Meet the Gang

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I was so relieved when the lunch bell finally went. Not a good sign for my first day. Everyone once again shoved through the door but this time Kiya waited for me. "Thanks for waiting," I said as we got out the door. "No probs. Let's go get something to eat. I'm starving!!" she said walking down the nearly empty hall. I followed down after her and we walked into a huge cafeteria. On the right corner was where everyone was queued up to get lunch, and the opposite side was completely windowed looking out onto a big football field with tables scattered around. Inside tables were everywhere and they were filling quickly. We walked over to the cue and got our lunch. I hesitated. How was I supposed to take my tray and find a table? "Do you need a hand? I can take your tray and you follow me to our seat." Kiya asked.
"Really, that would be awesome, Thank you."
She laughed, "We really need to widen your vocabulary away from Thank you."
I chucked, "I say Thanks, see that's different." She laughed, "Come on, oh cripple one, let's go eat!"
It was hard to keep up Kiya with everyone going this way and that and I must say I was proud that I could do it. When we got to her table she looked at her friends and said, "Hey girls, this is Taylor," she gestured to me and all their gazes fell on me. "Hi," I said quietly. A small brunette jumped up and gave me a big hug. "Hello," she said cheerfully, "I'm Elle. OMG your hair is so pretty! I love your curls they’re like, perfect." she gushed. I laughed.
"Down doggy down," a girl said behind her. Elle huffed and sat down while the other girl got up, "Hey girl, I'm Gabby." There were 2 others, a blonde introduced herself as Jizelle and another brunette called Mia. We sat down and talked happily. They weren't shy or anything. They acted as if I had always been here. I circled my right foot under the table and rubbed my thigh. My right leg was killing me from supporting all my weight all day.
"Hey, Taylor," someone said behind me. I turned around and saw Jesse, Dylan and Tristan coming over.
"Hey guys, how ya doing?" I asked happily
"Good," Dylan answered shoving me over and sitting next to me, "What about you, newbie?" he asked.
I punched him in the arm. "Fine. Oh hey this is Kiya, Gabby, Mia, Elle and Jizelle."
They all greeted each other and I noticed that Elle had stop talking for the first time I met her.
"So," Kiya said, "How do you guys know each other?"
"Oh, Taylor here just moved in with us. Long-time family friends. Isn't that right, Taylor?" Jesse said nudging me.
I rolled my eyes, "Yep."
"Any way we must leave, ma-ladies, but I will wait for you outside after school, Taylor," Jesse said.
"Okay, Thanks cya."
When they walked off I turned back to my table to be greated with a table of shocked friends.
"Living with the Jamisons would be awesome," Elle said wistfully.
"Umm.. Okay what’s the big deal? There just guys."
"Guys," Elle scoffed like I had personally offended her," They are the most popular guys at the school and by far the hottest family!"
"Yeah," Gabby second, "all the girls wish to be with them and all the guys wish to be them."
"You are so lucky!" Elle pouted.
I laughed, "Living with them isn't what it's cracked up to be."
"Come on they are very easy on the eye," Gabby said nudging me.
"Well, yeah, I'm not blind," I said rolling my eyes. The bell echoed through the cafeteria and I said goodbye and headed to class. My last period was Science and it dragged.

Mr White, our science teacher was midway through a sentence when the bell went and everyone got up to leave. Poor man. I followed after everyone. I walked to my new locker and put my books away. I headed for the door to find Jesse and his brothers waiting by the car. They were talking to a group of guys and having a laugh. I slowed down not wanting to disturb them but Jesse spotted me and waved me over. I swung over and stood behind him, trying to hide a bit. It didn't work because Jesse stood back so he was next to me and said,  " Guys, this is Taylor, Taylor this is Mike, Carlo, Luke and Zach."
"Hi," I said shyly.
"Hey man you told us about her and all but you never said she was a looker," Luke said eyeing me up and down. I blushed and looked down.
"Yeah trying to keep her all to ya self," Mike said nudging Jesse.
Jesse rolled his eyes and said, "Anyway we better get going," he turned to me, "Are you ready?"
I smiled and said, "Yep."
"Okay let's go," he turned back to his mates and did the man hug thingy as he said goodbye.
"We all hope to see you around, Taylor," Zach said flirtatiously.
I laughed, "Nice to meet you all." I got into shot gun again as we made our way home.


heyy Guys. I know this is a short chapter but I'll upload again really soon:) What do you think will happen?? How would you like the story to go? i have an idea but i am open for suggestions.

Thanks for reading xx

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