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*flashback *

(3 weeks later)

3 weeks into the school year and everything is still the same. Every corner I turn people still calling me blackout, bastards slapping my ass or commenting on it, and surprise surprise no friends (not as of I've ever had a real friend before.) On the plus side my attendance record is looking pretty good besides the first day of course.

sitting in the back of the class writing down the notes for this science test we got coming up, the class was interrupted by two boys walking in. "ah, you must be my two new students" Mrs. Johnston said, neither one of them said anything just gave a simple head a nod for An answer, Mrs. Johnston catching the drift that they weren't up for any talking simply told them to take a seat wherever theirs open seats. Once they were seated she continued explain the notes that we were taking a little more, totally losing track I began to get lost in the mysterious new students. They were both really sexy, one was light skin while the other was darker but they both had chinky eyes and funny noses. The light skin had more of a mushroom type of nose while the dark skin one nose was fairly close, i couldn't really get a good look at their faces cause of the wild dreads that hung over their faces. Well the light skin one was covering his face but as far as the dark skin one goes his was kind of short which literally sat upon his head thanks to the hair cut under it. I've never seen a hair style like that but it strangely suited him.

attempting to look away suddenly remember that they'll never like me I turn my attention back to the board to continue writing my notes. 25 mins later the bell rings and people rushing to get out the usual. Grabbing my things heading on the way to the door I was just about to walk out when the dark skin dread headed guy was doing the same thing, "you can go" he says, oh gosh gosh dont pass out kyrie just thank him and be on your Mary way "t-t-hank you" I say barely above a whisper quickly walking out before I pass out. On my way to p.e I silently faced palmed & high fived myself, the face palm was for stuttering and looking stupid but the high five was for actually talking to a guy without waking up in the clinic and a nurse asking me 10 thousand questions. I got so happy I almost started skipping down the hallway.


I walked out the girls locker room into the gym with my shorts and white t- shirt on, today just had to be dodge ball day, I hate wearing these shorts I don't exactly have a big butt so it's embarrassing for guys to always be looking at me. Suddenly a whistle was blown indicating us to shut up and listen, "alright get on your teams" the coach shouts watching everyone scramble to their team. Thanks to my lack of friends coach always has us play girls vs boys cause if we actually got to choose our teams I would always get left on the sidelines. Another sound of the whistle was blown and the dodge balls started flying, picking up balls that hit the floor while trying throw them back but failed miserably I started to notice that the boys weren't trying to aim at me like most times.something's up somebody's playing me, I would be getting plummeted with balls by now but the boys are throwing everywhere but where i stand. I know I sound crazy right now but I really dont feel safe , noticing my lost of breath from all the running I turn around to retrieve some water from the fountain. Just as I turn around my face was met with ground, a dodge ball finally smacked the little life I had left right out of me. I knew something was going to go down I just couldn't detect when, well now I know, they would wait till I turned around.

"pussies" i mumble turning over to get off the sticky floor my eyes fell upon the dark skin guy from earlier. "you good shawty" he ask helping me to my feet again, "we just seem to keep meeting each other huh" he adds on obviously trying to get a good look at my butt. Though I'm literally shitting bricks right now I mange to reply to him "y-y-ye-a I gue-ss? Looking into my eyes he gives heart felt apology that I was about to except when we were rudely interrupted, "aye Aaquil you better back up you talking to"black out" she'll faint on you before you can even get one word out." My eyes fill with tears as everyone laughs at me, I run out the gym and into the locker room to grab my things before walking home. Tears constantly rolling donw my cheeks as I walk alone (like I've always been.)

*home *

using my key to unlock the door I walk in to see my mother at the table with messy hair and a pile of bills in her face, turning to look at me she quickly jumps up trying to shove the bills behind her back as if I haven't already seen them. "what are you doing home so early sweetheart, why are you crying"she asks, "it's nothing.....why are their so many bills? Are we behind on the rent again?" I already knew the answer to that question, Ever since my dad died in the navy 2 years ago we've really been struggling to get the money we need to keep our home. "dont worry honey I have them all under control" she says "if everything's fine why are the bills their, mom just tell me what's up" I replied back sharply. As if I flipped a switch on in the kitchen my mother immediately broke down, rushing to comfort her she sobbed in my arms. "sweety I'm so scared, I don't know what to do, i want better for you but i just can't provide it. Kyrie my sweet child i know that you want the latest iPhone, and shoes, and to be able to go places and have enough money to buy food but i just don't have enough to give to you. If its not the rent its the car note, i just can't never seem to have enough to support us, I'm a terrible mother and and if your f-ather was here this wouldn't be happening." My mother said all in one sentence, hearing the word "father" just made me began crying myself while still trying to console my mom. " no mommy your the best mother I could ever ask for and though I don't have the latest iPhone or the latest shoes or can't ever but any food when I go out I know that your trying and that you love me unconditionally. Dad would be proud of you if he was still here, in fact I know he is proud of you cause at the end of the day were all we have. And I know that he wants us to stick by each other through it all" I reply rubbing my mothers coarse hair down as she wets my shirt with her tears. That night consisted of pain, me and my mother crying in each others arms praying to God for better days."

"never give up, cause God will bless you eventually because you simply can not stop what's coming to you"-mama


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