There Must Be More Then What Seems

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If I live every moment
Won't change any moment
Still a part of me and you.
I will never regret you
Still the memory of you
Marks everything I do.

I can't waste time so give me the moment
I realize nothing's broken
No need to worry about everything I've done
Lived every second like it was my last one
Don't look back got a new direction
Loved you once, needed protection.
You're still a part of everything I do, you're on my heart just like a tattoo.
Just like a tattoo
I'll always have you.

Tattoo by Jordan Sparks


I stared in surprise. I literally thought that Carlo was going to get angry or desperate, but instead he was all calm about it. I quickly walked just beside the open door, so I could hear but was just out of sight.
"I'm sorry," she apologized.
"You have nothing to be sorry for," Carlo said sadly. "I'm so sorry. It was my fault and I swear I didn't want to hurt you."
"I know," she said weakly, "Friends?"
He nodded, "Friends," kissing her on the forehead, he walked to his car. I saw his shoulders sag in defeat just before he got on his car. 'He was telling the truth,' I whispered to myself. He only remembers having one drink. You can see it on his face.
I quickly turned back to the couch. "Hey guys, did you see Carlo drink 2 drinks?" I asked my brothers. They looked at each other then shook their head. "I was talking to him when he got his first one," James answered, "He said he wasn't drinking much so he could watch out for Taylor."
It makes sence. Whenever we use to go out he wouldn't drink much and it was a bit of a shock when he got drunk. But how did he get drunk?
I turned when I heard Taylor walk back in. She had her head down with a sad smile on her face.
"You alright, honey?" I asked, envolping her into a hug. She nodded against my chest and wrapped her arms around my waist.
"I'm going to my room," she said pulling away. I nodded, kissing her on the forehead.
"Goodnight," she called to the guys who were still surrounding to couch.
"Night," they said in unison.
She walked up stairs and I waited until I could hear the this of her door closing.
I went back to my brothers afterwards, "Guys," I called out, "we need to find out what happened to Carlo."
They nodded in unison.
"I actually felt sorry for Carlo just then, he just accepted that he couldn't get Taylor back, no agruments. He knew she was happier with you," James spoke up, "He's a good man."
We sat in silence until I broke it saying slowly, "So...if he didn't drink then wouldn't that mean that someone could have spiked his drink?"
"But who could have done that? I mean Carlo isn't the type of person who people hate," asked Steven.
"Well, maybe they wanted to get at Taylor or us by using Taylor, like Adam," said Tristan thoughtfully.
I shook my head at his last statement. "It wasn't Adam. I saw him arrive and he went straight outside. I am assuming he was with Tay because It was only like 20 minutes before I got the call from Kiya." We all stiffened at the memory. We sat there, going through people's names trying to work out who it was. About half an hour later I rubbed my face with my hands in excustion. "Look," I said standing up, "Let's think it over tonight. I'm going to check on Taylor." They nodded and I headed up to her room. Through the door I could hear her guitar playing and her singing. This sounds cheesy but her voice was like an angel, nothing could compare. I knocked lightly and opened the door as she stopped playing to see who it was.
"Hi," I said, pulling over a chair next to her, like the other night, "How the songs goin'?"
She nodded and smiled. "I have 2 out of the 3."
I grinned back, "You're doing great. But you need some rest."
She protested, "I need to work on them."
"You have all of tomorrow," I pointed out but she shook her head. Sighing, Igot up and threw her over my shoulder. She squealed and wriggles around, trying to get out of my hold. I just laughed as I gentaly sent her flying onto her bed. She playfully scowled at me as I pulled the blankets back and dragged her under them. I tucked her in then quickly jumped in the other side, taking my shirt off. I saw her stare at my chest and chuckled, "Like what you see?"
She blushed crimson and looked down. I gently guided her head onto my chest and made her look at me. "You are so cute when you blush," I said gently.
She blushed brighter, trying to look away, while smacking my arm. I quickly locked my lips to hers. She moaned as I slipped my tongue in her mouth. She moved her hands arm around my neck, as mine snaked around her waist, pulling her impossibly closer. Our tongues danced together until she separated from air. But my lips then started trailing down her neck. I kissed her just behind her ear and she groaned. 'Her weak spot,' I thought evilly, 'I could use that to my advantage later on.'
I nibbled on her ear and whispered, "I love you."
She giggled and grinned, bringing my mouth back to hers. I traced my hands to the edge of her top but she grabbed my hands shaking her head. I nodded, understanding. She pulled away and rested her forehead on mine, "I love you too."
I grinned as my heart swelled. She loved me!! I don't think I have ever been this happy before. I kissed her passionately before I turned her over, tucking her head under my chin. But she turned back around and nuzzeled her head in my chest. Kissing it lightly, she wrapped her arms around me and fell asleep.
Her breathing evened out as I traced her hair, with my fingertips. I listen to our heartbeats fill the silent room, and was soon lulled to sleep.

I felt two arms tightly around my waist as my mind found its way grudgly away from sleep. I really needed to go to the bathroom! I opened my eyes and was graced with Jesse six pack in front of me. I swear I almost drooled. I tried to wiggle out of his grasp but he unconcencely tighten his grip. Grrr.. I need the bathroom. I looked up at his peaceful face and grinned when an idea popped into my head. I stretched up and kissed his nose. He stired and I grinned. I then kissed his lips as I trailed my had down his god like chest. His eyes shot open and he soon kissed me back. It would've lasted longer if I didn't have to go to the toilet so bad! I pulled away and he grinned, "That is by far the best way I have ever woken up."
I blushed and untangled myself from him, but he didn't let go. "Where are you going?" he asked sadly, and I smiled back softly.
"I need to go to the bathroom. Get changed and I'll be back," I kissed him quickly and dashed for the bathroom, his light chuckle following me. When I was done I had a shower and wrapped myself in a fluffy towel. I looked around then cussed when I realise I had no clothes. I opened the door slightly and peaked trough, to find Jesse sitting on the bed, freshly changed, waiting for me.
"Jesse," I said slowly and his eyes shot to me. "Can you close your eyes please?"
He grinned and nodded, following my orders. I dashed out and grabbed a pair of high waisted navy blues shorts and a red tank top. I dash back to the bathroom calling, "You can look now." I changed into my clothes, hung up my towel and walked back in. I couldn't see him in the room but out of no where something flung me towards the bed. I looked up and Jesse who was on top of my with a mistivious glint in his eyes. "What are you doing?" I said carefully trying to get away but was stuck under him. His hands went to my stomach and he started to tickle me. I giggled, squealed and wiggled around, trying to get away.
He stopped his hands and rested them on my hips, jis body hovering above mine. His face was coming down closer to mine, but he went passed my lips. He nibbled my earlobe and whispered, "I love you so much. I can't live without you."
I blushed and pulled his head to mine, answering him with a kiss.


Yo, Sup? :D Okay, I'm sorry for like falling of the face of Wattpad (smiles sheepishly), but i have been absolutly chokers (busy incase you don't know they saying:D )

Anyway, didn't really get the responce i wanted D: Oh well, can wetry for 6 votes (again) and 2 comments?

Please Vote



Zàijiàn :D (learning chinese:D That's bye by the way)

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