Chapter 15-cont.

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Dawson pov

15 weeks later.

Matt and I walked into the house and severide looked at me and asked " how far along are you now?" I replied " geez I cant even walk into work without getting asked a question (then we laughed) it is fine I am twenty weeks today i have an ultrasound after shift and we find out the gender today. We are so excited!" Shift went as usual. Matt and I finally got to the doctor's office and we got tons of pictures of the baby. The doctor asked if we wanted to know the sex of the baby. I replied "yes." The doctor looked at us and asked " are you ready?" We shook out heads yes and he turned the screen to show us the picture and he said it was a girl! Matt and I were thrilled and he started to cry too. And the doctor congratulated us. As we got in the car to go home I said to matt " why don't we go to Molly's and tell everyone." Matt replied "sounds great." So we drove right to Molly's. We walked in and everyone welcomed us like usual. We told everyone to listen up that we had some news. Then I said " everyone matt and I just camw from an ultrasound appointment one we have pictures of the baby and two we find out the gender (everyone got really silent.) Its a girl! " everyone cheered and stuff and we showed them the pictures.

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