In Every Gray Cloud, There's A Silver Lining

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You said, "I remember how we felt sitting by the water
And every time I look at you, it’s like the first time
I fell in love with a careless man’s careful daughter
She is the best thing that’s ever been mine."

Hold on, make it last
Hold on, never turn back

You made a rebel of a careless man’s careful daughter
You are the best thing that’s ever been mine.
Do you believe it?
Gonna make it now.
I can see it,
I can see it now.

'Mine' By Taylor Swift


I walked out and put my books in my locker, swinging my bag over my shoulder. "So you coming?" some said while I shut my locker closed. I jumped when I saw Adam leaning against the locker next to me.
"Wow, you couldn't have made your presence know??" I said.
"Nope," he chucked, "So are you coming Friday?"
"Sure," I said more out of politeness then actually wanting to go. I walked away, out the front of the school. I was just about to walk to the car park when I remembered I walked here. I could get a ride from the guys, but I had managed to avoid them all day, ignoring all their texts and calls, and I didn't want to change that. I looked around to see Carlo laughing with his team. I swung my bag higher on my back and started my journey back home. I was half way home when I heard a car slow down next to me. I turned and saw Carlo in the driver’s seat. "Hey, why are you walking home?" he asked.
I shrugged, "Well, I walked to school and didn't want a ride with the brothers so..."
He sighed, "You could've asked me," he pointed out.
"Yeah, but i didn't want to bother you. You were talking with your friends and I didn't want to interrupt," I explained.
He sighed again, "I don't care if you interrupt. Your my girlfriend, you can come up whenever you want."
I smiled at him. "Come on, get in, I'll take you home." I jumped in putting my bag at my feet as he started the car and drove off. He thought about something then asked, "Why didn't you want a ride with the guys?"
I sighed, "Well I'm not really on talking bases with Jesse at the moment."
He grabbed my hand and squeezed it, "how about I take you to and from school?"
I shook my head my head, "I can't ask for that. It's to out of your way. I'm happy walking."
He pulled out front of my house and turned towards me. He cupped my face and looked me in the eyes. "It isn't. You can ask anything of me and I'll do it. I'm going to pick you up in the morning weather you like it or not." He lent down and kissed me passionately. I wrapped my hands around his neck. Once we pulled away for breath he smiled at me lovingly. "Thanks you," I whispered.
I pecked him on the lips and unwrapped my arms from around him. I grabbed my bag and jumped out. "Thanks," I said again closing the door and running to the house. I heard his car drive away as I entered the house.
I tip toed into the house, up the stairs and was about to walk Into the safety of my room when I heard someone walk up behind me. Darn it! I turned around and swore. What the hell did I do to fate to make it hate me. There in front of me stood a not so happy Jesse. "Where were you this morning? In fact where were you this morning and all of today?" he said angrily.
"What," I said, mocking hurt, "No hello?"
He glared at me and I glared right back. "Where were you?" he almost growled.
"At school, what do you think?" I said. Duh.
"You know what I mean, why are you avoiding all of us?" he asked looking hurt.
"You know why," I hissed, "Why are you such a jerk?! I get a wonderful boyfriend and you can't be happy for me? What's wrong with you? Carlo is one of your friends, why must you be so mean to him? This is the first time someone actually likes me and you want to destroy that? I thought you were my friend!" I lost it. I slapped him in the face out of frustration. I pulled my hand away for another blow, but he caught my arm.
"Stop Taylor, please," he said gently, "You are my friend. Always, I'll never hurt you." He then leaned in and kissed me on the cheek. I pulled away, "Exactly what I mean, Carlo is the only one I trust now. What was that for? For fun? You don't mean stuff like that." I ran into my room, ignoring his calls for me to come back, tears running down my cheeks. Jesse banged on my door.
"Taylor, open the door, please," he sounded desperate, but I didn't make a move at all. I laid on my bed, crying myself to sleep.
When I woke up my head was faint and i felt like i was going to through up. With no warning I launched my body up and ran to my bathroom. I threw up as my head continued spinning. On top of this my face felt dry and tight from crying last night. I got up and walked to the mirror and groaned. I looked like I had been living in the bush for a week then a bird decided to make my head home. I sighed and went through my daily processes: showering, brushing my teeth, doing my hair and put a bit of make up. I wore my best skinny black jeans and my purple tank top. On top of it, I wore my cream colored cardigan and put on my black ballet flats. I decided on my gold leaf earrings and my 'Taylor' necklace. I was actually feeling better. You know how you always feel slightly better after you throw up. After I was satisfied with my look, I took my bag and walked out to the front door, waiting for Carlo to pick me up.
I heard the door open behind me but Carlo's car just rounded the corner so I got up and jumped in once his car stopped in front of me. I got in carefully not wanting to stir whatever I threw up this morning.
"Hey, beautiful," Carlo said as I closed the door. He lent down an gave me a sweet kiss. My lips tingled as he pulled away. I smiled, "Hello."
He let go of the break and started the drive to school. I put my forehead against the window. I closed my eyes, loving the feel of the cold against my spinning head. I felt a hand, lightly pat my back. "Honey," Carlo said gently, "Are you alright?" I looked up at his concerned face. I nodded smiling and he slowly guided my head to his shoulder. I snuggled my head into the crock of his neck and he stroked my arm. "How was your night?" I mumbled agains his shirt.
"It was alright. I know this sounds cheesy but, it would've been better if you were there."
I laughed, blushing a little. He joined in with my laughter and asked, "What about you?"
I shrugged, "I've had better." I didn't want to talk about it so I changed the subject. "Thank you for picking me up," I looked up at him and smiled. Keeping his eyes on the road he bent down and pecked my lips. "Don't mention it." I reached over and turned the radio up. The end of 'Best thing I Never Had' by Beyonce played through the speakers. "Oh," I said excitedly, "I love this song." I started to sing along.
I know you want me back
It's time to face the facts
That I'm the one that's got away
Lord knows that it would take another place, another time, another world, another life
Thank God I found the good in goodbye
I used to want you so bad
I'm so through with that
Cause honestly you turned out to be the best thing I never had
Oh You turned out to be the best thing I never had
And I will always be the, best thing you never had.
Best thing you never had!
I used to want you so bad
I'm so through with that
Cause honestly you turned out to be the best thing I never had
Oh you turned out to be the best thing I never had
Oo and I will never be the best thing you never had
Oh baby, I bet it sucks to be you right now
Goes around, comes back around
Goes around, comes back around
Bet it sucks to be you right now
Goes around, comes back around
Bet it sucks to be you right now
Goes around, comes back around
Bet it sucks to be you right now
We pulled into the school parking lot by the time the song ended. I got out and met Carlo at the hood of the car. "You are really good," he said looking into my eyes. I looked at him confused. "At what?"
He sigh,"Oh come on, you know you're amazing at singing."
I blushed, "Not really. I guess I can keep a beat and stuff but not rea.."
I was interrupted by Carlo grabbing my chin and smashing his lips to mine. He pulled back and smiled, "I hope you weren't going to say you weren't good at singing." he warned.
"But it's tr..." I was interrupted again as his lips were on mine again. I pulled away and grumbled, "Stop interrupting me!" he laughed, "Then stop lying to yourself."
"Fine. I won't say anything," I pouted as he smiled victoriously. He grabbed my hand and we walked into the school building. "I'm not that good at singing," I gushed.
He glared at me and I smiled innocently. "What?"
He laughed, "Anyway, you should really show you talent."
I shook my head vigorously. "Uh um. No way in hell. I can't sing in front of people. Sorry not happening."
He walk up to my locker and turned to me. "I'll ask if you can preform at the talent quest," he gave me a quick peck on my frozen lips, "Bye." he faded down the hallway as I yelled, "No Carlo." I watched as he completely ignored me, running towards the front office. Darn it. With a frustrated sigh I opened my locker and got my books. I dragged my feet to class, hoping the whole time that Carlo was joking about getting me to sing.
I didn't see Carlo until lunch. He had some football thing at the start of the day. Being worried didn't help my head or stomach. I found Carlo waiting outside the cafeteria for me. He came up to me and gave me a kiss on the forehead. "Hey baby," he said smiling.
"Hi, how was the football thing?"
He shrugged walking in, "We just talked tactics and trained a little."
The noise hit me and I flinched as it echoed in my head.
Carlo felt it and wrapped his arm around me, "Are you alright?" He said worriedly. Ignoring my spinning head I nodded,"I'm fine."
He didn't seem to buy it but didn't push me. He led me to the counter and all the food made my stomach churn. "What would you like?" Carlo asked gentaly. I eyed the food and said, "I'm not hungry. I just have some water." I picked up a bottle of water and handed it to the casher along with Carlos lunch. I got out my purse and Carlo did the same. "Uhuh," I said to him," I'm paying today, remember."
He sighed, putting his money away. I payed victoriously and went to sit down. Carlo slipped into the seat next to me. "Hi," everyone said as we sat down. I looked at all their food and my stomach didn't really agree. I leaned back in my chair and held my stomach. Once Carlo had finished his lunch he leaned over and whispered, "I have to tell you something. Let's go outside." I nodded and we said goodbye before standing up. As I started to move the cafeteria started spinning faster. When I got to my feet my knees buckled and I was falling until two arms caught me. "Taylor?" Carlo said urgently. He lifted me up and sat me back down on my chair. My vision was blurry. "Taylor," I heard Kiya say, "Are you alright?" I turned to face her but moved to quickly. My stomach protested at the fast movement. "Excuse me," I said pushing Carlo out of my way. I sprinted, well actually stumbled quickly, to the toilets. Once I got there I threw up like this morning. Once it was all out I heard the toilet door open again. "Taylor?" Kiya said softly as I got up from the toilet and walked to the sink. I rinsed my mouth and braced my hands on either side of the sink. I felt Kiya put her arm around my waist and tug me up. "Come on, you need to go home." she led me out the bathroom where Carlo was waiting ancshously. He saw my pale face and came up putting his arm where Kiya's is. "I'm going to take you home," Carlo declared as Kiya let go of me.
"Get better," Kiya said as Carlo led me towards his car.
He opened the passenger seat door open for me and helped me in. He quickly ran to the driver’s seat and started the car. As we drove he held my hand and I rested my head on his shoulder. We stayed quiet the whole way as he rubbed circles on the palm of my hand. Once we arrived at my house he walked me in and laid me on my bed. I curled into a ball. I felt the bed dip beside me and soon was pulled back into Carlo's arms. I turned around to face him and snuggled into his chest. Exsausted, I was lulled to sleep, his heart beat acting as a lullaby.

I woke up groggily. I opened my eyes and found my head still in the crock of Carlo's neck. He was playing with my hair lightly and I looked up at him. "Hello," my voice crack from sleep and I cleared it.
He chuckled, "Hello, sleepyhead. How are you feeling?" I stretched back and smiled happily when I realized that the world wasn't spinning and I didn't feel like I was going to throw up. "Good."
Carlo looked unconvinced,"Are you sure, beautiful?" He reached over and put the back of his hand on my forehead, checking my temperature. I reached up and grabbed his hand, moving it to my cheek. "I promise I'm fine," I smiled reassuringly. He looked into my eyes for a few minutes and a smiled crept onto his face once he worked out I wasn't lying. I gave him a quick peck on the lips and got up. I turned to him and said,"Don't move." He saluted and froze. I ran to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and brushed my hair through. I grabbed a pair of high waisted jean shorts and tucked in a white over sized t-shirt. Once I felt fresher I walked back into my room and laughed when I realized that Carlo hadn't moved an inch. I walked over to him and climbed on top of his body. "Wow, you took staying still seriously," I laughed. He didn't move. "Hello?" I said as he stayed still. I pouted, but then grinned when I got an idea. I lent down and kissed his neck, making my way up his jaw. I felt his jaw clench and I smiled as my lips made their way down his neck to the bottom of his shirt. I lifted it up a bit a kissed my way up his nicely formed stomach, sucking lightly. He hands gripped my calfs as I continued up. He soon couldn't take it anymore, and grabbed my face takin it towards his mouth. Our mouths almost touched but I quickly jumped up and got off him, grinning evilly. He whimpered,"That's not playing nice," he pouted.
I laughed, "I never said I play nice."
He grinned and came over Towards me. I back away at the misgevious glint in his eyes. "What are you doing?" I asked carefully. He stayed silent as his grinning face came closer to mine. I ducked as he tried to grab me and ran away with him on my heals. I didn't have much room to run as my bed room was no running track, so it wasn't long until I felt Carlo's arm snake around my waist pulling me back. He pressed me against the wall and kissed me passionately. I willingly clasped my arms around his neck. His tongue traced my lip and I greedily opened my mouth for him. My tongue massaged his and I heard him moan in the back of his throat. His hands traced up to the edge of my shirt and slipped under. He stroked my breasts an I shivered in pleasure. He pulled back and rested his forehead on mine. With us both breathing heavily he looked into my eyes. We stayed there, looking into each others eyes lovingly. Yes, I have fallen in love with one if the most popular guys in school. He reached up and brushed my hair behind my ears then cupped my face.
"I know that we only just started going out but," he paused, searching my eyes,"I.." he took a deep breath,"I love you. I've loved you since I first saw you. I love your laugh, I love your jokes and I love how you smile. I love how you're too nice for your own good and you're not obsessed with how you look. I love that you agreed to be my girlfriend after one date and how you stood up to Jesse for me. I love everything about you." I stood there shocked. It was like he had read my mind. It took me a few minutes to be able to put words together in my head an the whole time Carlo looked nervous but patient. "Y..Y...You love me?" I spluttered. He nodded, "I love you."
I smiled, "I love you too." he looked at me like a blind man seeing the sun for the first time, like he just won the lottery.
"Really?" he asked and I nodded. He smashed his lips hungrily against mine. I smiled against his lips, knowing I was in love.


Hello Guys:) So as you can see at the start I have put some song lyrics:) I got that idea from many of you so i thought i would give it a go.

Otherwise, Carlo and Taylor said I Love You:D I didnt actually plan that but hey, let's just go with it.

Please comment, I really need your opinion on this story and if you have any tips or ideas for this story.

Also it would be awesome if you'll check out my other story. It's called 'There's No Going Back'.

Yeah, so thanks to all of you that have been reading, i never thourght this many people would read this but what do you know. This is pretty cool:D

Anywho, I hope you enjoyed it and Untill Next time,

Living with the Jamisons (In Editing)Where stories live. Discover now