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Are you crazy?

He's a very busy man and you know it

All the signs add up he's related to you that doesn't mean you need to see him

Just let it go Kyrie

My mind argued with me as I stood outside Mr. Charles door completely ignoring kings ideal of talking on a "nice day."

Not sure what a nice day is but I can't keep letting my mind play games with me.King was right, I need to start demanding answers.

"I'm busy, now is not the time just come back tomorrow" he said with a pile of papers and an lose tie around his neck as he tried to shoo me away with a wave of his hand.

He must not know its me, feeling no need to introduce myself i close the door behind me and stand in front of his desk.

"We need to talk"

He didn't even look up from his papers as he let out a rugged sigh

"Kyrie this is not the place to discuss this"

"I know you use to sleep with my mom"

"Look that was a long time ago, why are you bringing it up"

"With all due respect sir For a while now my life has been real shitty and just when I think things are going good these surreal dreams start popping up making me question things that I've tried not to think about.

I watched as he pulled his tie off and began to pace the room with his hand stuck to his hips.

"And what is it that you want from me" he asks


There was a long silence between us

"This, your mother and I had something going on way before she even met your dad. I was your average guy, had a good job that payed, respectable, no kids.. Then I met your mother. She used to work at some local cafe down town, one day she happen to spill my coffee on me and immediately apologized while franticly trying to wipe it off"

He chuckled before going on

"I told her that it was ok of course. I thought it was cute, gave her my number and tipped her with a 20. From there we began talking, talking turned into dates , and dates turned into sex. It wasn't long before I realized that I loved your mother but she obvious didn't feel the same way once I found out that she had been seeing your father behind my back and was 5 months pregnant."

My mother was so unfaithful, she played both of these men, but she did tell me that "no ones perfect." I just wished she was still alive so I could ask why.

" I was heartbroken I was but I couldn't bring myself to stop messing around with her, I felt like there was still love there. And your father always being gone made it easier for me to continue our affair, until

He went silent for a moment

"Until what?" I asked

"Until that faithful day you happened to walk in on us. And I saw you for the first time."

"The first time?"

"Your mother always let me in at night when you were sleeping, and leave afterwards so you wouldn't walk in on us but we both remember how that went. After I saw you I knew I couldn't keep doing this to your mother, my brother, or myself, I had to stop hurting everyone around me. So I left."

"Your brother?"

"Your father is my brother, before she met him I had no idea that he even had something with her. I was close with David, I told him that I was seeing your mother, then he goes behind my back, Impregnates her and Puts a ring on it.

"So my father stole my Mother from you"

As bad as all this sounds This is the perfect time to be drinking some tea.


"Did you know, you were realated to me?"

"When I first saw you in McDonalds, you immediately brought back memories of your mother"

That's weird, everybody tells me I look like my father.

"But it Wasn't until you mentioned my brothers name that I knew we had a connection."

You know what sucks the most about finally having all my questions answered? The person who was in the middle of it all is dead, and so my father. What's the point of all of this if I can't even get their sides of the story. Not saying I don't trust Mr. Excuses me "uncle" Charles but everyone knows there's always 2 sides to a story.

"Thank you very much uncle Charles "

That sounds a lot weirder out loud

"Your welcome niece, only call me Mr. In front of others or in public"

Why would he want to keep this a secret?


"So others won't think I'm showing favoritism just cause your my niece"

"Ok that makes sense"

I picked up my bag and made my way to the elevator

"Hey Kyrie"

"Yes" I turned around

"What did you ever do with the money I gave you?"

How the hell could I forget I had a 20 thousand dollar check in my possession?

"Actually I forgot I had it"

He laughed "that's uncommon, but it's your money, do what you want"

"There's a lot of things in life that will never be answered, but that sure doesn't stop people from trying to figure it out." -mama

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