fallen in front of her face behind her ear. I so glade that she wasn't hurt... Physically.
I had calmed down a bit. I realize that she needed me, she need us all to just stay strong. She need someone to lean on for a while. She had just been getting over her father and now this happened. This girl couldn't get a break. I lightly kissed her forehead. She is now mine. As long as she's mine I will do anything to stooges from getting hurt and I defiantly have no plans of letting her go.

I heard the rustle of paper and then a pencil drop that was soon followed by the strum of a guitar and someone humming. I opened my eyes and looked over at the clock. 4:06. I turned my head as another chord rang through the room. I saw Taylor sittin at her desk writing something.
"Hey," I mumbled rubbing my eyes, "What are you up for?"
She looked up startled. "Oh, sorry," she aplogised, "I didn't mean to wake you."
I swung my legs off and walked up to her.
"Don't worry about it. What ya doing?" I asked dragging a chair over, to sit next to her.
"I had an idea for my song, so..." she trailed off with a shrug.
"Can I hear it?"
She shook her head with a smile. "Nope," she popped the 'p' and looked at her sheet of paper.
"Why not?" I whined.
She giggled and I couldn't help but smile. She is truly adorable. "It's a suprise."
I humped and asked, "Well then, do you need any help?"
She shook her head. "Go back to sleep and I'll wake you up later."
"You should sleep too," I said sternly.
"I'll be fine. I'm on a role. Go to bed," she demanded.
I laughed, getting back in. "Gee, you sound my mum."
She chuckled and I soon fell back to asleep to her humming.

"Jesse, Jesse," someone cooed.
"10 more minutes," I groaned shoving a pillow over my head.
They chuckeled. "No, get up," they order and when I disnt respond they shouted, "NOW!"
I jumped in fright and fell off the bed with a "humf."
I looked up to see Taylor rolling on the bed laughing. She wastrying to say something through her hesterics but it was impossible to understand. "You.... Fell... Your.... Face... Golden..."
I glared at her playfully. But in truth I loved that she was laughing again. I got up dusting my butt as she slowly, VERY slowly, calmed down. As she noticed my glared she grinned sheepishly. "I made breakfast?" she said hopefully but it come out more like a question.
I looked down at the tray she had out in front of her. I smiled and took a piece of toast in my mouth. Once I had finished she asked, "Am I forgiven?"
I nodded and leaned in, kissing her on the lips. She pulled away and pointed to her bathroom. I chuckled and saluted her, "Yes, ma'am."
I quickly showered and got ready. Once i was done, Taylor was already waiting down stairs for me.
"Better?" I asked my eyebrow raised.
"Much," she grinned patting my head like a child, then skipping off.
I pouted and she laughed. I followed her out and got in the car with the others.
"How did your song go?" I asked.
She shrugged. "Good, I finished one and made another so I just have to pick which one."
I sat next to Taylor and she rested her head on my shoulder, yawning. "Are you alright?" I asked softly, stoking her forehead.
She nodded, snuggling her head into my shoulder.
We soon pulled up at school and I gentally shook Taylor. She got out silently and I wrapped my arm around her waist as we walked towards school. We had just walked in when my friends pulled me up. "One second," I said to Taylor. She nodded and I quickly went to talk to my mates. About 5 minutes later I looked over to see Caisy making her way to Taylor. She stopped in front of her and sneered. I quickly said bye to everyone and walked over to them. "Oh, so it's true," Caisy growled, not realizing I was coming towards them,"The bitch moves from one popular to the next. You stay away from them all, cow."
I growled and walked up so I was standing in front of Taylor. Caisy looked shocked but quickly covered it with a smile that made her look constipated. I have no idea why she tries, all the guys know she's fake.
"Hey, Jesse," she purred and I scrunched my face in disgust.
"You stay away from her," I said angrily. She flinched slightly at my tone but quickly slipped her smile back on. "I know you want me," she said trailing her hand down my arm. I felt Taylor stiffen behind me and I stepped back, taking her hand in mine. "Trust me, I don't," and with that I walked away with Taylor trailing behind me.
"Bitch," I heard Caisy say to Taylor from behind me.
I turned around looking at her. "If you want to see a real bitch, take a look in the mirror because right there is a perfect example." By now people had formed a circle around us, but I just stoved through dragging Taylor behind me.
We reached her locker and she faced me. "Thank you," she smiled.
"You're welcome," I kissed her on the cheek and pulled her into a hug. I would do anything for her. I love her.
She pulled away saying, "You have to go or you're going to be late."
I reluctantly nodded and peck her in the lips. "If you need anything just come get me," I said and she thankfully nodded.
"I love you," I said and walked off.

It was Friday morning and I was seriously lacking sleep. I couldn't sleep at all knowing that today was the talent show. I looked at myself in my white summer dress mumbling the lyrics to the song I had chosen. How I was going to go on stage and sing was beyond me. A knock on the door pulled me out from my panic. "Yes?" I said with a shaky voice.
"It's me," Jessie said opening the door, "You ready?" he came over and wove his arms around my waist. I sighed, "I can't do this," I said hiding my head in his chest.
"Hey, look at me," he said gentally as he guided my chin up. "You are amazing, don't doubt that. Anyway, we'll all be there and trust me we can cheer loudly." I smiled, feeling slightly better. "See that's better," he said pointing at my smile, "If you keep a positive aditude you can do anything."
I nodded and we headed downstairs. I grabbed an apple, not being able to eat much more, and jumped into the car. On the way to school I had a mental pep talk. But once we arrived, all my previous confidence flew out the window, as performing became more real. "You'll be fine," Jesse assured me.
I smiled weakly as we began to walk.
"Are you pumped?! I'm pumped and I'm not the one singing!" Tristen said cheerfully as we all laughed.
I said goodbye to them all and they chorus a "Good-luck, We'll be watching."
Okay, that sounded a bit creepy but I just waved and went to class. I couldn't concentrate in any of my classes before lunch but luckily I didn't have to go to any other classes after lunch as the show went right through the last periods. Nerves hit me especially in the hour before lunch. Oh my gosh, what if I forget the lyrics. Or if my voice breaks. Or I freeze. Or worse, what if everyone laughs!! The bell went and I froze. None of my friends were in this class so maybe I could run. Everyone was already out and I ducked after them hoping no one saw me. I was almost at the girls toilet when I heard someone call my name. I turned to see Kiya. "Hey," I said shakily.
"Let's go, you're going to be late." yes, they found out about me performing, thanks to my oh so lovable boy friends!!(note sarcasm)
I follow her grudagly, to the gym. We got there and Jesse came up with a knowing grin. "You weren't trying to get away now were you?"
"Psh, no," I said, sounding unbelieveable even in my ears.
"Sure," he said, raising his eyebrows and I grinned sheepishly. "Come on, ill come with you. you're going to be late." It was then that I looked around. The gym was full of every student in the school. He lead me to where all the other contestents were and I looked at him franticly. "I can't do this," I repeated, almost hyperventilating.
Jesse put his hands on my shoulders and said, "Taylor, take a deep breath."
I did as he told me and calmed down a bit so I did it again. And again. And again. And ag.... "Gee, I said to take A breath not use all the oxygen on earth," Jesse said chuckling, interrupting my breathing fest.
"Sorry," I mumbled.
He pulled me into a hug which soothed me more then any amount of breaths. "You'll do fine. We all believe in you." I nodded and pulled away with a new found confidence.
I was on last so it was quite a wait. There were people doing acrobatics to opera singing. Some sucked and was just a laugh but some were really good.
"That," the announcer, Fin, said laughing, "That was something else." The two really bad animal impersonationest came running off with a grin.
"Okay," Fin began, "This is our last preformer. She is our newest addition to this school and has never preformed. She writes her own songs and plays her music. so give it up for Taylor Harrison."
My heart was beating a thousand miles an hour as he ran off stage. "Forget they are there. Sing for yourself and no one else," Jesse whispered givin me a slight shove towards the stage. I nervously moved across the stage and someone handed me a guitar and I swang the strap around my shoulder. I thanked them and faced the back for a second. I took a couple deep breaths then turned around, sitting in a stool set at the front. I closed my eyes strumming my first chords before I started.

Seems like just yesterday
You were a part of me
I used to stand so tall
I used to be so strong
Your arms around me tight
Everything, it felt so right
Unbreakable, like nothin' could go wrong
Now I can't breathe
No, I can't sleep
I'm barely hanging on

(I got up and walked to the front of the stage, looking out, pouring my heart into the song.)

Here I am, once again
I'm torn into pieces
Can't deny it, can't pretend
Just thought you were the one
Broken up, deep inside
But you won't get to see the tears I cry
Behind these hazel eyes

I told you everything
Opened up and let you in
You made me feel alright
For once in my life
Now all that's left of me
Is what I pretend to be
So together, but so broken up inside
'Cause I can't breathe
No, I can't sleep
I'm barely hangin' on

Here I am, once again
I'm torn into pieces
Can't deny it, can't pretend
Just thought you were the one
Broken up, deep inside
But you won't get to see the tears I cry
Behind these hazel eyes

Swallow me then spit me out
For hating you, I blame myself
Seeing you it kills me now
No, I don't cry on the outside

Here I am, once again
I'm torn into pieces
Can't deny it, can't pretend
Just thought you were the one
Broken up, deep inside
But you won't get to see the tears I cry
Behind these hazel eyes

Here I am, once again
I'm torn into pieces
Can't deny it, can't pretend
Just thought you were the one
Broken up, deep inside
But you won't get to see the tears I cry
Behind these hazel eyes

My final cord rang out loud as it echoed off the quiet gym. I looked up to see everyone staring at me. God, this is Dya-vu. I looked around and found the Jamisons with the girls. The girls looked in awe and the guys a mixture between shock and excitement. What were they excited for? Everyone to start through tomatoes?! I looked at the still silent room and turned around. I took a step and froze when a cheer erupted from the middle of the room. Then another one followed. And another. And another until the whole gym was on their feet clapping. I sighed in relief as no tomatoes came plummeting towards me. I smiled shyly and continued walking off. I was just off when I was swooped into a warm embrace that I imediantly recognized as Jesse's. He spun me around in circles as he spoke. "I thought you were amazing the first time I saw you but that..." he seemed speechless, "No words describe that."
I blushed as he put me down. Then I turned to see all the guys heading over with my friends in tow. Elle squealed and pushed throw the guys, throwing herself at me. "Wow!!" she squeaked jumping up and down like a child on Christmas, "wow, Wow, WoW, WOW!!!! That was flipping amazing!"
I laughed along with everyone else.
"Okay, okay, okay," Fin said running on stage, "That was awesome!!" Cheers erupted the hall as he continued, "So the judges are about to give me their results, so goodluck to you all." Someone passed him an envelope and he thanked them. "So again well done to all the preformers but there can only be one winner. You ready?" he asked the crowd and they went wild. "Now wait," everyone groaned at the suspense and Fin laughed, "It'll only take a sec. Before I announce the winner I would like to share what the prize is. So as you all know we have a fair on this Sunday." Well that was news to me, I thought. "And we have managed to get a talent scout to come cheak it out. So the winner will preform their talent in front of a bigger audience and possibly be scouted as well as getting a trophy. So back to the winner. The winner is," he said dramaticly opening the envelope, "Taylor Harrison!!" he shouted and everyone screamed.
I stood there in shock as everyone jumped around me. Jesse picked me up and like before swung me around."Congratulations!"
I grinned," Thank you." this was like a dream come true.
"Come on over here, Taylor," Fin said motion me back on stage. I quickly kissed Jesse and walked on a cheers surrounded the room. "So would you have any other song you could perform as a sort of encore." Fin asked as everyone chanted, "Sing, Sing, Sing, Sing!"
I nodded and he passed me a guitar. "Give it up for Taylor!" he yelled running off as the crowd went wild. "Thanks," I said. I looked over at Jesse and mouthed,"This is for you."
He smiled lovingly and I turned back to the audience.
"Okay, I would like to dedicate this to the person who picked me up when I was down and shoved me on this stage." everyone applauded and I started.

When I was younger I saw my daddy cry
and curse at the wind.
He broke his own heart and I watched
as he tried to reassemble it.

And my momma swore
that she would never let herself forget.
And that was the day that I promised
I'd never sing of love if it does not exist.

But darling,
You are the only exception.
You are the only exception.
You are the only exception.
You are the only exception.

Maybe I know somewhere
deep in my soul
that love never lasts.
And we've got to find other ways
to make it alone.
Or keep a straight face.
And I've always lived like this
keeping a comfortable distance.
And up until now I've sworn to myself
that I'm content with loneliness.

Because none of it was ever worth the risk.

Well you are the only exception.
You are the only exception.
You are the only exception.
You are the only exception.
You are the only exception.

I've got a tight grip on reality,
but I can't let go of what's in front of me here.
I know you're leaving in the morning
when you wake up.
Leave me with some kind of proof it's not a dream.

You are the only exception. [x4]

You are the only exception. [x4]

And I'm on my way to believing.
Oh, and I'm on my way to believing. 

I smiled widely as I finished. Jesse ran on stage and pulled me into a passionate kiss. I completely forgot we were on stage, I was so lost in his kiss. Then wolf whistles blew and I pulled away blushing.


Hey, HAPPY HALLOWEN!!!:) Sorry for any mistakes, I'm on my phone so who knows what this turned out like:) Also another apology for the lateness of this chapter. I had a compertition against half the country and came 3rd so I'm going to Nationals!!! WOOOOHOOOO

Anywho, the songs in here are:

Behind These Hazel Eyes by Kelly Clarkson Acostic (as show to the side ->->)

The Only Exception by Paramore

So, What did you think? Good? Bad? Crap? Any comments at all? I was thinking for the next chapter could we try and get like 5 votes because that would seriously make my day:D

Until Next time

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