It Is Over

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 Say you're sorry

That face of an angel

Comes out just when you need it to

As I pace back and forth all this time

Cause I honestly believed in you

Holding on,

The days drag on,

Stupid girl, I should've know, I should've known

........ Now it's to late for you and your white horse to catch me now

White Horse by Taylor Swift



I was in the kitchen, looking for Taylor. I saw her dancing with her friends, but when I went to get a glass of water and turned around, she wasn't there anymore. I looked for her everywhere, going outside to the front lawn and the backyard, but she wasn't there. Finally, I decided to find her friend and ask then. My phone rang and I saw that it was Kiya. Why would she be calling me unless.
"What's wrong, Kiya?"
"Please come help me," she cried, "Taylor's here and she's not responding. I don't know what happened."
"Ok, I'll be right there. Which room are you in?" I was worried.
"We're in the last room on the left on the 3rd level."
I snapped my phone and dashed out grabbing James, Steven and Tristan.
"Dude, where are you taking us?" Steven cried.
"Taylor's in trouble." That was all I had to say to get them to come.
I took the steps 2 at a time moving this way and that dodging the other people that around, drunk as lords. I could feel the other three hot on my heels. We ran up to the last door on the right level and opened the door quickly. There they were. Kiya was trying to talk to Taylor, but Taylor said nothing, shaking more then I have seen anyone shake. Once I got over my anishal shock I started barking orders franticly. "Go get the other guys," I yelled running towards her. Out of the corner of my eyes I saw James pick up a weeping Kiya and Tristan dash out the door. I looked back at Taylor. Her face was vacant except for the fear splashed across it. Grabbing her face I said urgently," Taylor? Taylor? We need you to stay with us. Can you hear me? Come on Taylor, I need you to respond to me. Can you hear me?"
It took a while but to my releif she moved her head ever so slightly. Oh gosh. I thought I had lost her. I couldn't live with out her. "Can you talk to me? Can you tell me what happened?" I needed to know, I could help her. I would do anything to help her. She started shaking harder and her eyes glazed over. What in the world happened that made her so upset? I wanted to know so bad but I knew better then to ask her now. "Shh..." I soothed.
I heard the other come in and Pete took my spot. Everything was a blur. I didn't here anything that Pete said apart from 'we should take her to dad.' I straight away picked her up and we made our way out quickly. it was colder outside then I thought. Taylor reached out and sobbed into my shirt. This was killing me, seeing her like this. It was like someone was hittin me with each sob that escaped her mouth. "Taylor, can you please say something?" I pleaded. I need to help her. I would help her. Whatever it took I would do. She shook her head slightly and I sighed. We reached the car and I slid her in with me. I patted her head so it rested in my lap. Stroking her hair soothingly, I looked at her face, trying to read what she was feeling. She looked like she was thinkin hard. Her eyebrows were frowning a bit in concentration unconcesly. She didn't speak the whole way home. Pete was driving, lookin back often with a worried expression. I just kept looking at her thinking face. We finally got home and everyone was out. I opened my door and a cool breeze shot through the car. Taylor shivered in my lap. I quickly took my jacket off and wrapped her in it. She still shivered in it, her eyes cold and full of fear. I quickly picked her up, running her to the house with the others close on my heals. Inside the house Pete called dad down. "What's wrong?" Dad said rubbing his eyes. Woops must of woken him up.
He spotted the trembling Taylor in my arms and motioned me to put her on the coach. He rested his palm against her forehead. "Can someone get her a warm blanket, please?" Dad asked. Steven slipped out the room and soon came back with a spare duna. "Hey, Taylor, Can you tell me what hurts?"
She shook her head slightly. Dad ran his hands down her sides and she cringed into the sofa, shaking. Dad looked up at her face. "Can you get her a pair of pants and a T-shirt so I can have a look?" I dashed up stairs and grabbed a pair of tracksuit pants and a big jumper from her closet. I ran back down and handed then to dad. The guys had all surrounded themselves around her and James, Dylan and Tristan were comforting Kiya, Mia and Elle. Jezelle and Gabby had gone home eairly from the party. Dad slippe the pants up her skirt and she flinched and he slipped her straps off her shoulders. This seemed to shock her. She screamed and jumped away from him. She scrambled away from him and off the chair. My brothers and I were up in a flash. She backed into Steven and kept a meter into the air with a squeal. She looked around treified. Dad got up and slowly made his way over to her, hands up like a serenader. She spend back and the side of her hips ran into the kitchen table. She half screamed, half moaned in pain as se started to fall. She collapsed her head hitting the floor. I dashed over to her as did dad. We both got there and he checked her pulse. After a minute of silence he sighed in realif, "She's fine. There shouldn't be any damage, just knocked her out." He moved his hands down to her hips. He over her shirt up slightly and saw bruses already forming. That must of been why she cried out. "It's not broken," dad said inspecting it, "Just bruises badly. Do any of you boys know what happened?"
We all looked at each other, shaking our heads.
"We'll just have to ask when she wakes up. One of you need to take her to bed, and just check on her every so often."
"I'll do it," I said picking her up gently.
"Alright son, good night."
"Night," I said walking up to her room. I quietly opened and closed the door to her bedroom and gently placed her on her bed. I tucked her in under the covers and sat next to her. I gently stroked her hair away from her face. I watched her for an hour or so before my eye lids got heavy and I fell asleep.

It was very early in the morning. I felt someone tossing and whimpering next to me. I opened my eyes to find tears running down Taylor's sleeping face. I was about to wake her up when she screamed and jolted up right. She looked around franticly tears endlessly streaming down her face. I sat up and gently touched her shoulder. She flinched away and I was a little hurt. Why was she pulling away from everyone? "Taylor," I whispered, "It's just me." she looked at my face, searching. Finally she broke down, curling her knees up and crying into them. I was torn at the sight as I put my arms around her, letting her soak my shirt once again. "It was just a dream," I cooed. She shuttered in my arms. As her tears subsided, she became quiet. I laid her back down and soon fell back asleep.

Sun streamed in my window, making my closed eyes seem lighter. I opened my eyes and squinted against the sudden light. With a groan I sat up reaching over to where Taylor fell asleep last night, oh well I guess it was this morning. My eyes widened when I found nothing there. I looked over and found it bare. I rubbed my eyes, hoping that she would magically appear. Cussing when she didn't I jumped out of bed and ran to the door. I knocked an all the doors asking all my brothers if they had seen her. Seeing the concern on my face, they soon joined the hunt. We searched in every room for her and luckily mum and dad were out so they didn't know. Some split up into cars and drove around the town and the rest of us walked. We were out for hours, searching everywhere. It was around 3pm when I got a call from Dylan. "Hey," he said, "Look, we've tried everywhere. We couldn't find her and we came home. I think I'll call mum."
I sighed. I really didn't want to get mum involved. "Okay, but wait until I get back."
"Sure, mate. Later." the line went dead. I turned, making my way home on a different root. I was a couple kilometers out when I heard a movement in the bushes. I creaky forward to the noise as it continued. I pushed a branch back quietly and was gobsmacked at what was before me. A massive lake spread outwards with ducks scattering it. I know this isn't very manly but it was beautiful. At this time the sun wasn't straight up nor on the horizon. It was half way, hitting the water spectacularly. I heard the noise again and about a hundred meters away sat a figure. I could recognize her even from here. She had her arm delicately wrapped around her knees and her chin sat on top of them as she gazed out. She hadn't spotted me yet and I shrank back to call the guys. Quietly I dialed Dylan's number. "Hello?" he answered on the 3rd ring.
"Hey," I whispered, "I found her."
"Thank god," He sighed in relief, "Where are you both?"
"Um, around 1-2 kilometers out from home. I'm going to go get her. If mum gets home before us, cover alright?"
"Sure, dude. Just don't be too long."
"Thanks, bye." I hung up and went through the bushes. I walked up to her and as I got closer I realized that her eyes were red and puffy with tear streaks running down her cheeks. He shoulders where hunched over and her face was devastated like she was watching the world fall apart around her. It was heartbreaking and being in love with her made it that much worse. I was a few meters away from her and she still hadn't noticed me. "Taylor?" I whispered. She jumped and flew away from me, looking back shocked. Her stance relaxed a bit when she noticed and her eyes went cold. She sat back down, her body and eyes still stiff, and I placed myself next to her. She sat still, lookin like she wasn't even breathing. "Taylor, please talk to us," I pleaded putting my arm around her waist. She flinched at my touch and hissed in pain. I quickly took my arm away and she moved away a little. Hurt soared through me as her eyes held nothing. She just wrapped her arms around her legs again and watched the water. I watched her silently. A ring pierced through the peace and Taylor looked down at her phone that I didn't realize was there. Sadness, anger and something else.... Maybe regret flashed across her face before he quickly cover it up and reached her phone, clicking the ignore button. Who was that? "Taylor, you need to tell me what's wrong." She shook her head not looking at me. I gently grabbed her chin and made her look at me. Her eyes were guarded and cold as she stared back. With a sigh I let her chin go allowing her to look away. I knew whatever happened really bothered her but I just hoped that she woul soon realise that my brothers and I were here for her so she didn't have to go through what ever happened by herself. That's what family is for. We sat in silence for at least 10 minutes and her faceal expression didn't change the whole time, just blank. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket to see Dylan had texted me.
Dude you almost here?
I texted back,
Yep, on our way now.
Snapping my phone shut I turned to her and said, "We need to go. Mum's gonna me home soon."
I got up and held out my hand to help her but she ignored it getting up on her own. We walked home quietly. I allowed her time to think. It was obvious that she need it. We got home and my broters ran out, relief most dominate on their expression. They went to hug her but she flinched away, making them drop their arms straight away. "Are you okay?" James asked worridly. She nodded and smiled weakly, it not touching her eyes. She walked past us and into the house. They all turned back to me, questionaly. I shrugged, looking at where she just disappeared into the house. "Where was she?" Steven asked. I looked back at them. "I'd never seen it before but it was a lake a few kilometers out."
"Do you know what happened?" Tristan said quietly. I shook my head and headed inside. Taylor didn't come down from her room until dinner. She didn't talk, only when mum or dad asked her directly, otherwise she sat quietly picking at her food. Mum raised her eyebrows at us, both questionably and worriedly. We shook our head not knowing what to say. Taylor cleared the plates, said goodnight to mum and dad, and went back up stairs. I have no idea what happened and I don't know how to help.

I didn't sleep very well. The night kept over and over in my head. It scared me that someone who was suppose to be my friend can turn on me just for revenge. My life was perfect and then it spiraled out of control. I looked in the mirror and saw i had bags under my eyes. With a groan i put some make up of to hide them as much as possible. I wore a pair of jeans and a over sized hoddie to hide in, not wanting anyone to see me. I was really early when I got down stairs and decided I would walk to school again. I couldn't stand lying to the guys. But what else was I going to do. That's what Adam wanted. I would do anything in my power to make sure he didn't get it. I wrote a note and put it on the kitchen table for the guys to see.
Once I got to school, people were already coming in. I walked to my locker and got my stuff out. "Hey, Taylor," I familiar voice said and I stiffened, "Why have you been ignoring me, babe?" Carlo grabbed my arm gently and pulled me to face him. As soon as i saw his face memories of him and Caisy flowed through my head. I made sure my face was emotionless so he didn't know I thing of what I was thinking. I yanked my arm from his and turned my back to him. He stood for a minute quiet as I slammed my locker closed. "Honey, what happened? What did I do?"
I looked at him disgusted. "Don't think I know don't what happened on Saturday! Don't even try to deny it, I saw."
I turned on my heels and was about to walked off when he pulled me back. By now people were crowding around to see what was going on. "What are you talking about?!" Him denying it only agrevatred me more. I stepped closer to him, my anger almost boiling over.
"Don't even deny it, seriously," I sneered and did somethig I never thought I would do. I raised my hand and slapped him square in the jaw. I froze, shocked at my actions. But I pushed it down, knowing that he should know what he caused me. "You know what, Carlo?" I said, emotion slipping into my voice even though I tried to shove it down, "I put everything on the line for you. I always believed that the popular guy falling for the new girl only happened in books. But then you came along. I thought that maybe you loved me just as much as you said and let you have my heart." Out of the corner of my eye I saw the Jamison's pushed to the front and step forward. I felt tears well in my eyes as I continued, "I meant every word I said. I loved you. But you were the lying, cheating, backstabbing jerk that all popular guys are." Wolf whistles and 'Burn's erupted trough the pass-byers.
"But, I did me...." Carlo inturpted but i just continued, "Everything you said was a lie. But you know what you taught me two things." I turned to the crowd all watching me, and saw the worried expressions of the guys and my friends. "Firstly, listen to people when they say 'Trust your first instinct' because how much I wish I did because you," I said pointing to Carlo, my voice getting thick, "you turned out to be everything I originally thought. And secondly, I had a crap up bringing and then I fell in love with you. You made me think 'hey I may have just gotten my fairy ending after all'. But then you showed your true colors. And I learnt that fairytales don't happen in reality. I learnt not to dream to high. So thanks for teaching me," and with that I pushed past everyone and walked out the front door. "That was hot," I heard a guy said to someone else. "Totally," the other whistled I sit on the chair that I first sat at as Carlo's girlfriend. Tears come to my eyes as I also remember that this is where Adam invited me to the party. I wiped the tears away as the bell signaling we had 10 minutes to get to class went. I walked back through the door to find the guys still crowded there. Jesse had Carlo by the colas and they were all around him closely. As I got closer I heard Jesse speak. "You son of a b*tch. You do know that she hasnt talked or allowed anyone to touch her ever since? We spent the whole day yesterday tring to find her because she was so upset and ran away. You promised you would never hurt her and look what you have done!"
"I have no idea what she was talking about," Carlo said pleadingly.
"Oh, don't you give us the sh*t. You better stay away from her." he spat. He pulled his hand back with a murdorous expression. I ran up and grabbed his wrist. He turned to me, his expression emdiantly softening. "Don't even bother, he's not worth it," I said quietly. He automatically let go of him at my wish and stepped back. Carlo stumbled and looked at me sadly. "Tay, I swear I dont know wha...." Carlo started.
"Save it," I said emotionlessly, walking to my first class. "Taylor," they all called but I ignored them. Everyone was looking at me as I walked down the halls and I hid in my hood looking down. Once I got to my classroom I picked a spot at the back.
Kiya came in and once she spotted me, we swiftly made her way over. "Oh My gosh, Taylor. What happened? Are you alright? You scared us so much," she gushed.
I shrank back in my seat as Kiya looked at me curiously. She reached out and gently touched my arm. "Are you okay?"
I shrugged, still not talking. One small wrong word and the whole school will know. They're staring at me enough for yelling at Carlo, I didn't need anymore. Kiya sighed simpiteticly, and turned to the front. The morning dragged. I didn't talk to anyone at all and if you asked me what the teachers were teaching, I couldn't tell you. The bell for lunch rang and slowly got up, not in any rush to get anywhere and see my friends worried stares. I reached my locker and the hallway was empty. I sighed, relived putting my books away. I headed down te empty hallways when I hear footsteps eco the hallway. I turned aroun and saw a guy walking up to me with a smirk. I was about to turn back around but he grabbed my wrist so I faced him. "Hey, hottie," he said in what he obviously thought was sudusive but sounded like he was tipsy. He took a step closer to me and I mimicked mine backwards. "So, I was thinking, seeing as you and Carlo are over, I was wondering if we could try?" I took a step back again and said, "Sorry I have to be somewhere." I tried to get past him but he grabbed me again. "Oh, don't be like that suger." I took yet another step back and he came forward, panic setting in. I felt my back hit the lockers and let out a little squeal. He lent his forearm on the locker near my head and lent in. I was shaking as I squirmed. "What do you think?" he whispered in my ear. I pushed his chest as hard as I could tring to get under his arm, but he wasn't having it. How could this happen twice in the corse of two days?! "Cody!" someone yelled from down the hallway. He looked up and quickly dropped his arms as he saw who spoke. Jesse was walking up to us with an angry expression. "What do you think you're doing?" Jesse growled when he reached us. Seeing as Cody had dropped his arms I took it to my advantage and fled away from him and hid behind Jesse. "Chill dude," Cody said calmly, "We were just talking."
"It didn't look like that! Stay. Away. From. Her!" Jesse said pausing, to make sure Cody got the message. It seemed he kind of did because he was soon quickly making his way down the hall but not before he turned to me and said, "just think about it," and winked. Jesse watching his retreating figure until he was out of sight. He then turned to me, worry all over his face. "Are you alright?"
I nodded numbly. He put his arm around my shoulder and turned me to the direction. I started to relax a bit at the familiar touch. But that feeling soon went away at I saw someone coming out of the cafeteria. My body went into lock down as Adam exited. I stopped dead in my tracks and Jesse looked back with a mix of confusion and concern. This was to much for one girl to handle. I shook violently. I thought I could just dodge him all day, but obviously that didn't happen. Memories of Saturday night flooded through my mind. I started to shake in fear as tears welled in my eyes. "I need to go home," I whispered desparatly. Jesse searched my fear filled eyes, looking for any clues as to what I was thinking. I tried my best to keep my thoughts, but more importantly the truth, from spilling into my eyes. He gently grabbed my hand and led me out to his car. Without a word he started the car and took me home, no questions asked. My breathing calmed the further away we got from school. When we pulled into the driveway and neither of us moved. Jesse turned in his chair and looked at me. "Are you going to tell me what happened?"
I sighed. I looked outside finding some excuse. "Um..." I stuttered, "It was nothing."
Jesse sighed fustratedly, "Come on Taylor. I know you're lying."
I stayed quiet looking at my hands. "Why did you tell us about Carlo? We know that's why you haven't been talking to us." I froze. They what? They actually thought that was why I wasn't talking? I sighed to myself in realif, thanking god they didn't know. I nodded not looking him in the eyes incase he saw through my lie. "I'm sorry. I just didn't know what to say." It wasn't hard to acted hurt because in truth, it hurt like hell that Carlo cheated on me. Every minute of day my heart breaks bit by bit at every thought of him. I'll never ignore my first instincts again.
Jesse got out and walked to my side. He opened the door and envolped me into a big hug. I sobbed into his chest and he tucked my head under his chin. "Shh," he cooed, "How about we go do something fun?" he pulled back smiling softly as he wiped away the tears that were running down my face. I returned his smile weakly and nodded. He grinned and we walked into the house. I wiped at my eyes, taking away any stray tears. "Come on," he said playfully nudging me, "Go get ready."
"Where are we going?" I sniffled.
He grinned evilly,"Can't tell you."
I pouted and he laughed. "Jeesssseee," I whined, "Come on." he shook his head and I grinned as a thought came to my head. "Well how will I know what to wear."
He returned my grin, "Wear something warm, comfortable and something you don't mind getting wet." His smile grew as my frown got back into place.
"Fine," I grumbled, resisting the urge to stamp my foot. I turned and headed to my room, ignoring Jesse's laughter. I hate surprises! I looked at my slightly puffy face in the mirror. Well there wasn't much I could do about that. I used conceler to hide my bags that sat under my eyes and that also hid the puffiness. I turned to my closet with Jesse's words in mind. Comfy, warm and is gonna get wet. I pick out a thick black pair of leggings with a slight tiger print on it. I teamed it with a slivery oversized t-shirt and a warm black cardigan. I added long neck-lace with a birdcage on the end and dangling silver leaf earrings. I was checking myself over when I heard Jesse call,"Are you ready?"
"Yes, one second," I yelled back. I quickly got a bag putting my purse and phone in it before I joined Jesse downstairs. 


Heyy:) I AM SOOO SOORRRRYYYY FOR THE REALLY REALLY LATE UPLOAD!!!! I have been so busy with everything it has been insain!! Thanks you all for holding on and waiting and I'm so sorry:( Anyway, what did you think. Next chapter i think will have a Jesse and Taylor chapter as a couple of you wanted that:) Please comment and vote:D Sorry again xx

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