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Stepping off the plane into the chilly weather of Mississippi wether felt all to familiar to me.

"Don't get side tracked Kyrie, your here for one thing and one thing only." I told myself as I checked into the nearest hotel.

I wonder if our house has been put up for sale, or if anyone even lives there? God so many emotions are running through my head I can't even sleep. Surprisingly neither Jxmmi or Khalif has bothered to text/call me.

Gosh get a hold of yourself girl, can't even go somewhere without thinking about them, when you should be thinking about your father who has no idea your even here. I'll deal with that later.

For crying out loud I'm arguing with
Myslef at 2 in the morning. I prayed a silent prayer to God before attempting to get some sleep.

"You have a good day" said the taxi driver and as I handed him a 20.

"Thanks you too" I replied shutting the door behind me.

It wasn't long before he sped off leaving me in front of the house that caused so many sleepless nights.

It wasn't long before he sped off leaving me in front of the house that caused so many sleepless nights

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It didn't look as bad as I thought it would, I haven't been here in almost a year. Time sure flies when your fucking up your life.

Taking one step at a time my feet grasp the ground beneath me very slowly as I tried to make this as memorable as possible.

Walking up the stairs I found myself swiping my fingers against the door brushing off dust and cob webs in the process. Nice to know  no one lives here. Now I can come back and visit at anytime with some sense of peace that this will always be my home.

"My God it can't be, is that k-Kyrie"

I slowly turned my head to see my next door neighbor Mrs. Jenkins. After my father died Mrs. Jenkins was like my babysitter/grandma. My mom took on long stressful hours at the hotel to pay the bills. Once I was old enough to take care of myself our relationship grew stale.

A smile found its way to my face as I stepped of the porch and embraced her in a hug. She pulled away studying my features with a tight grip on my shoulders.

"Look at you, so beautiful, just as beautiful as the day I saw you walking off the porch in nothing but a saggy diaper and plastic princess heels. We shared a laugh.

"Come on, don't stand out here in the cold child, let's go inside." She led me into her house that to This day still smells like plantains.

"Make yourself comfortable, don't act you didn't use to run all around the damn place." She joked.

I thanked her as she placed the fresh plate of plantains in front  of me.

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