Welcome to School

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To say it was a rough night, would be putting it lightly. Every time I moved slightly, my ankle would scream out in complaint. Sleep had finally closed over me and what felt minutes later, my alarm clock went off. Darn my life!
I groaned and sat up. I looked down at my fat ankle. I can see it now, everyone at school whispering, 'hey have you seen the new girl with the fat ankle?' Oh joy! (note the sarcasm) I heard the number one rule of starting at a new school was to not attract attention. Well that rule went down the drain. I slapped my forehead and fell back into the bed. There was a knock in the door and I yelled, "Come in."
"Jesus don't have to yell so loud. There was only a door in the road." Jesse said, shaking his head.
I grinned, "And good morning to you too."
He smiled. "I was wondering if you needed any help."
He was so sweet. "Can you help me get my clothes and get to the shower?”
"Do you need any help in the shower?" he asked suggestively.
I just glared at him. "No need for the look. Just offering." he put his arms up in surrender and I rolled my eyes. He came over and helped me onto my foot. I wish I could say feet but at the moment one is out of function. He helped me hop to my clothes and then once I got my clothes to the shower. "Thanks," I said turning around.
"You sure you don't need any more help in the shower?" he asked innocently.
I just slammed the door in his face and purposely yelled, "You wish," really loud. He chuckled and walked away. I hopped, literally, into the shower and got my clothes on. I opened the door and jumped over to the mirror. I had chosen a cream flowy top with a long black beaded necklace. I had my dark blue jeans and my favourite ankle boots (Even though I was only using one because I tried shoving the other foot in but that didn't go very well). I had a black jacket that I left unzipped. I grabbed my bag and went over to the door wondering how the hell I was going to get down stairs. I found a pair of crutches just outside my door. Oh thank you to whoever just put them there! I grabbed them and tried to mimic how I have seen people use them. It was actually pretty easy and fun. I felt like a little kid on a swing. I made my way slowly down the stairs which was a bit of a struggle. I got down the stairs and did a little victory dance in my head because it was obvious I was in no shape to physically do one.
I glided into the kitchen. I saw Jenny with her head over a magazine and a piece of toast sticking out her mouth. "Morning," I said.
She looked up a little shocked, "Morning." she went back to reading but then did a double take on me. "What on earth happened?" she asked jumping out her seat.
Darn it. I was hoping John had at least told her something. I laughed self concisely, "I kind of sprained my ankle."
Her eyes widened. "How?" she shrieked.
"Well long story..." I started smiling sheepishly but was interrupted by Dylan. "Which she doesn't have time to explain because we have to get to school early and she hasn't eaten yet."
"Oh yes, let me get it for you. Sit down," she ordered.
Dylan breathed out a sigh of relief.
"Smooth," I whispered to Dylan. He just smiled. I sat down at the table and placed my crutches next to me. Jenny came over with two pieces of toast and I ate them happily. I had almost finished when I heard Jesse yell "Everybody ready?"
"Yes," I shouted back shoving the last of my toast into my mouth. I grabbed my crutches and hooked my bag over my shoulder. I put my crutches in place and made my way to Jesse's car. "Hey Taylor," he cheered, "You got shot gun." I grinned and went to the other side of the car. Jesse followed, took my crutches and gave me a hand into the car. He put my crutches into the boot as Steven, Dylan and Tristan squished into the back. Jesse got into the front and turned the car on. "Hey, no fair!" Dylan whined, "how come the skinniest one gets shot gun?"
I just turned to him and stuck my tongue out.
The school was pretty close. It was called Summers high. We parked in the disabled car park at the front. "Want to drag in any more attention," I muttered.
"What did you say, Taylor?" Jesse asked.
I quickly changed my last words, "Oh, just that I don't really count as disabled."
Tristan stuck his head in between our seats, "Yeah but because of you we just scored the best parking spot!"
I rolled my eyes. "Could you get Bill and Ben for me?"
They all gave me a look that said 'have you lost it?' "By crutches," I explained.
"Bill and Ben?" Dylan asked.
"What" I said defensively, "They're really cool names."
Jesse laughed, "Only you would name you crutches let alone call them Bill and Ben." he jumped out, got Bill and Ben and handed them to me.
I slid out and said, "Thanks for the ride, Jesse." I turned around and headed towards the school.
"Hey, hey, hey hold up," Tristan said running up beside me, "Do you really think we are going to let you go off on your own?"
"Ahh yah," I said confused.
"Yeah right," Dylan scoffed wrapping his arm around my shoulders.
"guys it's fine. I'm sure I can find the front office and they'll give me a map so I'm sorted." I said smiling.
"No point in arguing. You won't win," Jesse said from behind me, "Let's go."
Dylan grabbed my bag off me and motion for me to follow him. I sighed and crutcharized (used my crutches to walk) next to him. As we walked up I looked at all the people arriving a filing into the building. It was a double story brick building with a sticking out triangle roofed white shelter over the entrance. I looked at all the people and saw them all staring at us.
"Why are they staring?" I whispered harshly.
Jesse shrugged.
I kept my head down as the five of us headed to the front office. It was at the other end of the school. We walked in and a late twenty year old looked up. She had nice blue eyes and a warm smile on her face.
"Hi Claire," Dylan said, "This is Taylor Harrison. It's her first day today."
Her face lit up in recognition. "Oh hello," she stood up and held out her hand," I'm Ms Jepson but I like to be called Claire." I took her hand.
"Nice to meet you," I smiled.
She turned to the 4 boys behind me and said, "You guys can get ready for class. I can take care of Ms Harrison."
"Okay, Cya Tay," they all waved and walked out the door.
"Nice, Charming boys," she said quietly then turned back to me.
"How do you know them?" she asked turning to get a folder of her desk.
"Oh, I just moved in with them. We're family friends."
"What happened to your leg?" she asked
"let's just say when you live with them very unexpected things happen," I said grinning.
She took the sheets out of her folder and showed me where all my classes were and how to get there. "I hope you enjoy your time here," she concluded. "You have a few minutes to get to class and stuff. Good luck."
"Thanks," I said walking out.
I looked down. I checked my folder to see what I had. I have homeroom then English. I jumped when I heard then bell and 2 seconds later the hallway was deserted. Great. I looked down and saw homeroom was in D4. I looked at my map and started heading the way I thought it was. As I walked past the bathroom door, it flung open and hit me in the face. I wobbled on my crutches but someone grabbed by arm to steady.
"Wow, you guys have a great welcoming committee," I said rubbing my head.
"Woops sorry," someone said. I looked up at a red head girl. Her red hair went past her shoulders in curls and she had amber eyes. Her nose was scattered with freckles and she was a little taller than me. "Hi, I'm Kiya."
"Hi, I'm Taylor."
"Do you need any help?"
"Umm... I'm sure you’re late, like me, so if you could just point me in the direction of D4, that would be great."
"Oh," she said excitedly, "I’m going there too. Awesome follow me."
She skipped off. "Umm... Kiya?" she turned around," Could you just slow down a bit. I don't really have two functioning legs at the moment," I said shyly.
"Oh, I didn't even noticed, sorry. Do you need a hand?"
"No I'm good thanks."
"Good timing don't ya think?" she said sarcastically, "Have a stuffed up leg on your first day." she giggled.
"Yeah tell me about it."
Turns out I was going in the complete wrong direction. We made our way to our class room.
We got to the door and she paused," Ready?"
"Nope," I said popping the P, "Let's go." she laughed.
She opened the door and walked in. "Ms James, care to explain why you’re late," a man said sounding stern yet fun.
I walked in after her and hid behind her. "Yeah i have really good one today, Sir. So I was at home coming out of our door and these aliens started coming at me." she said in all seriousness," and they were like, 'i want to suck your brains' and I was like 'hell no' and I tried hitting them with my bag but then they abducted me. So they took me in their space ship and I had to bribe them to let me go. And you now when people say, 'it costed me an arm and a leg' I literally had to do that." she looked at the teacher as the whole class cracked up. "One thing, if you had to give up an arm and a leg then how come you still have two arms and two legs?" he asked playing along.
"So this is the good bit, right. They took my hand, thinking I would give it to them but I just flung them out the window and they did those dramatic NOOOOOoooo thing that you see in movies. Oh and guess what I can now add to my CV?" she paused dramatically, "I can now drive a space ship! Woohoo" she pumped her fists in the air as I giggled behind her.
The teacher raised an eyebrow saying, "Do you actually think I believe that?"
"What?" she whined," I would've." she grinned. "Okay, okay in all seriousness I was helping out the new girl." I took this as my cue to stick my head around her. I smiled shyly as everyone faced to look at me. Oh being the new student is fun. NOT. "Oh you must be Taylor, am I correct?" I nodded and he continued, "I'm Mr Evans. Why don't you introduce yourself." Kiya went and sat down at the back which left me with no one to hide behind. Darn it.
"Umm.. I'm Taylor Harrison and I am originally from here but I moved to Sydney in Australia when I was 6. I moved back a couple of days ago..." I trailed off not knowing what to say.
"Okay, well it's nice to have you in our class and I'm sure everyone will make you feel welcome here." Mr Evans gestured for me to take a seat.
Thank heavens there was a spare seat next to Kiya. I walked with my head down and sat in the chair gingerly. I looked up and listened to the morning announcements. There was a football game on Friday and a cheerleading squad had try outs at lunch. They mentioned all these club meetings and I was completely lost. They also named some special people or something. Anyway, when the announcements were over everyone just started talking to one another or finished homework at the last minute. "Soo.." Kiya said next to me, "What subjects do you have?" everyone in the tables around us looked at me. I looked at my timetable "Umm... English, extensive maths, Extensive Science, fashion design, Art and Sport."
"Wow, extensive stuff. Smarty," she teased, "Well anywho, we have English and Sport together. Coolydoolies." I laughed.
"Awesome, that means I didn't have to be a compete loner for all my classes," I said shyly.
"Hey don't worry bud," she said hitting me on the back, "Stick with me and you'll be all cool."
"Coolydoolies," i quoted her, laughing.
"Now you got it," she laughed.
The bell shrilled and everyone got out and squished through the door. Well they kind of blocked up the door way and everyone was pushing and shoving trying to get out. I waited back for people to make room so I could get out without being knocked over. Surprisingly by the time I got out it had been less than a minute after the bell. Wow people wanted to get out of homeroom quick. I looked down at my folder and started to make my way to English. I slipped in and the bell rung. Well that was close. Luckily the teacher hadn't arrived yet so I quickly went over to Kiya so I didn't have to introduce myself again.
"Oh," Kiya said surprised," Oh my gosh, I'm sorry I didn't wait. I forgot you’re cripple," she smiled apologetically.
"Don't worry about it," I said sitting down as gracefully as possible.
Our teacher walked in. She was around 45 and had hair that looked like someone had run their hands through. "Ohhhh," Kiya whispered mock disapprovingly, "Looks like someone was a bit naughty behind the gym this morning."
I turned to her my jaw dropping. "What?"
She laughed, "Ms Hall here, let's just say very close friend because at her age you can't call them boyfriends," she sounded disgusted.
"Ewww, remind me to never go behind to gym will ya?" I asked.
"Oh you'll want to when you find a lover boy," she said nudging me, "Or you could go to the janitor’s closet but there not as comfortable."
"You say this like you have experienced it," I said suspiciously
She just winked at me and turned her attention to Ms Hall who had just got herself organized.

Hey guys I hope you liked it:) Soo, yeah, i dont have much to say except thanks for reading:) xx

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