A Rocky Ending

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Jesse pulled me up with him and we all headed downstairs. I quickly stoppe at my room to fix up my makeup and hair before I ran downstairs to catch up. The whole family was coming so we all filed into numerous cars and headed to the festival. I sat in the middle seat and Jesse sat on my left as Steven sat on my other side. I jiggled my legs as Pete started the car and we headed closer to my embarrassing doom. Steven and Jesse smile ecorengingly. Jesse slipped his arm around my shoulder, rubbing it soothingly and Steven placed his hand on my knee, stopping its shaking. Much to my charging, the trip was quick yet my nerves managed to double on such a small amount of time. Jesse practically dragged me out the door and over to the side of the stage. The portible raised stage was rather big with instruments scattering the back. We were running late so there was only 5 minutes until I went on. At the moment two girls in year 12 were reading out the raffle winners with a comical way. Fin ran over to me ushering me behind the stage. I quickly gave Jesse a kiss and he whispered, "Goodluck." 

"So, how are you doing? Pumped?" Fin excitedly. 

I chuckled nervously, "yeah?"  

Fin laughed and nudged me, "You'll be fine. There is only a representative from a record company and a bit over half a thousand people." 

I groaned, "Not helping."


I walked back out to my brothers, where they gather with a few mates, including Carlo. I man hugged Carlo, Mike, Luke an Zach, and nodded hey to the others. I saw my mum waving me over from where she sat and one of the very many backyard chairs and tables. I walked over and sat next to her with dad on her other side. "What's up, mum?" I asked, andshe looked at dad who nodded his head to her before turning back to me. "We got a call from the police who are keeping an eye on Taylor's father." Dad said pausing, so I nodded for him to continue. "And they know that he has flown out of their home town but they are working out where he went. Her father wasn't supost to go away and they're not sure why he has gone. We just thought we should let you know, watch out for her." Half way through his story I clenched my fists and the Taylor's fathers name. The funny free-wheeling guy who lived across the road when I was younger was gone, an has been replaced but an abusive sick, son of a barsted. I hated him for everything he had done to Taylor. I thanked my parents and walked back to the guys. I stayed silent until Fin went on stage to introduce Taylor. Everyone has gathered around the stage, people who had already seen her coming back for more and people who hadn't seen her and wanted to see what all the gossip was about. "Now everyone give it up to the best singer in our school, Taylor Harrison." Fin said as everyone cheered. Taylor nervously walked on waving shyly. Someone quickly walked on behind her and clipped her guitar to the seakers. "Thank you," Tay said into the microphone, "So I have 3 songs I wrote that I'm going to sing for you guys. I hope you enjoy." she smiled shyly before quickly testing all the strings. She was about to start when a commotion from inside the crowd. Someone pushed through the crowd and when he came into view he yelled, "You bitch! You left me after all I gave you!"


My hand went to strum but people yelling 'Heys,' in the crowd in front of me made me stop. Someone shoved through the front of the crowd and once the person came into view I froze. "You bitch! You left me after everything I gave you." 

My worst nightmare stood a mear 10 meters eyes burning with fury. Everyone gasped at his words and I looked over into Jesse's eyes, mine drowning in fear. I looked back at dad and could tell all caution he had, had flown to the wind. He didn't care that he wasn't supost to be here. He didn't care that any minute now he could be caught. All he cared about was his last chance to hurt me. He had to have one final stab to make sure, even after all this time with the Jamison's, I was still hurting. He stalked towards my frighten figure. Before I knew what was happening Pete, Jesse, Steven, Trostan and Dylan were in front of te stage, their tense backs to me as they faced my father. James lepted up on stage and pulled me to him. I rested my cheek on his shoulder so I could still see what was going on. My eyes locked with Carlo and he nudged Zach, Mike and Luke and headed over. Carlo came over to me and the other joined the brothers. "What the hell are you doing here?" Jesse growled.  

Living with the Jamisons (In Editing)Where stories live. Discover now