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*kyrie father in the mm*

I woke up to the sun bright in my eyes, I wiped the remaining eye boogers out my eyes and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth.

Once I was finished I grabbed my step stool out my closet and check my calendar.

"Yay pancake Saturday"

Every Saturday me and mwommy make banana pancakes. She's says it's a family recipe and she wanted to pass it down to me.

I raced out my room to my mommys closed door, that's strange she always keeps her door open because I sometimes have nightmares and I'm not tall enough to reach the door knob.

"This is wrong, I have a husband "

I wonder who she's talking to

"Well who said your husband had to know"

That's not my momma voice that's a boys voice, MY DADDY IS HOME. I barged into the room and jumped on the bed.

"Kyrie what are your in here" mommy says quickly trying to pull the cover up over her

"It's pancake Saturday, and your door was closed and then I heard a boy speaking so I thought daddy was home"

I felt the second body in the bed shift his body under the cover


"Kyrie that is not your father... Just please get down and wait in the kitchen for me, I'll be their shortly"

I didn't listen, I pulled the cover from over his head

"Daddy" I screamed as I hugged him, he looked nothing like my father. I quickly let go

"I sworry"

"It's ok" he replied

I got off the bed and went into the kitchen. Who's that boy in our home and why is mommy naked with him? I thought she only did that with daddy, at least that's what she told me when I walked in on them having "grown up time" I still don't know what that is.

I turned on the tv and watched sponge bob until mommy and that guy came down stairs.

"I don't know if we can keep doing this, my daughter just saw you and she tells her father a lot things"

She tried to whisper but I've alway had good ears

"Look Idc if your daughter saw us you need to quit playing around and let David know that we're a thing"

I watched as he walked to the door

" it's not that easy, I have history with him and a CHILD " mommy said

"Well until you can get your shit together don't call me" he slammed the door making me and mommy jump.

"Hey sweety, you ready to make those pancakes now?" She sounded really happy


She scooped me up from the couch and went to the kitchen


I jumped out my sleep and wiped the excess sweat off my forehead. I know who that man was

"Nobody's perfect" -mama

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