My First Days As A Girlfriend

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I woke up to someone stroking my face. I opened my eyes slowly to find Carlo looking down at me with a gentle smile. The sun was coming in from the window shining on his hair making him look like god. "Morning," he whispered.
"Morning," I said groggily. I cleared my throat and smiled.
"How did you sleep?" he asked as he move a piece of hair that had fallen across. My heart skipped a beat at his touch. "Um.. Good, What about you?" I said stretching.
"Perfectly," he smiled down at me, an emotion in his eyes that looked like love. I sat up and felt Carlo do the same.
I felt my tummy rumble and I blushed. Carlo must have noticed because he said," Come on let's get some breakfast." he grabbed my hand and took me down to the kitchen. I made 4 pieces of toast as Carlo got out some spreads. I looked at him as he got out plates and knife to sit them on the table. He was so hot and he was all mine. I jumped as the toast poped behind me. I turned to grab it but two hands came from behind my waist and reached for them. "A bit jumpy today?" Carlo asked kissing my neck. I laughed breathlessly. We walked to the bench and put our spreads on. I put on peanut butter where as he put on vegimite. We went into the TV room and sat on the couch putting the TV on. I leaned into him as we argued. "No way, peanut butter is so much better," I persisted taking a big bite out of my toast.
He scoffed, "No way. Vegimite all the way." I laughed, "Your delusional. Come try and you'll see." I said holding my half eaten toast out for him to take a bit. He took one and someone came in. "Awww..." Monique squealed from the door,"you guys are so cute!"
I blushed. "Good morning sis," Carlo said, through a mouthful of toast.
"Ewww, keep your mouth closed," she laughed.
He opened his mouth at her showing her everything inside. "Eww,"she screamed running into the kitchen.
I laughed, "You're gross!"
"Awh, sore babe, it's just who I am," he said taking a bite of my toast again, "You know maybe you're right, peanut butter might be better." he took another bite of mine, "Hey," I complained moving my piece of toast," Get your own."
He laughed, "Oh don't be like that,"he pouted.
"That's unfair. Don't give me that face."
He kept it there and I sighed handing him the rest of that piece. "You suck," I grumbled picking up my other piece.
He kissed me on the cheek, "Aww, Come on Taylor. Think of it like this, I converted to a peanut butter lover not a vegimite." I let a small smile escape onto my lips and I took a bite. When we were done we went to put our plates in the sink and found Monique singing to herself quietly while reading a magazine. She looked up at our advance and grinned,"So what are you two love birds doing today?"
I looked at Carlo and he looked down at me. I hesitated. I really should be getting home.
"Maybe we should be getting you back. I'm sure Jenny will want to know where you are."
I smiled at him gratefully, "That would be great."He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me in the direction of the stairs. "Wait," Monique said running up behind me," You need some clothes. I'll get you some!" she dashed past us and up the stairs. We followed behind her and when we got to her door she was tearing through her closet. She came rushing back and held out a beautiful sun dress. "I can't take these. I have already asked for to much."
She shook her head as Carlo said, "Trust me you can. She has way to many clothes."
Monique rolled her eyes and looked at me smiling," Anyway I wasn't asking you. You don't get a choose. You have to take them. "
I sighed," I'm give them back to Carlo tomorrow."
"You don't have too," she said as Carlo groaned," Please don't, it's one less thing we have to shove into her closet."
Monique stuck her tongue out a Carlo. "Well I am," I said finally," You don't get a choice in that."
I grabbed Carlo's hand and dragging him out saying, "Thank you," to Monique over my shoulder.
I went into the bathroom and got changed. When I walked out I ran into Monique. "Sorry," I said.
Monique sighed," you can't give that dress back. Not after I've seen it on you." she said.
"Well I am."
"But you're playing with my self-esteem." she whined," I could never where it knowin that I don't look that that in it." I blushed at her complement, "You're keeping it," she said firmly skipping down the hall. I sighed walking down the stairs and folding last nights outfit up. I picked it up, with my purse, and walked into the kitchen. I found Carlo there, "You ready?" he asked walking over to me.
"Yep," I said poppin the P. He lent down and kissed me. It was electrifying. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he grabbed my waist pulling me impossibly closer. "Awwwww," someone cooed. I stood back and blushed seeing Monique looking at us. "You guys are so cute!!" I blushed harder and Carlo grabbed my hand. "Goodbye sis," he said as we walked to the door.
"Goodbye," I called,"Thankyou for everything."
"Bye," she sang," I'll see you soon."
We walked to the car and drove off. We drove in a comfortable silence and Carlo reach over and squeezed my hand. He traced circles on the back of my hand with his thumb. He pulled up in front of my house and came to open my door. He held out his hand to help me out and I took it, closing the door behind me. "Thank you," I said smiling lovingly up at him.
He cupped my face and just before his lips crashed onto mine he whispered,"You're welcome." I flung my arms around his neck and deepened our kiss. He pressed me up against the car door and grabbed me around the waist. His tongue massaged mine and our bodies molded together perfectly. I heard a door slam open and pulled away to see who was coming. I saw a fuming Jesse running down the driveway with Steven and James trying to get him to come back in. He stormed over to us and I quickly turned and deparetly said, "I think you should leave."
"I do too," he said looking at Jesse but it was to late. Jesse stood right in his face. ""What the hell dude?!"
"Jesse," James said calmly,"Lets go back inside." He and Steven tried tugging on Jesse but he shrugged them off. "I think you should stay away from her!" Jesse yelled. I was going to stop them but Carlo spook again getting angry.
"Do you have a problem?" he said icily," Maybe you should let her choose who she wants to befriend."
"Maybe you should just leave?" Jesse suggested matching Carlo's tone.
"Guys," I said warningly but they ignored me. They were inchs away now.
"That isn't your choice. It isn't my fault I was more of a man than you and told her my feelings for her. You lost your chance." Jesse and the guys froze from shock.
I shoved my hands on both of their chests and pulled them apart as they continued to glare at each other. "What the hell are you talking about?!" I yelled
Jesse looked at me and mumbled, "Nothing."
We fell into silence as I looked from each of them.
"It's nothing," Jesse said firmly, "He's just lying." Carlo looked like he was about to object but Jesse continued, "Anyway why the hell would you care?"
Carlo grabbed me by the waist an pulled me so he was slightly in front of me. "I would care because you're my mate." he paused before adding,"And also because then you would be in love with my girlfriend."
"Your what?" Jesse yelled. If this were a cartoon he would have steam coming out of his ears like a train.
"My girlfriend," Carlo said calmly.
Jesse looked like he could explode. I cringed but stepped forward to I was inbetween them. I turned to Jesse, "You need to calm down," I said my voice even, the oppsite of what I was actually feeling. I then turned to Carlo. "How about I see you at school tomorrow?" He hesitated looking over at Jese but then nodded. He hopped into the car and Jesse steped to stop the car but his brothers grabbed him. I watch his car until in was out of sight then turned back to a fuming Jesse. I shook my head at him and quickly ran off before I would do something I would regret. I went up to my room and shut the door behind me. What is wrong with Jesse? Why does he have to ruin this? And most importantly, why does he care? I flopped onto my bed with these questions bouncing through my head. I squeezed my pillow and screamed it in frustration. I walked over to my table and started drawing. I was drawing happy and angry pictures and fell asleep drawing one of me and Carlo smiling at each other on the couch.
I'm not sure how much longer later but I faintly feel someone pick me up, tuck me in and kiss me on the forehead. Then blackness tool over and I fell into a deep sleep.

I woke up to the sound of my alarm. I groaned. Who ever invented the alarm clock was both an idiot and a genius at the same time. I got up and went to my bathroom to do my daily rotine. I came back in my towl and looked at my walldrop to decided what to wear. It was warm outside so I decided on a pair of denim short shorts and a flowy pastel orange tank top that had pine trees in the front. I grabbed my bag and went down stairs. I hadn't seen any of the Jamisons and I would like to keep it that way so I grabbed a bar from the cupboard and walked to school. I got there early so there were very few people roaming the corridors. I got my books for my next class and then went to a picnic table out the front to soak up some sun. I got out a book and started reading but my thoughts soon distracted me. Before I knew it I felt someone sit down next to me. "Hey, Taylor," Adam said.
I smiled, "Adam?"
I returned my smile,"You remember."
I laughed, "How could I forget the name of the guy I ate the best fish and chips with?" he joined in with my laughter.
"True. So I haven't seen you around. How was your first week of school?" he asked looking at me.
I smiled, "It was good. I made some friends and I haven't failed anything yet." he chuckled
"That's always a good sign."
I looked around and saw the the car park was filling quickly. I smiled as the sun warmed my body. "Anyway," Adam said, "I just thourght that I would say hi and also to invite you to my party."
I looked up at him curiously. "What party?"
"Well, I'm having a party on Friday, you can invite your new friends and I really hope you can come," he smiled and got up, "I'll be waiting," he said walking away. I frowned, I didn't like parties. I felt someone wrap their arms around my waist, "Why the frown?" a familiar voice said from behind me.
I looked up to see Carlo standing behind me. I automatically smiled at his appearance. "That's better," he grinned, leaning down and pecking me on the lips. My smile stretched and I got up grabbing my books. He grabbed my hand and we started to head to class. "How was your night?" I asked happily.
He smiled, "It was fine."
I pouted, "Fine? Is that all you're going to tell me?"
He tapped my bottom lip, "I didn't do much. I had dinner and Monique was as annoying as hell."
I smiled, "She's awesome."
He walked me to homeroom, gave me a quick kiss and went to his class. I walked into class and sat in my usual spot. It was only then that I noticed everyone looking at me. I sank into my chair and pretended to read a book.
"OMJ, is it true?" I looked up to see Kiya standing over my table. I grinned, "Good morning."
She rolled her eyes taking her seat next to me, "Yeah, yeah good morning to you too. So is it true?" she said bouncing up and down on her chair.
"Is what true?"
"Are you going out with Carlo?"
Wow word travels quickly. "Umm.. Yes?"
"Ahhh," she squealed, "OMJ you are so lucky. He is so cute and popular!!! I can't believe you're going out with him."
"Okay tone it down," I chuckled putting my hand on her shoulder holding her still, "and breathe."
She stopped and took a deep breath in and out. "Oh my gosh."
To my luck the teacher came in and demanded everyone's attention. I breathed out a sigh and turned to the teacher. The morning dragged, people staring, friends asking questions and teachers drowning on and on about something no one was listening to. It was the last period before lunch, when someone came up to me. Caisy, the school's b#tch came over with her two sidekicks following close behind. She scowled at me. "Okay, now I know your new here so I'll give you a chance," she said darkly, bracing both hands on my table. "Carlo is mine," she paused thinking," No wait, Carlo and all his friends , including the Jamisons. So, Stay. Away," she said clenching her teeth, her sidekicks nodding along. I looked at them and something told me they weren't exactally fulling agreeing. "Okay look," I said looking Caisy in the eye,"I think that Carlo and everyone else for that matter can work out who they want to hang out with without you telling them." Caisy's jaw dropped as she stared at me. Once she regained her dignaty she said, "You can't just talk to me like that. I own this school. Just stay away." And with that she walked back to her seat. Jesus, Why was she so protective.

 When the lunch bell went I quickly pick up my stuff and ran out the door not wanting to be in class one more minute than nessery. I got to my locker and sighed. I put my books in and felt someone standing behind me. I turned to a sexly looking Carlo. "Hello," I breathed.
He smiled and lent down and kissed me. I arms automatically went around his neck and his wove around my waist. Tingles went through my body at his touch and everything other then us disappeared. He pulled away for a breath and lent his forehead on mine. I pouted. "Aww," he cooed. He kissed my lip and said, "Let's go to lunch." He slipped his hand into mine and closed my locker door. When we walked into the cafeteria everyone quietend down and watched us. I stiffend and Carlo acted a if he didn't notice. 'This is what I get for going out with one of the most popular guys at school' I grumbled in my head. He lead me to go get some food. As we stood in the gawking line Carlo leaned down and whispered in my ear. "Ignore them. They'll get over it," he kissed my hair and squeezed my hand. I had relaxed a little once we got to the front of the line. I grabbed a chicken wrap and go line up to pay. They really need to become more efficient so there aren't so many lines! when I get the the casher I was about to hand over my money but Carlo stopped me. "I'm paying," he reaches into his pocket and pays. I collect my wrap and say, "You really didn't have to."
He wraps an arm around my waist,"But I wanted too."
I pouted,"Fine, but," I said holding my finger up,"I'm paying next time."
He just laughed shaking his head and didn't answer. I automatically walked over to my friends but stopped and turned to Carlo. "You know you don't have to sit with me. You can go hang out with your popular posie thing," I said waving my hand over to his usual table.
He grabbed my chin, "No, I would trade anything to sit with you," he paused,"unless you don't want me to sit with you," he said nervously.
I smiled, "Of course I do."
I smiled and pecked me on the cheek. I grabbed his hand an went to sit with my friends. When we sat down, Carlo put his arms around the back of my seat and began to eat. At the start everyone was quiet and awqard but they started to loosen up when they found out he was like the rest of us. It was one of my favorite lunches. It was full of laughs and confessions. I found out that Carlo like to play chess. "No way," I laughed, "The most popular guy in school likes to play a Gorky board game like chess."
"Hey," he fake hurt, "Don't bag chess and we all have something geeky in us." I laughed and the rest of the table joined in. By the end of lunch everyone had gotten use to him and treated him like one of us.
Carlo and I walked down the hallway holding hands as he walked me to my locker. Next I had music and he had sport. Turns out we share no classes at all. When I got to my locker I got out my music book and closed it turning to Carlo. He smiled and cupped my face. "I'll see you after school." he lent down and kissed me. It was long and passionate but we were interrupted by the bell. He pulled away and whisper, "I'll cya later," running down the hall. I walked dreamily into my next class and sat down. I felt someone nudge me. "Earth to Taylor," I heard someone say, "Is there anything up there." they tapped my head causing me to come out of my trace to see an amusing Gabby looking at me. "Sorry what?" I said blushing.
"You totally just spaced out," she laughed.
"My bad," I grinned sheepishly.
"Okay guys," our teacher Ms Henna said clapping once, "So we're going to look at composing your own songs. So get out your books and give it a go."
This was my favorite class, along with art. Ms Henna was young and very energetic. She wasn't a teacher, she was more like a friend. And there were only 8 of us in the class. I smile and opened my book. Ms Henna skipped over to the radio and put it on. Never say Never comes blaring out and Ms Henna skips around singing the words and doing her own dance moves. I laughed as I continued my drawing and Gabby and I started singing loudly with her. "Ahh," Josh, a boy in the class, yelled covering his ears, "Save my ears." Ms Henna stopped, turned to him poking her tongue out and threw a pencil at him. We all laughed and continued singing. I pouted when the bell went, not wanting to go. I grudgingly pack up my books as Ms Henna said. "Okay, so I want you guys to work on it tonight and pick a main instrument your song is going to be based on. Have a good night." I walked out and put my books in my locker, swinging my bag over my shoulder. "So you coming?" some said while I shut my locker closed. I jumped when I saw Adam leaning against the locker next to me.
"Wow, you couldn't have made your presence known??" I said.
"Nope," he chucked, "So are you coming Friday?"
"Sure," I said walking off.


Heyy:) So i know this chapter isn't to great but i thought i would put it up seeing as i hav uploaded in forever. Thank you for all the comments on my author note and i will hopefully get my new story started soon:) So yeah, as usual please leave a comment so i know if you guys like it or not:) Till next time xx


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