When It All Goes Wrong

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Hey Guys. Just letting you know that it get's a little heated in here and there is a bit of a sex/make out scene. Anyway Enjoy:D


Who do you think you are?

Running around leaving scares

Collecting your Jar of Hearts

And tearing love apart

You're going to chatch a cold

From the ice inside you soul

So don't come back for me

Who do you think you are?

'Jar of Hearts' by Christina Perri

The rest of the week pasted in a blur. Carlo would come over after school and we would do homework, talk, walk or whatever came to mind. We now said 'I love you' like it was easy. I have fallen for him so hard that I didn't know it was even possible. I never thought I would be so in love, but here I am proving myself wrong. Life is amazing. The boys have changed their opinion on Carlo, or so I think, and now they love having him around. Carlo is as sweet as ever, ignoring romours spread and most importantly other girls like Caisy.
Before I knew it, it was Friday, the day of the party.
"Do I really have to do this?" I whined as Mia shoved me up the stairs and into my room with the other girls trailing behind.
"Yes!" mia said finally. She grabbed my arm and pulled me into the chair in front of my dresser. I huffed and crossed my arms over my chest. "Just so you know I don't want to go and I will be having a crap night all because you forced me here," I said sulkily.
"Thats the spirt," Mia said sarcastically, "Hey Jizelle, can you come do her hair."
Jizelle got up excitedly from my bed and skipped over to me. "What do you want?"
"Not to go," I grumbled.
Jizelle rolled her eyes," Mia is not going to not let you go. Come on you're going with Carlo. You'll have a blast and we'll all be there. What do you want done with your hair?" she asked again.
I sighed, "Up to you. I'll just add it to the things I have no say in." I said glaring at Mia. She smiled back innocently. Jizelle got to work on my hair, curling it here, straighting it there, pulling it this way and that.
Mia looked me in the eye with a make up bag in her hand, "Now if you move, I will poke you in the eye."
I nodded my head, "Got it. No moving my head, ma'am." She laughed and emptied the bags contants on the table. I sighed and closed my eyes thinking about anything but tonight.
I must of dozed off because the next thing I knew someone was poking me. "Wow, she's really still." I heard Kiya say, "Do you think she's dead?" there was a smacking sound. "Aww," Kiya complained, "I was joking."
I opened my eyes. "Welcome back," Mia said.
I shook my head," I wasn't sleeping." I said unconvincingly.
Mia rolled her eyes, "Sure." the whole room erupted into laughter. The doorbell echoed into my room. They all froze for a second but then everyone was moving again. "Kiya and Jizelle go distract them," Mia ordered, "Taylor go get into your dress quickly." she shove me off the chair and to my closet. "Pushy much," I mumbled picking my dress up that Mia bought with me ad walking into the bathroom. I hadnt seen the dress yet because Mia had draped a plastic cover over it. She thourght I was going to freak. I slowly peeled the bag off and squealed. She was right and wrong in this case. Yes, I have freaked but no, i will not wear this. It was a very very short white crocheted dress. It had a royal blue waist strip that tied up behind my back in a bow. I opened the door to find everyone ready. "Why aren't you ready?" Mia said.
"Um, well you were right I freaked," I said shrugging," I can't wear this!"
"Yes you can," she turned me around and started pushing me into the bathroom. I dig my heals into the carpet and whined, "Please, I can't wear this."
"You will look amazing! Come one Carlo's waiting down stairs with the boys. We need to get down there." she insisted, but saw my hesitation and sighed, "You're wearing it wheither you put it on yourself or I dress you, so I guess the choice is yours." I looked into her determined eyes. She wasn't going to budge, I could see that. "Is there a point in aguring? You're going to get your way anyway arent you?"
"Yes," she sang, "Now get changed. You have 5 minutes."
I dragged my feet back into the bathroom. I striped down and carefully put my dress on. I looked in to mirror and didnt recognize myself in the miror. The girl saring back at me was flawless. Her eyes were smoky making them sparkle and her lips were full with a gloss over them. The dress was still to short but made her legs look endless and made her waist look thin. her long brown hair shone in the light and went perfectly down past her shoulders. Wow. I opened the door and walked out to a gobsmacked Mia and Elle. "Wow," Mia said, "You look amazing!!! You should dress like that more often. You look hot!"
I blushed, "The dress isn't too short? I don't look like a slut?"
Elle shook her head, "Nope. You could pick up any guy looking like that." my blush darkened and I walked over to the dresser. I put on a pair of hoop earrings and a silver beaded necklace. I looked in the mirror. "I don't know if I can go like this!"
"To late," Mia said grabbing my hand, "We need to go. Everyone's waiting." I sighed and followed her out the door. As she walked down the stairs I let go of her hand slowing down. I walked unsurly down the stairs stopping before I got into view. Someone sighed, "Get your butt down her Taylor Harrison or I will come up there and dag you!" Mia's voice travaled up the stairs.
"I look like a freakin' slut!" I yelled back.
"Mind your language," Trisan said jokingly, laughing.
"Come on Taylor," Carlo said softly, "I'm sure you look amazing." I heard someone fake gag.
I sighed and tugged the bottom of my dress down. I walked down steadily. When I walked into view everyone stared. "I told you!" I whined turning to walk back up but someone grabbed my wrist. I turned around to see Carlo there. "You look beautiful," he said lust filling his eyes. I took a deep breath and smiled, "Thank you." that was all I need to finish my run down the stairs. I saw all the older boys there and ready to go with a stunned look on there face.
Tristan let out a wolf whistle, "You look smoking," he said eyeing me up and down. I blushed and gripped Carlo's hand. He squeezed it reassuringly. "Lets go," Mia squealed and ran out the door. All 13 of us squshed into two cars. Once we got there the lawn the was acting as a car park was packed. "Oh," i said , mocking sadness, "We cant go. And i really wanted to go." i sighed drematicly,"Oh well, let's go home."
The car erupted into laughter as they saw my hopeful face at the dea of going home. "Nice try, small fry, but fail," James teased.
I pouted crossing my arms infont of my chest, "I had to try. Any way I'm not small."
We weaved in and out of cars when we finally spotted two next to each other. Everyone jumped out of the at but I stayed put. I felt Carlo stop and look at me. "What's wrong honey?" he said turning my face to his. I sighed," I've never been to a party and I wanted to keep it that way," I confined.
He looked shocked at first. "It will be fine," he said reassuringly. "Just have some fun."
He grabbed my hand and I followed him out the car. We walked hand in hand with our friends surrounding us. I looked over at the house. To say it was huge was an understatement. It was three story with crowded balconies lining around each level. There were people flowing in and out the grand double door entrance some sober but most of them drunk. I cringed into Carlo and he wrapped his arm around my shoulder. We made our way through the crowd and some of the boys went to find their mates. "Would you like a drink?" Carlo asked turning to me.
I shook my head, "No thanks, I don't drink."
He smiled, "Okay, I'm going to grab one and find my mates. Is that okay? I won't be long."
I shook my head, "That's fine. Ill go with the girls."
He grinned and gave me a quick peck before being swallowed by the crowd. I turned around and went to look for Kiya. When I found her she was surrounded by all our friends.
"Hey girl," Gabby said, "We're going dancing. You wanna come?"
I nodded, "Let's go." we walked to the dance floor and started dancing together. There would be guys trying to dance with us but we all ignored them and had fun laughing and spinning each other around. I was so glad I had a great bunch of friends. We had been dancing for almost 2 hours and I was puffed. Wondering where Carlo was I said to the girls, "I'm going to find Carlo."
Elle nudged me, "That's right you go find lover boy."
I playfully pushed her before waving goodbye and heading out of the crowd. I started at the bottom level and made my way up, opening every door and asking if they had seen him. I had walked in on many people making out and some going even further. I was about to give up when I heard someone familiar in one of the rooms. When I knocked no one answered so I opened the door and looked into the dark room. I heard him again but he was groaning. I found the light switch and flicked it on. When I saw the scene in front of me I froze. Carlo was on the bed with the head cheerleader, Caisy. I felt tears well in my eyes as I backed out the door and shut it behind me. Turns out he wasn't ignoring them like I thought. But what was worse was the they were one of the ones that went further.
I ran through the party and out to the back yard. I went to the very edge and sat down only hearing the muffle of people talking over music. My eyes over filled with tears and they spilt over. How could he do this? After everything I risked? He said he wouldn't hurt me and he goes and has sex with someone else! I sobbed. I heard the grass move behind me and looked up to see a fimiliar face. "Alex?" I had barely seen him around. The last time we really talked was when he asked me here on Monday. We had only really said hi in the hallways or smile. He sat down next me. "Hey Taylor," he said studying me, "What's wrong?"
I shook my head, "Nothing."
"No, come on tell me," he insisted, grabbing my hand.
I sighed, "I just found my boyfriend cheating on me." I said in a gush. It was really weird. I felt like I have spent my whole life with Alex. I felt as if I could trust him with anything even if we have barely spoken. I looked down more tears working there way down my cheeks. "Come on," he said getting up, "Let's go in and talk about it. We'll find an empty room. It will be more comfortable." He held his hand out and I took it as he led me into a bedroom at the end of the hall on the 3rd level. You could barley hear the music. He walked me to the bed and went back to the door. He flicked the switch on the door knob. All of a suden I didn't trust me judgment of Alex. "W.. W... Why did you lock the door?" I stuttered getting off the bed. When he turned around to face me he had a excited and some what triumphed look on his face. He started to scare me. He walked towards me and I matched his forwards steps with my retreating ones. That was until I hit the wall. "What do you want?" I asked quietly.
"What do you mean?" he asked, he was now right in front of me.
"I thought we came here to talk."
He scoffed, "You really think I care about you and your love life? Do you really think I actually care for you at all?" he said with a wicked smile, "Although, you do look pretty sexy."
I pushed him back but he didn't budge. He stepped forward and grabbed my waist roughly. I shoved him back with all my might, "Get off me you jerk," I yelled. He smiled faltered. I tried running for the door but he grabbed my wrist and hit me against the wall. My head hit the wall hard, momentarily blurring my vision. I whimpered. "I wouldn't fight it princesses," he whispered.
"HEELLPPP!!!" I screamed but then a hand hit me across my face.
"I would shut up, doll face, no one can hear you."
Tears flowed noisily down my face, "Why me?" I whispered.
He laughed, "Let's just say this is my revenge on your new family." he paused, thoughtful,"You see, a few years ago I ruled the school. I was the quarterback and I had girls basically bowing down to me. But then along came the god like Jamisons. I mean they were here the whole time but they were never out there. They kept to themselves. But then your mate Jesse started playing sports and so did the rest of them. They soon became me and took everything, my whole reputation. I've tried other things, egging their cars, breaking them up with the girlfriends, playing pranks but there is 6 against 1 here so you see my disadvantage. They stick together all the time. But," he said dramatically," But, then you came along. You mean a lot to them you know. So you were my perfect opportunity. I just needed to become friends with you and use you to get back at them." he shrugged.
"You're doing all this for revenge?"
He throught for a second, "Well yes and no. Part of it is revenge. But the other part is me just wanting to have it with you." He put his hands on my hips and his lips came crushing down on mine. I pulled away. "Please don't," I sobbed.
He smiled evilly," oh I'm going to." he pushed me up against the wall and his mouth was on mine. His lips were rough and I whimpered, "Shut up and stop crying," he growled. I had no control of my tears now. He moved his lips against mine but I didn't respond. He pulled away and slapped my face. I gasped in pain as I tasted blood in my mouth. He leaned over so his mouth was at my ear." Please don't," I pleaded over and over.
"You better stop talking and cooperate. I dont want to hurt you but I will." he said threatenly. His teeth grazed my ear and I shivered in disgust. But he took this the wrong way, "Thats right. Just let your body go on it's own. Trust me you'll enjoy it." he came back to my mouth and traced my bottom lip with his tongue. When I didn't respond and open, he bit on my lip hard and I gasped in pain. He took this as his cue and shoved his tounge into my mouth. His hands went down my body and hips. He grabbed my butt and squeezed it hard making me cringe away. He hit me in the ribs and I screamed out as pain shot up my right side. "I told you to stay quiet," he said against my lips. His hands went to my wrists and he placed them around his neck. When he was sure I wouldn't move them he let go and went back down to my thigh. He used his foot to kick my knees making them buckle. He caught me around my hips and I had no choice but to wrap my legs around him. He smiled against my lips but it quickly went as I swiftly pulled away and ran for the door. I was almost there when something pushed me from behind with the force of a wreck ball. I flew into the door and crumpled to the floor. I felt him pick me up and take me to the bed, "Have you learnt your lesson?" he asked, his eyes raging. I nodded. I was stuck. I was going to be raped and I couldn't do anything about it. He would only hurt me more if I debated. He laid me on the bed and crawled on top. He looked me over, his gaze stopping at my breasts, "You are so hot." He kissed my lips and his tounge came into my mouth. He tried making my tongue move with his but it didn't. He hit me again in the ribs. "You have to work with me here or else it's only going to get worse. Just do it."
He leaned down again but this time when his tongue came in I moved with it. Tears were streaming down my face as we continued. He moaned in the back of his throat. He put all his weight on me and I felt him get hard. When I looked at him his eyes were clouded with lust. But this wasn't he-liked-me lust, this was I-want-your-body lust. His hands went to the bottom of my dress and bunched it up on my waist. He traced his fingers up my thigh higher and higher. I wasn't ready for this. I grabbed his hands but he hit me in he ribs again and continued. he quickly took his hand away and took off his shirt and pants leaving us both in nothing but underwear. "Please don't," I whispered, pleadingly.
"You can't stop me now baby. I need you now," he voice thick with lust.
He bent his head down so it was level with my breast. He reached behind me and unhooked my bra. He threw it off the bed and put his mouth roughly around it. He groaned in pleasure as he bit and sucked it. I tried not to squirm but it was hard. "Don't move," he mumbled. As he continued I felt his rock push just above my pelvis. "Oh, I'm sorry I can't wait any longer," he said against me. He took off his boxers and using his teeth took my undies off. He traced he tounge from my ankle and my thigh. He pushed my thighs apart and stradled me. He moved on me so his shaft was at my entrance. "Please," I begged, tying one last time.
"Don't ruin this for me!"
"That was amazing." I laid there lifeless. I felt dirty and cheap. There was constant pain in my face and ribs. he pulled my face to his and kissed me hard. I felt weak. "That wasn't so hard was it? Any time you want to do it again, just call." he walked to the door and said, "Oh and tell the Jamisons I say hi." he left the room closing the door behind him. I curled into a ball on the bed and shook violently. I felt as though someone had taken me. I wasn't in my body anymore. I couldn't do anything. I was in shock. I don't know how long it was untill there was a change in noise. "Taylor?" someone called, their voice muffled by the door. I wanted to scream "Here" but I had no control over my body at all. I heard the door open and they said, "Taylor?" again. They must of seen my shakin body because they gasped and ran over. Kiya came into my view. "Taylor, Taylor? Can you here me?" she said franticly. I couldn't answer. I could barley blink. She pulled out her phone and rang someone. She had tears in her eyes. "Please come help me," she cried into the phone, "Taylor's here and she's not responding. I don't know what happended." she paused, "We're in the last room on the left on the 3rd level." She snapped the phone shut grabbing my hands, "Taylor, Taylor, Talk to me please. What happened?"
It wasn't long later that I heard the door slam open and there were suddenly 4 other boys in the room. I heard them react the same way as Kiya, stopping at the door way and then running over. As Jesse ran over he told someone to go get the other boys. I saw James pick Kiya off the floor and pull her into a comforting hug. Jesse and Steven knelt around the bed. Jesse cupped my face, "Taylor? Taylor? We need you to stay with us. Can you hear me?" As he was talking i started to become in control of my body again. He stroked my face ,"Come on Taylor, I need you to respond to me. Can you hear me?"
Even though I still shook, it wasnt as vigorous and I could just slightly move my head to nod to Jesse's question. It felt like my head had been set in ice and I was cracking. I heard people let out their breath. "Can you talk to me? Can you tell me what happened?" Jesse said looking into my eyes. I begain to shake more violently again with tears fall down my eyes. I felt more people walk in and Pete came to take Jesse's spot. "Shh...." he hushed putting a hand on my hips. I flinched both in pain and remembering who last did that. He felt me move and quickly took his hand away. "We need to take her to dad," he said looking at me. I felt two hard arms slip under my back and legs and soon the bed disappeared from underneath me. I barely noticed us walk through the house, dodging the drunken people, and out the front door. The cold air stung my skin and I cringed into whoever was carrying me. The cold air seemed to wake up my body. I wrapped my arms around Jesse's neck and sobbed into his shirt. He rubbed my back soothingly and asked, "Taylor, can you please say something?"
I shook my head. I couldn't trust my voice. I could still see his face. They didn't have to know it was him. If they did, he would get what he wanted. He would have gotten to them. They would be beyond angry and that was what he wants. I wouldn't tell them. I wouldn't tell them for their sake. I clung harder to Jesse but them loosened my grip when my arms and ribs ache. I moaned quietly in pain. "Taylor, what hurts?" I just shook my head at Jesse. I heard a door open and soon felt myself being sat onto a seat. Jesse slid in after me and pulled my head on to his shoulder as his other arm wove around me. I looked forward. I didn't talk or move the whole way home.


Hey, Sorry for any mist

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