Apologize A Little Late

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It's too late to apologize, it's too late
I said it's too late to apologize, it's too late
I said it's too late to apologize, yeah yeah
I said it's too late to apologize, a yeah

I'm holding your rope
Got me ten feet off the ground...

Apologize by Justin Timbland

I went to the talent show on Friday. I knew that Taylor was going to perform and I knew she will win no matter what - she has an amazing voice. At lunch, I made a quick pit stop to the floral shop.
"Welcome to The Floral Shop, how may I help you?" greeted the shopkeeper.
"Well, I'm looking for flowers that are just right for a girl who's beautiful and has an amazing voice," I said  a clear picture of Taylor in my head.
The shopkeeper laughed, "Somebody's in love," she teased and l felt my cheeks redden.
"Okay, well, these flowers are probably best for your girl," the shopkeeper suggested, holding up a bunch of roses.
l  paid  for them and ran back to school. l  took longer than l thought, but managed to arrive just in time to find out who the winner was.
"The winner is," Fin said dramaticly opening the envelope, "Taylor Harrison!!" he shouted and everyone screamed.
I cheered as  Taylor sang another song.
"Okay, I would like to dedicate this to the person who picked me up when I was down and shoved me on this stage," Taylor said.
I wondered who this person was. Suddenly, the audience clapped. I missed the whole song, but it didn't matter since now it was my turn to present something to her. I went down to the stage area grinning like mad as I knew I just had to make it up to Taylor. I saw someone go up to her and kiss her passionately. Everyone whistled...except me. I felt like my heart shattered to bits and I had to look away because of it. When I looked back, I stared in horror as I saw the guy's face. It was Jesse.
They came off the stage laughing as I heard everyone stand up to leave. I caught Taylor's eye and her face hardened. I tried to smile at her, but I couldn't. Instead, I walked off, the flowers falling from my hand.
Someone then bumped into me. It was Casey, the head cheerleader.
"Hey Carlo," she purred in a flirting way.
I grunted, avoiding her eyes - I didn't feel like talking to anyone.
Casey cleared her throat, "So, I was wondering if you..." she trailed off, running her hand down my arm. I took a step back in the hope of getting away but she quickly mimicked me, stepping closer.
"What do you want?" I asked losing my patience. I wanted to get out!
"I wanted to repeat what we did at the party?" she said looking up through her eyelashes. With her hand on my chest she took another step forward.
"What are you talking about?" I asked confused.
"Oh you know," she replied as her hand ran lower down my chest, making sure I got the message. Oh no! No, no, no, I couldn't have done that! 
"Yes, we did. And it was amazing," she grinned,reading my mind.
"No, no. Caisy, I was drunk as who knows what. It was a mistake. I was with Taylor  and I would never cheat on her. I don't even remember it."
"Well, then." she whispered, "I will have to remind you."
"No," I said sternly, grabbing her wrists.
"But, you guys are over," she whined.
"Even if we were never together I wouldn't go out with you. I'm sorry," I apologized walking off.
What in the world had I done?!?! No wonder Taylor hates me. I had to go talk to her, even if it does no good.
I turned around and quickly headed to the parking lot. I found her car and walked over to it. She hadn't come out so I lent on one of the doors. It was about 20 minutes later when I saw her and her friends coming out. As she walked, the few people who were still here prased her. Jesse clasped her hand and swung it between them. Jealousy shot through me as I remembered all the times we use to do that. The f**king dude stole my girlfriend. Okay, I know what happened and what l did,but I didn't mean it to happen.
Jesse lend in and whispered something in her ear, causing her to blush. I had to grip my hands into fists to control my anger. The guys around her laughed at her reaction as she hid her head in his shoulder. They came closer and I could hear all they were saying. Dylan looked up and his eyes tighten as his gaze fell on me. He nudged Jesse and he looked up. His body stiffened as his face became angry. Taylor must of felt the change as she soon looked up and met my gaze. Her deep brown eyes that are usually soul deep, closed off so they were solid as soon as she saw me.
They had now reached me and Jesse pulled Taylor behind himself protectively.
I scoffed. Did he really think I was going to hurt her. "I'm not going to hurt her," I growled.
"Yeah," he said, his eyes burning into my full of rage, "heard that one before."
I felt like someone had stabbed me. I never wanted this to happen. I looked at Taylor and she looked back with glistening eyes. The hurt that she had tried so hard to hide started to leek out. My heart broke as a tear slide down her cheek, but she quickly wiped it away.
Ignoring the death glares I looked directly at her, my gaze softening. "Can I please talk to you?" I asked, gently begging her.
She shook her head. "I have nothing to say," she replied, her voice breaking at the end.
"But I have plenty. Please?" I whispered, seeing the indecision on her face I added, "I'm not leaving until we talk. I'll drive you home."
She sighed sadly, as another tear ran her face.
"Just leave," Jesse said forcefully.
"No," Taylor said weakly, turning to stand in front of him. She went on her tippy toes and pecked his lips. "I need to know why, Jesse. Please?" she whispered, brokenly. Jesse studied her expression for a few seconds then nodded. "Let's go guys," he said nodding to the car. They all got into the car, shooting me warning glances.
They drove off and Taylor watched them until they were out of sight. When she turned back her eyes were  guarde once more. "You ready?" I asked, gesturing to my car. She nodded and followed me over. I opened her door for her and she jumped in muttering a thank you.
I got inside and started the car, pulling out of the school. We were half way home, when I decided to break the silence. "Taylor," I said softly, "I am so sorry. You have no idea."
"Sorry doesn't cut it this time," she said sadly.
"I know, but you have to know that I was drunk. I had no idea what the hell was happening and I can't even remember anything from that night."
She looked out the window and I saw tears running down her face. We were at her house by now and I pulled in front of it. I turned in my seat and reached over gently to turn her face towards me. I wiped the tears that fell and looked her in the eyes. "I never ment to hurt you. I would never do that. I am so sorry."
She unbuckled her seat belt and dashed out, slamming the front door behind her. I sighed sadly, I knew I had to fix this with her, so I went out and knocked on the front door. Jesse opened it. "What?" he growled.
"Please, I beg you, I need to fix this with her," I pleaded.
"No! She came in crying. You hurt her not only once but twice already. I will never forgive you for that," Jesse glared.
"Jesse? Let him in," I heard Pete say.
Jesse cursed under his breath, but he let me in. I found Taylor in the living room...along with all the Jamison boys.
"You can talk to her, but we are staying," Pete said from where he sat on the coach.
I nodded and looked at where Taylor sat, crying under James arm. I walked over and knelt down in front of her. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Jesse holding himself back from killing me but ignored it as best as I could.
"Taylor?" I begged, "Please look at me."
She shook her head, hiding her face in James arm. I sighed. "Taylor, you have to understand I have no idea what happened. I don't even remember having more than one drink. I have no idea what happened but I promies I had no intentions of hurting you. Please believe me," I implored.
She looked up and I saw her red slightly puffy eyes. But she still looked beautiful. She always would to me. I love her. And I think I stuffed up big time. Her eyes searched my face, and whatever she was looking for I think she found as she sighed sadly. "I believe you, I think," she whispered.
I breathed out a sigh of relief. "Thanks you so much," I said gratefully.
"But, you lost my trust and I'm now with Jesse," she explained gently.
However, no matter how gently she said it would still feel like a stab in the heart. But I understood, what I did was wrong. If she cheated on me I would of been crushed. I nodded, "I understand," I said getting up. "Thankyou," I turned around to the  door and walked out. I heard someone come out the door after me. I turned and saw Taylor. She walked up to me and gave me a hug which I willingly returned. "I'm sorry," she apologized.
"You have nothing to be sorry for," I said pulling back slightly so I could see her face, "I'm so sorry. It was my fault and I swear I didn't want to hurt you."
"I know," she said weakly, "Friends?"
I nodded eagerly. I would be anything to make her happy.
"Friends," I repeated, kissing her on the forehead then walking to my car.



Okay what did you think?? I was sad for Carlo. Poor dude:(

Anywho, for next chapter can we please try 10 votes and 3 comments. That would be absolutly awesome:D

Tootles xx

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