Revenge Gone Bad

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"I hate you guys," I heard her mutter as we sent her flying. In my perspective this was a bit extravagate pay back but everyone said it was good so. Everyone was laughing as she hit the water with a scream. I looked over to see Dylan and James on the floor with tears running down their face. When I looked down at the pool again she hadn't resurfaced. I knelt down at the edge and tried to find her through the dark water. I saw what looked like a lump on the bottom of the pool and assumed it was her. It had been at least 30 seconds now. She should be out by now. I was about to jump in after her when I saw her weakly push up to the surface. She quickly grabbed onto the side of the pool on the opposite side if me and coughed up gallons of water. Shit. It was about now that everyone noticed her and immediately stopped laughing. "Crap, Taylor?" Pete said running over to her. Before we got there she stopped coughing and slipped back into the water. Steven and I jump into the water and push her up as Pete and James pick her up. Pete lent down to listen to her heart while Dylan checked her pulse. I ran inside and grabbed our thickest blanket and a jumper of the couch. I sprinted back outside and laid them on her. Pete pressed against her chest and turned her head to the side. He did it once more and suddenly she responded. Her back arched and she spewed out more water. Tristan lifted her shoulders and Dylan supported her head. The water continuously poured out of her mouth as she tried getting air through the water. Her arms came around to try and support her but not long after she went limp again but this time she continued breathing heavily. She laid there in their arms until I couldn't take it anymore. "It she alright? Why hasn't she opened her eyes?" I asked franticly. Damn who ever came up with this payback. "Just give her a minute to come back. It won't be long." Dylan said calmly. HOW COULD HE BE CALM?? But as he said it wasn't long after until her eyes shot open. She gasped as she looked up at us surrounding her. "Guys maybe take a step back so we don’t over whelm her," Tristan said coarsely. She whimpered when we moved and put her eyes in her knees. After a while she looked up uncertainty. She started to tremble and I saw fear in her eyes. Did she fear us now? She looked around franticly like she was looking for someone but hoping not to find them. She looked around then confusion crossed her features. What the hell was she thinking?
All of a sudden I was on the pavement with pressure on my wrists and something pushing on my chest. Suddenly water came out my mouth and I felt like a water fall. The water just kept coming. I didn't know i could keep this amount of liquid in me. I gasped as I was finally able to breathe. But it was cut short as more water came. I willed my eyes to open and face my dad but that wasn’t happening. I kept gasping for air as more water coming out and choking on it. I reached across my body to hold myself up but when all the water was out I fell limp. I was still slightly concise but couldn't move my arms and legs. But I guess that was from Dad hitting me, right. I hope dad isn't there when I wake up. I still couldn't hear anyone but things were starting to move. I felt wet, well obviously I was just chucked into a pool for getting a b+ but I was surprisingly not cold. I felt the lumpy ground under me and someone breathing around me. Shit, he was here. Hadn't he hit me enough the past hour? I said I was sorry and I told him I got the best score. I felt my body lighten, like a weight being taken away, allowing me to have control of my body. I flew my eyes open and saw people crowded around me. I trembled with fear not wanting my father to hurt me. "Guys maybe take a step back so we don’t over whelm her," someone said. There was shuffling behind and I whimpered and shoved my head in-between my knees bracing myself for my dad’s hit. I waited for it to come but it didn't and I didn't feel any new pain. I reached back to my head to feel for any blood or pain and when I didn't find any I ran my hand up my legs and arms. Nothing. I looked up and around. There were people all around me. I quickly skimmed their faces to see if any of them were dad then I tried looking past them. Nothing. Where was I? Where was dad? What happened? I looked up at the worried expression on their faces. I was still trying to work out what happened when someone asked, "Taylor?" he took a step closer and I shuffled back only to run into someone else behind me. I flinched. His voice sounded familiar. I was really confused. "W-W-Where am I?" I asked.
The guy looked at the others questionably. The guy behind me answered, "You're at the Jamison’s'" He paused," across the road from where you use to live. You moved here a couple of days ago."
It all started to come back. I could now name all the people around me but what was dad doing here? "Where's dad?"
Pete looked confused. Yeah, he can join the club. "Umm. Well you didn't tell us but I am assuming he is still in Australia."
"But… He was..." I trailed off. I swear he was just here. He threw me in the pool for my bad score. Didn't he? "What happened?"
The guys looked around uncomfortably. "Well we were kind of getting you back for the joke you played on us and chucked you in the pool." Tristan said, sheepishly. It was all starting to come back. But if dad was in Australia then, "How old am I?"
Their faces turned from confused to beyond worried. "Maybe we should wake up mum. She can't even remember how old she is!" Jesse exclaimed.
"No, no I think I remember everything. Just answer my question please." I still felt a bit dizzy but they didn't have to know that.
Jesse still looked unsure. "You're 17," he said.
I sighed. It was just a memory. Dad was still locked up and I moved here. We spent the day at the beach and I tricked them into thinking there were girls. Then I fell asleep on the couch and the through me in. Got it. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath to steady my speeding heart. "Taylor, are you alright?" I looked up at Carter. "Yeah I'm fine honey. Just give me a sec," I breathed. It took a minute or two to change gasping to normal breathing and put my heart rate down to a healthier speed. I started getting up sub-concisely mainly using my right foot. When I got up a felt dizzy and I started to wobble. I balanced on my left foot and pain shot through my ankle. I screamed out and fell into someone. They grabbed me around the waist. I grunted as the sharp pain continued making its way up my leg from my ankle. "Tay," Jesse said softly, "What hurts?"
"Nothing," I said through clenched teeth. I tried limping and only using my left toes but as soon as I place the foot down I cried out again. I was caught as I fell again. "Taylor," James said this time, "Taylor, What is it?"
I hesitated then looked down at my ankle. Shot. Was it me or did It looked a little pointier than usual. I could tell they followed my gaze as I heard them all take their breath in.
I looked up, "Look guys, I'm find," I said as convincingly as possible. Pete came forward and picked me up bridal style. "You not fine," he said walking towards the door.
"Carter, can you go wake up dad but try not to wake up mum and Wes." Carter walked up stairs as Pete continued with instructions. "Tristan, can you get dads first aid kit for when he gets out and Dylan, can you get the ice pack?" Pete placed me on the couch gently.
"How are you feeling?" he asked looking at me.
"Well to say I felt better an hour a go would be an understatement," I said smiling sweetly.
He chuckled, "Yeah sorry about that."
"Don't worry. Pay backs rough. But I must say just because I got your hopes up doesn't mean you have to dismantle my ankle." he laughed again.
"To true," he smiled.
We heard someone run through the door and saw John in his Pyjamas.
"Oh my god Taylor, What happened?" he asked walking over as the boys came back with the first aid kit and ice pack.
"Well long story," I answered.
A tired looking Wes walked into the room. "I thought I told youth not wake up Wes," Pete said, looking at Carter. Carter shrugged, "Sorry."
Wed came over to me rubbing his eyes and mumbled, "Are you alright?"
Aww... To cute. "I'm fine sweetie. Come here" I held my arms open and he snuggled into them. He rests his head on my chest and fell asleep straight away.
"Let's just have a look, shall we?" John came over and knelt down near my leg. "Where does it hurt?"
"Umm.. Well my ankle and I must say it has looked better." I said.
He chuckled, "I have to agree."
He gingerly picked up my ankle and my teeth came together with an audible snap. I squeeze my eyes shut and concentrated on Wes' steady breathing. Pete grabbed one of my hands and squeezed it. John moved my ankle once more and I squeezed Pete's hand with a grunt.
I let a little scream escape my lips and Wes stirred in my arms. I clamped my mouth together harder and squeezes Pete's hand with all my might. God this hurt. My head fell back in agony. "Hey Tay," Pete said uncomfortably, "umm... You're breaking my hand. "
"Hey you can guys can destroy my ankle and I can't destroy your hand? Shame," I said sarcastically. But I let go of his hand and settled for squeezing the couch. The guys chuckled.
"Okay ," John said placing my foot back down. I sighed. "Now I have some good and bad news. You haven't broken your ankle but you have sprained it badly. I can tape it up now for school tomorrow ."
I sighed great. Starting school with a spraind ankle. Talk about not attracting attention. "Okay. I didn't know you were a doctor." he smiled as he went through his kit and pulled out some tape. "Now will one of you put Wes to bed?" he asked pointing to the boys. James got up and took Wes from me. "Carter, you should off been bed an hour ago. Go to bed please."
Carter sigh, "’Righty dad, night." As they walked out the room John turned to back to me and passed me a pillow. I looked at it questionably. I raised an eyebrow and he said, "This is going to hurt a lot." he warned," ready?"
I nodded numbly. I felt Jesse come and put his hand reassuringly on my shoulders.
"One. Two. Three," John said as he started moving my ankle around. I now got what the pillow was for. I shoved the pillow into my face and screamed out it pain. Tear rolled down my face and John worked as quickly as possible. Jesse and Pete were trying to soothe me. "Almost there," John said after what felt like an hours of pain, "and done,” he said cutting the tape. I slumped into the arm rest and laid my head on it.
"Are you alright?" Jesse asked wiping away a few stray tears. I nodded.
"Now I suggest you all go to bed now." I looked around and realized I completely forgot I had an ordinance. I smiled embarrassed.
"Will you guys help Taylor to her room and I will go up to the hospital to get some crutches for tomorrow." he smiled.
"Don't worry about it John. I will be fine. It's the middle of the night." I complained.
"Don't worry about it. It's only just up the road. You just go rest and I will see you in the morning."
"Thank you," I said gratefully, "Good night." he walked out the room.
I looked over to the boys. "I hope you realized you made my first day at school tomorrow and lot more embarrassing and harder,"
I huffed and crossed my arms over my chest.
"Sorry," they said in unison.
"Don't worry about it," I said sadly. We sat in silence till I let out a big yawn. I sat up fully and placed my right foot on the floor. I then reached forward and gentle picked up my ankle and moved it so it was vertically sticking out of the couch. I stretched my arms over my head and my elbows cracked. "Ewww," I muttered. Pete chuckled, "Getting old I see."
I rolled my eyes and said, "Could you shut up and help me up?" I held one of my hands out and used the other one to push me up off the couch. The boys all got up and Jesse grabbed my hand. He slowly pulled me up and steadied me. I bent my knee and rested it on the couch behind me. I reached my hands over my head and bent my backwards. I stayed there for a bit to get it working again. I pulled back up and saw all the boys looking at me. "What?"
They looked stunned, "How did you do that?"
I looked at all their faces. "I went backwards?" duh.
"Yeah but how did you go that far, you freak?" Dylan said playfully. Tristan walked next to me and copied my position. He lent backwards but only moved a couple of centimetres before he fell onto his head. "Ouff," he grunted. I laughed so hard tears rolled down my eyes. I leant into Jesse to stop me from falling. I felt Jesse laugh next to me. "Shut up," Tristan muttered.
"You... should've ... seen... your ... face," I gasped in-between laughter.
He glared at me then he gazed shifted to Dylan who was laughing his butt off. "I would like to see you try," he said challengingly. "Okay," Dylan said happily. He soon was on his head as welland everyone was laughing. All the boy challenged one another and I just stood there cracking up laughing. When they had all tried they all looked at me. "Ha.ha," I laughed, "You guys suck!"
"Hey it's not our fault you’re freakishly flexible," Jesse pouted.
"Hey," I mimicked him, "It's not my fault you all are freakishly inflexible." I grinned wickedly.
Pete laughed, "Hey remember your relying on us for the next few weeks."
"Hey remember you’re the reason I'm relying on you for the next few week," I shot back.
He put his arms up in surrender, "Good point. Let's get you to bed."
I hooked an arm around Jesse's shoulder and my other one around Pete's. It would have worked better if they weren't towering over me, may I add. We slowly made our way over to the door. When I say slowly i mean very very very slowly. I could tell the boys were get peeved at my snail like pace. When they couldn’t take it anymore Jesse and Pete put one arm around my waist and the other under my knees. "Hey, put me down!" I said sternly.
"Wow," Jesse said surprised, "We really should feed you better. You weigh the same as a feather!"
"Put me down. You're going to hurt yourselves."
Pete scoffed but said nothing. They continued carrying me upstairs and down the hallway. I sigh, "You guys are so stubborn!" I complained.
The other boys said "Goodnight," as we past their rooms. We got to my door and the put me down on the bed. "Thanks," I said genuinely.
"That's alright," Pete said, "I gotta go to bed but get some sleep and i might cya in the morning. Goodnight"
"’Night" I said as he left.
I flopped onto the bed. I heard Jesse shuffling around the room and then a short time later the bed dipped next to me. I opened my eyes and looked at him. He was holding out a pair of pyjamas. "Thanks," I smiled.
He sat quietly watching me then said, "I'm sorry. We shouldn't have done that. You could’ve gotten really hurt." I put my hand over his mouth. He looked into my eyes and I said, "Don't worry about. I'll live. Just next time you want your pay back try not to permanently hurt me," he chuckled. "Will do," he said saluting. He hesitated a bit and I looked Ito his eyes. He seem to be debating weather to say something or not. "Just tell me," I said, giving him a way out from the great debate in his head.
"Oh it's nothing," he said looking away.
I gently took his face and made him look at me. "Tell me."


Heyy Guys

OHH eventful:) It is awesome i peple are still reading this:) You guys just made my da!! WOOHOOO

As usual i love hearing your opinion and ideas so comment them:) xx

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