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I woke up energized. I was on top of my bed but had a blanket over me. I then remembered talking to Carlo last night and falling asleep. Well that's a bit embarrassing! I got up and stretched, got changed and went down the stairs happily. As I came through the kitchen door I kicked my legs out to the side as I swung through my crutches. "Good morning Baltimore!" I sang.
Everyone at the table looked at me in surprise then cracked up laughing.
"Next thing we know we will see her on Broadway," James said laughing.
"OMG it has always been my dream! Do you think I can make it, Jamesaboy?" I said, dramatically, faking a British accent. The table laughed and James tried to copy my accent, "Oh yes darling."
I gave him the 'what the hell' look and he said "What?"
"I don't know how to put this lightly mate," I said changing my accent to an Australian one, "But I think the good ol' Broadway career just went down the dunny for ya." Jesse and Pete fell off there chair laughing and I heard Jenny gasping for air behind me. "Oh My God Jenny," I said putting a thick bitchy American teenage girl accent on, "I like didn't see you there." I lent my elbows on the table and put my head in them looking into nothing dreamily," You should’ve like been there Jenny. We were at like the mall and these boys were like checking us out. They were so dreamy," I giggled and started twirling my hair around my finger. "But we didn't want to seem desperate so we just hitched our skirts shorter and started giggling to show them our good parts. They were like soo cute!" Jenny laughed with the boys and said, "If you say so. Do you want some breakfast?"
"Oh, yes a mama," I went on with an Italian acsent, "That woulda bea greata!" she put a plate on the table and I swung over to it. I sat down and dug in as the boys continued in there fit of laughter. "I'm a bit parched," I said poshly, "Would any of you fine young boys like a drink?"
They shook their head laughing as I went to get some juice. When I turned around half of them had tears streaming down their face. I chuckled and sat back down.
"Wow," Pete said, "I think I just got a six pack from laughing so much."
"Really," Jesse said, "I already had one."
Pete hit him over the head. He picked up his empty plate and put it on the sink. "Well I have things to do, places to see, so cya," he said walking out the door.
"Yeah me too," James said putting his plate away and walking out with a "bye" over his shoulder. One by one the boys went to did what they were going to do for the day. Jenny and John went to the office, Tristan and Dylan were going to work, Carter went to friends place and Jesse was studying. That left Steven, Wes and I at the table. We sat in silence for a while as we finished our breakfast. Steven was about to say something but I cut him off and said, "Hey Wes, do you wanna go to the park?"
The 4 year old looked up and grinned, "Yes please."
"Okay you go get ready and I'll meet you at the door." He ran off and I got up and followed after him. Steven had ruined two of my days, I wasn't going to let him ruin another one. I went upstairs and put on my sunnies on my head, grabbed my purse and iPod. I met up with an excited Wes and we walked down to the playground. He saw a little boy he knew and ran off passing me the ball he brought. I went over to one of the chairs surrounding the park and watched him laugh and run. He was carefree and had no idea what life would deal him. Let's just hope it was nothing like what I was dealt. I sighed, pulling out my iPod and put on nobody's Perfect by Jessie J. I was lost in the music when someone tapped my shoulder. "Is that seat taken?" someone asked.


Sorry for the short chapter:( i just wanted to give you guys something:) WHo do you think will be at the park?? Anway thanks for readingandplease comment and vote:) xx

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